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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-spacepac public Identification of Mutational Clusters in 3D Protein Space via Simulation. 2023-12-08
bioconductor-rnamodr.data public Example data for the RNAmodR package 2023-12-08
bioconductor-exomepeak2 public Peak Calling and differential analysis for MeRIP-Seq 2023-12-08
bioconductor-assessorfdata public Data and Files for the AssessORF Package 2023-12-08
bioconductor-ahensdbs public EnsDbs for AnnotationHub 2023-12-08
insilicosv public Simulator for complex structural variants 2023-12-08
bioconductor-seq2pathway public a novel tool for functional gene-set (or termed as pathway) analysis of next-generation sequencing data 2023-12-08
bioconductor-microbiomedasim public Microbiome Differential Abundance Simulation 2023-12-08
bioconductor-mmappr2data public Sample Data for MMAPPR2 2023-12-08
bioconductor-nanoporernaseq public Nanopore RNA-Seq Example data 2023-12-08
bioconductor-mousegastrulationdata public Single-Cell -omics Data across Mouse Gastrulation and Early Organogenesis 2023-12-08
bioconductor-chic.data public ChIC package data 2023-12-08
bioconductor-restfulsedata public Example metadata for the "restfulSE" R package 2023-12-08
bioconductor-mafh5.gnomad.v3.1.2.grch38 public Minor allele frequency data from gnomAD version 3.1.2 for GRCh38 2023-12-08
pegs public Peak-set Enrichment of Gene-Sets (PEGS) 2023-12-08
bioconductor-cellarepertorium public Data structures, clustering and testing for single cell immune receptor repertoires (scRNAseq RepSeq/AIRR-seq) 2023-12-08
lorikeet-genome public Metagenomic Variant Calling & Diversity Analysis 2023-12-08
bioconductor-polyester public Simulate RNA-seq reads 2023-12-07
bioconductor-msstatsptm public Statistical Characterization of Post-translational Modifications 2023-12-07
bioconductor-seqarchr public Identify Different Architectures of Sequence Elements 2023-12-07
bioconductor-ipac public Identification of Protein Amino acid Clustering 2023-12-07
bioconductor-seqbias public Estimation of per-position bias in high-throughput sequencing data 2023-12-07
bioconductor-rfarm public An R interface to the Rfam database 2023-12-07
bioconductor-pi public Leveraging Genetic Evidence to Prioritise Drug Targets at the Gene and Pathway Level 2023-12-07
bioconductor-transview public Read density map construction and accession. Visualization of ChIPSeq and RNASeq data sets 2023-12-07
bioconductor-nempi public Inferring unobserved perturbations from gene expression data 2023-12-07
bioconductor-mmuphin public Meta-analysis Methods with Uniform Pipeline for Heterogeneity in Microbiome Studies 2023-12-07
fairease-source public SOURCE: Sea Observations Utility for Reprocessing, Calibration and Evaluation 2023-12-07
bioconductor-nondetects public Non-detects in qPCR data 2023-12-07
bioconductor-epinem public epiNEM 2023-12-07
bioconductor-randomwalkrestartmh public Random walk with restart on multiplex and heterogeneous Networks 2023-12-06
bioconductor-bioconcotk public Bioconductor components for general cancer genomics 2023-12-06
bioconductor-dialignr public Dynamic Programming Based Alignment of MS2 Chromatograms 2023-12-06
bioconductor-biochail public basilisk and hail 2023-12-06
bioconductor-msd16s public Healthy and moderate to severe diarrhea 16S expression data 2023-12-06
bioconductor-mbqtl public mbQTL: A package for SNP-Taxa mGWAS analysis 2023-12-06
bioconductor-etec16s public Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment 2023-12-06
bioconductor-pcxn public Exploring, analyzing and visualizing functions utilizing the pcxnData package 2023-12-06
campyagainst public Accurate assignment of ANI genomic species to Campylobacter genomes. 2023-12-06
bioconductor-infinityflow public Augmenting Massively Parallel Cytometry Experiments Using Multivariate Non-Linear Regressions 2023-12-06
bioconductor-htqpcr public Automated analysis of high-throughput qPCR data 2023-12-06
bioconductor-autonomics public Generifying and intuifying cross-platform omics analysis 2023-12-06
bioconductor-pwomics public Pathway-based data integration of omics data 2023-12-05
bioconductor-mapkldata public Gene expression data for testing of the package mAPKL. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-hpo.db public A set of annotation maps describing the entire Human Phenotype Ontology 2023-12-05
bioconductor-seqcna.annot public Annotation for the copy number analysis of deep sequencing cancer data with seqCNA 2023-12-05
bioconductor-evaluomer public Evaluation of Bioinformatics Metrics 2023-12-05
bioconductor-pasillatranscriptexpr public Data package with transcript expression obtained with kallisto from pasilla knock-down RNA-Seq data from Brooks et al. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-stjudem public Microarray Data from Yeoh et al. in MACAT format 2023-12-05
bioconductor-genefu public Computation of Gene Expression-Based Signatures in Breast Cancer 2023-12-05

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