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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cannoli public Distributed execution of bioinformatics tools on Apache Spark 2024-01-05
adam public Genomics analysis platform built on Apache Avro, Apache Spark, and Apache Parquet 2024-01-05
bioconductor-starbiotrek public StarBioTrek 2023-12-22
bioconductor-starank public Stability Ranking 2023-12-22
bioconductor-rnainteract public Estimate Pairwise Interactions from multidimensional features 2023-12-22
bioconductor-simbindprofiles public Similar Binding Profiles 2023-12-22
bioconductor-spidermir public SpidermiR: An R/Bioconductor package for integrative network analysis with miRNA data 2023-12-21
igdiscover public Analyze antibody repertoires and discover new V genes 2023-12-20
bioconductor-motifbreakr public A Package For Predicting The Disruptiveness Of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms On Transcription Factor Binding Sites 2023-12-20
bioconductor-psygenet2r public psygenet2r - An R package for querying PsyGeNET and to perform comorbidity studies in psychiatric disorders 2023-12-20
bioconductor-ringo public R Investigation of ChIP-chip Oligoarrays 2023-12-19
bioconductor-bgeedb public Annotation and gene expression data retrieval from Bgee database. TopAnat, an anatomical entities Enrichment Analysis tool for UBERON ontology 2023-12-19
bioconductor-cellhts2 public Analysis of cell-based screens - revised version of cellHTS 2023-12-19
illumina-utils public A library and collection of scripts to work with Illumina paired-end data (for CASAVA 1.8+). 2023-12-16
bioconductor-chromstar public Combinatorial and Differential Chromatin State Analysis for ChIP-Seq Data 2023-12-16
bioconductor-funchip public Clustering and Alignment of ChIP-Seq peaks based on their shapes 2023-12-16
sequana public A set of standalone application and snakemake pipelines dedicated to NGS (new generation sequencing) analysis 2023-12-13
bioconductor-yapsa public Yet Another Package for Signature Analysis 2023-12-13
bioconductor-dmrcatedata public Data Package for DMRcate 2023-12-12
bioconductor-macat public MicroArray Chromosome Analysis Tool 2023-12-12
bioconductor-splinter public Splice Interpreter of Transcripts 2023-12-12
bioconductor-metabosignal public MetaboSignal: a network-based approach to overlay and explore metabolic and signaling KEGG pathways 2023-12-12
bioconductor-rarevariantvis public A suite for analysis of rare genomic variants in whole genome sequencing data 2023-12-12
bioconductor-interminer public R Interface with InterMine-Powered Databases 2023-12-12
bioconductor-risa public Converting experimental metadata from ISA-tab into Bioconductor data structures 2023-12-11
bioconductor-quartpac public Identification of mutational clusters in protein quaternary structures. 2023-12-11
bioconductor-elmer public Inferring Regulatory Element Landscapes and Transcription Factor Networks Using Cancer Methylomes 2023-12-10
bioconductor-geometadb public A compilation of metadata from NCBI GEO 2023-12-10
bioconductor-sradb public A compilation of metadata from NCBI SRA and tools 2023-12-10
bioconductor-ensemblvep public R Interface to Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor 2023-12-09
bioconductor-consensusov public Gene expression-based subtype classification for high-grade serous ovarian cancer 2023-12-09
bioconductor-graphpac public Identification of Mutational Clusters in Proteins via a Graph Theoretical Approach. 2023-12-08
bioconductor-spacepac public Identification of Mutational Clusters in 3D Protein Space via Simulation. 2023-12-08
bioconductor-seq2pathway public a novel tool for functional gene-set (or termed as pathway) analysis of next-generation sequencing data 2023-12-08
bioconductor-ipac public Identification of Protein Amino acid Clustering 2023-12-07
bioconductor-transview public Read density map construction and accession. Visualization of ChIPSeq and RNASeq data sets 2023-12-07
bioconductor-nondetects public Non-detects in qPCR data 2023-12-07
bioconductor-htqpcr public Automated analysis of high-throughput qPCR data 2023-12-06
bioconductor-pwomics public Pathway-based data integration of omics data 2023-12-05
bioconductor-genefu public Computation of Gene Expression-Based Signatures in Breast Cancer 2023-12-05
bioconductor-beadarraysnp public Normalization and reporting of Illumina SNP bead arrays 2023-12-05
bioconductor-psea public Population-Specific Expression Analysis. 2023-12-05
bioconductor-metagenomeseq public Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing 2023-12-05
bioconductor-lpeadj public A correction of the local pooled error (LPE) method to replace the asymptotic variance adjustment with an unbiased adjustment based on sample size. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-correp public Multivariate Correlation Estimator and Statistical Inference Procedures. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-smap public A Segmental Maximum A Posteriori Approach to Array-CGH Copy Number Profiling 2023-12-03
bioconductor-squadd public Add-on of the SQUAD Software 2023-12-03
bioconductor-rdgidb public R Wrapper for DGIdb 2023-12-03
bioconductor-suprahex public supraHex: a supra-hexagonal map for analysing tabular omics data 2023-12-03
bioconductor-bhc public Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering 2023-12-03

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