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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-tissueenrich public Tissue-specific gene enrichment analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-slalom public Factorial Latent Variable Modeling of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gep2pep public Creation and Analysis of Pathway Expression Profiles (PEPs) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-netsmooth public Network smoothing for scRNAseq 2024-12-27
bioconductor-sparrow public Take command of set enrichment analyses through a unified interface 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mlinterfaces public Uniform interfaces to R machine learning procedures for data in Bioconductor containers 2024-12-27
bioconductor-protgear public Protein Micro Array Data Management and Interactive Visualization 2024-12-27
bioconductor-covrna public Multivariate Analysis of Transcriptomic Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-genemeta public MetaAnalysis for High Throughput Experiments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-ihwpaper public Reproduce figures in IHW paper 2024-12-27
bioconductor-peca public Probe-level Expression Change Averaging 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tilingarray public Transcript mapping with high-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays 2024-12-27
bioconductor-classifyr public A framework for cross-validated classification problems, with applications to differential variability and differential distribution testing 2024-12-27
r-sartools public Statistical Analysis of RNA-Seq data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cntools public Convert segment data into a region by sample matrix to allow for other high level computational analyses. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-a4base public Automated Affymetrix Array Analysis Base Package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-annmap public Genome annotation and visualisation package pertaining to Affymetrix arrays and NGS analysis. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-spatialheatmap public spatialHeatmap 2024-12-27
bioconductor-zinbwave public Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Model for RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-nbamseq public Negative Binomial Additive Model for RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-27
r-orqa public Assess repeatability, accuracy and corss-platform agreement of titration microarray data based on order restricted inference procedures 2024-12-27
bioconductor-countsimqc public Compare Characteristic Features of Count Data Sets 2024-12-27
bioconductor-predasampledata public expression and copy number data on clear cell renal carcinoma samples 2024-12-27
bioconductor-sim public Integrated Analysis on two human genomic datasets 2024-12-27
bioconductor-biseq public Processing and analyzing bisulfite sequencing data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-fastliquidassociation public functions for genome-wide application of Liquid Association 2024-12-27
bioconductor-padog public Pathway Analysis with Down-weighting of Overlapping Genes (PADOG) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mapredictdsc public Phenotype prediction using microarray data: approach of the best overall team in the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge 2024-12-27
bioconductor-humanstemcell public Human Stem Cells time course experiment 2024-12-27
bioconductor-keggorthology public graph support for KO, KEGG Orthology 2024-12-27
bioconductor-neve2006 public expression and CGH data on breast cancer cell lines 2024-12-27
bioconductor-kegglincs public Visualize all edges within a KEGG pathway and overlay LINCS data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-sbgnview public "SBGNview: Data Analysis, Integration and Visualization on SBGN Pathways" 2024-12-27
bioconductor-dose public Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rcpi public Molecular Informatics Toolkit for Compound-Protein Interaction in Drug Discovery 2024-12-27
bioconductor-translatome public Comparison between multiple levels of gene expression 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rrvgo public Reduce + Visualize GO 2024-12-27
bioconductor-spsimseq public Semi-parametric simulation tool for bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tin public Transcriptome instability analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-diffcoexp public Differential Co-expression Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mcbiclust public Massive correlating biclusters for gene expression data and associated methods 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gwena public Pipeline for augmented co-expression analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-csdr public Differential gene co-expression 2024-12-27
bioconductor-bionar public Biological Network Analysis in R 2024-12-27
perl-specio public Type constraints and coercions for Perl 2024-12-27
bioconductor-multiwgcna public multiWGCNA 2024-12-27
bioconductor-flagme public Analysis of Metabolomics GC/MS Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-webbioc public Bioconductor Web Interface 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mait public Statistical Analysis of Metabolomic Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cellity public Quality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data 2024-12-27

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