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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-txdb.cfamiliaris.ucsc.canfam6.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-28
bioconductor-txdb.mmusculus.ucsc.mm10.knowngene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-28
bioconductor-gmoviz public Seamless visualization of complex genomic variations in GMOs and edited cell lines 2024-12-28
bioconductor-geneattribution public Identification of candidate genes associated with genetic variation 2024-12-28
r-consensustme public ConsensusTME is a consensus based approach to generating cancer specific gene sets for multiple cell types found within the tumour microenvironment. This package allows access to these genesets and provides a wrapper for using these gene sets with various statistical frameworks to generate normalised enrichment scores. These can be used to identify relative quantities of cell types across multiple samples. 2024-12-28
bioconductor-txdb.btaurus.ucsc.bostau8.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-28
bioconductor-guitar public Guitar 2024-12-28
bioconductor-homo.sapiens public Contains the Homo.sapiens object to access data from several related annotation packages. 2024-12-28
bioconductor-tress public Toolbox for mRNA epigenetics sequencing analysis 2024-12-28
bioconductor-hicdcplus public Hi-C Direct Caller Plus 2024-12-28
bioconductor-cpvsnp public Gene set analysis methods for SNP association p-values that lie in genes in given gene sets 2024-12-28
bioconductor-txdb.scerevisiae.ucsc.saccer3.sgdgene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-28
bioconductor-ivas public Identification of genetic Variants affecting Alternative Splicing 2024-12-28
bioconductor-cytopipelinegui public GUI's for visualization of flow cytometry data analysis pipelines 2024-12-28
bioconductor-variantannotation public Annotation of Genetic Variants 2024-12-28
bioconductor-cytomds public Low Dimensions projection of cytometry samples 2024-12-28
bioconductor-casper public Characterization of Alternative Splicing based on Paired-End Reads 2024-12-28
bioconductor-phenotest public Tools to test association between gene expression and phenotype in a way that is efficient, structured, fast and scalable. We also provide tools to do GSEA (Gene set enrichment analysis) and copy number variation. 2024-12-28
bioconductor-genextender public Optimized Functional Annotation Of ChIP-seq Data 2024-12-28
bioconductor-maftools public Summarize, Analyze and Visualize MAF Files 2024-12-28
bioconductor-cytopipeline public Automation and visualization of flow cytometry data analysis pipelines 2024-12-28
bioconductor-cellbarcode public Cellular DNA Barcode Analysis toolkit 2024-12-28
bioconductor-flowgate public Interactive Cytometry Gating in R 2024-12-28
bioconductor-flowvs public Variance stabilization in flow cytometry (and microarrays) 2024-12-28
bioconductor-ggcyto public Visualize Cytometry data with ggplot 2024-12-28
bioconductor-flowstats public Statistical methods for the analysis of flow cytometry data 2024-12-28
r-autospill public AutoSpill algorithm for calculating spillover coefficients to compensate or unmix high-parameter flow cytometry data. 2024-12-28
bioconductor-peacoqc public Peak-based selection of high quality cytometry data 2024-12-28
control-freec public Copy number and genotype annotation from whole genome and whole exome sequencing data. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rtracklayer public R interface to genome annotation files and the UCSC genome browser 2024-12-27
bioconductor-genomicalignments public Representation and manipulation of short genomic alignments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-csaw public ChIP-Seq Analysis with Windows 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rhtslib public HTSlib high-throughput sequencing library as an R package 2024-12-27
r-spp public Analysis of ChIP-seq and other functional sequencing data [Kharchenko PV (2008) <DOI:10.1038/nbt.1508>]. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rfastp public An Ultra-Fast and All-in-One Fastq Preprocessor (Quality Control, Adapter, low quality and polyX trimming) and UMI Sequence Parsing). 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rsamtools public Binary alignment (BAM), FASTA, variant call (BCF), and tabix file import 2024-12-27
bioconductor-bamsignals public Extract read count signals from bam files 2024-12-27
bioconductor-netpathminer public NetPathMiner for Biological Network Construction, Path Mining and Visualization 2024-12-27
bioconductor-wavcluster public Sensitive and highly resolved identification of RNA-protein interaction sites in PAR-CLIP data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.ptroglodytes.ucsc.pantro4.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.mmusculus.ucsc.mm39.knowngene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-fdb.ucsc.snp135common.hg19 public makeFeatureDbFromUCSC cannot cope with this track, hence a package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-fdb.ucsc.snp137common.hg19 public makeFeatureDbFromUCSC cannot cope with this track, hence a package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tcgautils public TCGA utility functions for data management 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.ggallus.ucsc.galgal4.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.dmelanogaster.ucsc.dm3.ensgene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
bioconductor-annotationhubdata public Transform public data resources into Bioconductor Data Structures 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.mmulatta.ucsc.rhemac3.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg38.knowngene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg19.knowngene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27

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