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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-genefu public Computation of Gene Expression-Based Signatures in Breast Cancer 2023-12-05
bioconductor-netdx public Network-based patient classifier 2023-12-05
bioconductor-beadarraysnp public Normalization and reporting of Illumina SNP bead arrays 2023-12-05
bioconductor-iterclust public Iterative Clustering 2023-12-05
bioconductor-psea public Population-Specific Expression Analysis. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-metagenomeseq public Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing 2023-12-05
bioconductor-antiprofilesdata public Normal colon and cancer preprocessed affy data for antiProfile building. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-pcxndata public Correlation coefficients and p values between pre-defined pathway/gene sets 2023-12-05
bioconductor-geneplast.data.string.v91 public The package geneplast.data.string.v91 contains input data used in the analysis pipelines available in the geneplast package. 2023-12-05
olga public OLGA (Optimized Likelihood estimate of immunoGlobulin Amino-acid sequences) is a python 2.7/3.6 software developed to compute the generation probability of amino acid and in-frame nucleotide CDR3 sequences from a generative model of V(D)J recombination. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-curatedcrcdata public Colorectal Cancer Gene Expression Analysis 2023-12-05
bioconductor-msstatstmt public Protein Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling 2023-12-05
phantasm public PHANTASM: PHylogenomic ANalyses for the TAxonomy and Systematics of Microbes 2023-12-04
bioconductor-biodbmirbase public biodbMirbase, a library for connecting to miRBase mature database 2023-12-04
bioconductor-biodbkegg public biodbKegg, a library for connecting to the KEGG Database 2023-12-04
bioconductor-biodblipidmaps public biodbLipidmaps, a library for connecting to the Lipidmaps Structure database 2023-12-04
bioconductor-biodbexpasy public biodbExpasy, a library for connecting to Expasy ENZYME database. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-gaggle public Broadcast data between R and Gaggle 2023-12-04
bioconductor-reactomegraph4r public Interface for the Reactome Graph Database 2023-12-04
bioconductor-gosummaries public Word cloud summaries of GO enrichment analysis 2023-12-04
bioconductor-lpeadj public A correction of the local pooled error (LPE) method to replace the asymptotic variance adjustment with an unbiased adjustment based on sample size. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-moda public MODA: MOdule Differential Analysis for weighted gene co-expression network 2023-12-04
bioconductor-ebseqhmm public Bayesian analysis for identifying gene or isoform expression changes in ordered RNA-seq experiments 2023-12-04
bioconductor-correp public Multivariate Correlation Estimator and Statistical Inference Procedures. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-summix public Summix: A method to estimate and adjust for population structure in genetic summary data 2023-12-04
bioconductor-smap public A Segmental Maximum A Posteriori Approach to Array-CGH Copy Number Profiling 2023-12-03
bioconductor-paxtoolsr public Access Pathways from Multiple Databases Through BioPAX and Pathway Commons 2023-12-03
bioconductor-squadd public Add-on of the SQUAD Software 2023-12-03
bioconductor-rdgidb public R Wrapper for DGIdb 2023-12-03
bioconductor-reactomecontentservice4r public Interface for the Reactome Content Service 2023-12-03
bioconductor-panviz public Integrating Multi-Omic Network Data With Summay-Level GWAS Data 2023-12-03
bioconductor-isanalytics public Analyze gene therapy vector insertion sites data identified from genomics next generation sequencing reads for clonal tracking studies 2023-12-03
bioconductor-suprahex public supraHex: a supra-hexagonal map for analysing tabular omics data 2023-12-03
bioconductor-mitch public Multi-Contrast Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 2023-12-03
bioconductor-bhc public Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering 2023-12-03
bioconductor-mqmetrics public Quality Control of Protemics Data 2023-12-03
bioconductor-typeinfo public Optional Type Specification Prototype 2023-12-03
shortseq public \ ShortSeqs are compact and efficient Python objects that hold short sequences while using up to 73% less memory compared to built-in types. They have a pre-computed hash value, can be compared for equality, and are easily converted back to the original sequence string. 2023-12-03
r-ramclustr public A feature clustering algorithm for non-targeted mass spectrometric metabolomics data. This method is compatible with gas and liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry, including indiscriminant tandem mass spectrometry data <DOI: 10.1021/ac501530d>. 2023-12-02
jass public Computation of joint statistics over sets of GWAS results 2023-12-02
lrsim public Simulator for 10X Genomics Linked Reads 2023-12-02
gotree public gotree is a set of command line tools to manipulate phylogenetic trees 2023-11-29
guidemaker public GuideMaker: Software to design gRNAs pools in non-model genomes and CRISPR-Cas systems 2023-11-29
jgoslin public This project is a parser, validator and normalizer for shorthand lipid names, based on the Goslin project. 2023-11-28
visor public Haplotype-aware structural variants simulator for short, long and linked reads 2023-11-28
cstag-cli public Command line interface of cstag to manipulate the minimap2's CS tag 2023-11-25
gunc public Python package for detection of chimerism and contamination in prokaryotic genomes. 2023-11-24
anansnake public Automated ANANSE analysis with seq2science & snakemake! 2023-11-23
iphop public Predict host genus from genomes of uncultivated phages. 2023-11-22
gimmemotifs public Motif prediction pipeline and various motif-related tools 2023-11-22

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