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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-gg4way public 4way Plots of Differential Expression 2024-12-25
bioconductor-htsfilter public Filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-deformats public Differential gene expression data formats converter 2024-12-25
bioconductor-mlseq public Machine Learning Interface for RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-25
r-htssip public Functions for analyzing high throughput sequencing stable isotope probing (HTS-SIP) data. Analyses include high resolution stable isotope probing (HR-SIP), multi-window high resolution stable isotope probing (MW-HR-SIP), and quantitative stable isotope probing (q-SIP). 2024-12-25
bioconductor-erssa public Empirical RNA-seq Sample Size Analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-degreport public Report of DEG analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-structtoolbox public Data processing & analysis tools for Metabolomics and other omics 2024-12-25
bioconductor-metmashr public Metabolite Mashing with R 2024-12-25
bioconductor-censcyt public Differential abundance analysis with a right censored covariate in high-dimensional cytometry 2024-12-25
bioconductor-treekor public Cytometry Cluster Hierarchy and Cellular-to-phenotype Associations 2024-12-25
bioconductor-micsqtl public MICSQTL (Multi-omic deconvolution, Integration and Cell-type-specific Quantitative Trait Loci) 2024-12-25
bioconductor-gloscope public Population-level Representation on scRNA-Seq data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-aggregatebiovar public Differential Gene Expression Analysis for Multi-subject scRNA-seq 2024-12-25
bioconductor-metaneighbor public Single cell replicability analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-chetah public Fast and accurate scRNA-seq cell type identification 2024-12-25
bioconductor-nebulosa public Single-Cell Data Visualisation Using Kernel Gene-Weighted Density Estimation 2024-12-25
bioconductor-schot public single-cell higher order testing 2024-12-25
bioconductor-tidysinglecellexperiment public Brings SingleCellExperiment to the Tidyverse 2024-12-25
bioconductor-zellkonverter public Conversion Between scRNA-seq Objects 2024-12-25
bioconductor-spotlight public `SPOTlight`: Spatial Transcriptomics Deconvolution 2024-12-24
bioconductor-fishpond public Fishpond: downstream methods and tools for expression data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-scdesign3 public A unified framework of realistic in silico data generation and statistical model inference for single-cell and spatial omics 2024-12-24
bioconductor-trajectoryutils public Single-Cell Trajectory Analysis Utilities 2024-12-24
bioconductor-cogaps public Coordinated Gene Activity in Pattern Sets 2024-12-24
bioconductor-vdjdive public Analysis Tools for 10X V(D)J Data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-screclassify public scReClassify: post hoc cell type classification of single-cell RNA-seq data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-treesummarizedexperiment public TreeSummarizedExperiment: a S4 Class for Data with Tree Structures 2024-12-24
bioconductor-hippo public Heterogeneity-Induced Pre-Processing tOol 2024-12-24
bioconductor-mast public Model-based Analysis of Single Cell Transcriptomics 2024-12-24
bioconductor-rcsl public Rank Constrained Similarity Learning for single cell RNA sequencing data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-sc3 public Single-Cell Consensus Clustering 2024-12-24
bioconductor-clusterfoldsimilarity public Calculate similarity of clusters from different single cell samples using foldchanges 2024-12-24
bioconductor-schex public Hexbin plots for single cell omics data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-cdi public Clustering Deviation Index (CDI) 2024-12-24
bioconductor-rgsepd public Gene Set Enrichment / Projection Displays 2024-12-24
bioconductor-singlecellalleleexperiment public S4 Class for Single Cell Data with Allele and Functional Levels for Immune Genes 2024-12-24
bioconductor-curatedatlasqueryr public Queries the Human Cell Atlas 2024-12-24
bioconductor-smite public Significance-based Modules Integrating the Transcriptome and Epigenome 2024-12-24
bioconductor-scmet public Bayesian modelling of cell-to-cell DNA methylation heterogeneity 2024-12-24
bioconductor-asurat public Functional annotation-driven unsupervised clustering for single-cell data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-epimix public EpiMix: an integrative tool for the population-level analysis of DNA methylation 2024-12-24
bioconductor-clustifyr public Classifier for Single-cell RNA-seq Using Cell Clusters 2024-12-24
bioconductor-epitxdb.sc.saccer3 public Annotation package for EpiTxDb objects 2024-12-24
bioconductor-screpertoire public A toolkit for single-cell immune receptor profiling 2024-12-24
bioconductor-epitxdb.mm.mm10 public Annotation package for EpiTxDb objects 2024-12-24
bioconductor-scmap public A tool for unsupervised projection of single cell RNA-seq data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-epitxdb.hs.hg38 public Annotation package for EpiTxDb objects 2024-12-24
bioconductor-iloreg public ILoReg: a tool for high-resolution cell population identification from scRNA-Seq data 2024-12-24
bioconductor-differentialregulation public Differentially regulated genes from scRNA-seq data 2024-12-24

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