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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-delayedtensor public R package for sparse and out-of-core arithmetic and decomposition of Tensor 2025-01-03
bioconductor-dmelsgi public Experimental data and documented source code for the paper "A Map of Directional Genetic Interactions in a Metazoan Cell" 2025-01-03
bioconductor-experimentsubset public Manages subsets of data with Bioconductor Experiment objects 2025-01-03
bioconductor-gdnax public Diagnostics for assessing genomic DNA contamination in RNA-seq data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-dominoeffect public Identification and Annotation of Protein Hotspot Residues 2025-01-03
taranys public cg/wgMLST allele calling software, schema evaluation and allele distance estimation for outbreak reserch. 2025-01-03
bioconductor-branchpointer public Prediction of intronic splicing branchpoints 2025-01-03
perl-alien-build public Build external dependencies for use in CPAN 2025-01-03
perl-xml-libxml public Interface to Gnome libxml2 xml parsing and DOM library 2025-01-03
perl-alien-libxml2 public Install the C libxml2 library on your system 2025-01-03
bioconductor-busparse public kallisto | bustools R utilities 2025-01-03
bioconductor-decontx public Decontamination of single cell genomics data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-badregionfinder public BadRegionFinder: an R/Bioconductor package for identifying regions with bad coverage 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cydar public Using Mass Cytometry for Differential Abundance Analyses 2025-01-03
bioconductor-biomvrcns public Copy Number study and Segmentation for multivariate biological data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-epigenomix public Epigenetic and gene transcription data normalization and integration with mixture models 2025-01-03
bioconductor-beachmat.hdf5 public beachmat bindings for HDF5-backed matrices 2025-01-03
bioconductor-degnorm public DegNorm: degradation normalization for RNA-seq data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-arrayqualitymetrics public Quality metrics report for microarray data sets 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cellbench public Construct Benchmarks for Single Cell Analysis Methods 2025-01-03
bioconductor-descan2 public Differential Enrichment Scan 2 2025-01-03
bioconductor-fourdndata public 4DN data package 2025-01-03
bioconductor-daglogo public dagLogo: a Bioconductor package for visualizing conserved amino acid sequence pattern in groups based on probability theory 2025-01-03
bioconductor-enhancerhomologsearch public Identification of putative mammalian orthologs to given enhancer 2025-01-03
bioconductor-drugtargetinteractions public Drug-Target Interactions 2025-01-03
bioconductor-findit2 public find influential TF and Target based on multi-omics data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-biocpkgtools public Collection of simple tools for learning about Bioconductor Packages 2025-01-03
bioconductor-genegeneinter public Tools for Testing Gene-Gene Interaction at the Gene Level 2025-01-03
bioconductor-flowsom public Using self-organizing maps for visualization and interpretation of cytometry data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-atsnp public Affinity test for identifying regulatory SNPs 2025-01-03
bioconductor-desousa2013 public Poor prognosis colon cancer is defined by a molecularly distinct subtype and precursor lesion 2025-01-03
bioconductor-curatedtbdata public Curation of existing tuberculosis transcriptomic studies 2025-01-03
bioconductor-easylift public An R package to perform genomic liftover 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cnvpanelizer public Reliable CNV detection in targeted sequencing applications 2025-01-03
bioconductor-genenetworkbuilder public GeneNetworkBuilder: a bioconductor package for building regulatory network using ChIP-chip/ChIP-seq data and Gene Expression Data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-bnbc public Bandwise normalization and batch correction of Hi-C data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-fgga public Hierarchical ensemble method based on factor graph 2025-01-03
bioconductor-drugvsdisease public Comparison of disease and drug profiles using Gene set Enrichment Analysis 2025-01-03
bioconductor-corral public Correspondence Analysis for Single Cell Data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-filterffpe public FFPE Artificial Chimeric Read Filter for NGS data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-eventpointer public An effective identification of alternative splicing events using junction arrays and RNA-Seq data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-dnazoodata public DNA Zoo data package 2025-01-03
bioconductor-eudysbiome public Cartesian plot and contingency test on 16S Microbial data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-bioplex public R-side access to BioPlex protein-protein interaction data 2025-01-03
bioconductor-generegionscan public GeneRegionScan 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cellbaser public Querying annotation data from the high performance Cellbase web 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cimice public CIMICE-R: (Markov) Chain Method to Inferr Cancer Evolution 2025-01-03
bioconductor-flowfp public Fingerprinting for Flow Cytometry 2025-01-03
bioconductor-dnafusion public Identification of gene fusions using paired-end sequencing 2025-01-03
bioconductor-bags public A Bayesian Approach for Geneset Selection 2025-01-03

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