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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
wfmash public a pangenome-scale aligner 2024-09-02
blast2galaxy public A Python package with a CLI and API to perform BLAST queries against Galaxy servers 2024-09-02
lexicmap public efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomes 2024-09-01
tigmint public Correct misassemblies using linked or long reads 2024-09-01
oarfish public oarfish is a tool for fast, accurate and versatile transcript quantification from long-read RNA-seq data 2024-08-31
python-bioext public A few handy bioinformatics tools not already in BioPython 2024-08-31
scoring-matrices public Dependency free, Cython-compatible scoring matrices to use with biological sequences. 2024-08-31
sorted_nearest public Find nearest interval. 2024-08-30
flye public A fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs. 2024-08-30
dbcanlight public A lightweight CAZyme annotation tool 2024-08-30
samestr public SameStr identifies shared strains between pairs of metagenomic samples based on the similarity of SNV profiles. 2024-08-30
fastahack public No Summary 2024-08-30
ezomero public A module with convenience functions for writing Python code that interacts with OMERO 2024-08-30
ntm-profiler public Profiling tool for NTM to detect species and resistance from WGS data 2024-08-30
pathogen-profiler public Library giving access to classes and functions to create a profiling tool to look for mutations from NGS data. 2024-08-30
inspector public Accurate long-read de novo assembly evaluation with Inspector 2024-08-30
evidencemodeler public Evidence Modeler combines ab intio gene predictions, protein alignments, and transcript alignments into weighted consensus gene structures 2024-08-30
vcontact3 public Viral Contig Automatic Clustering and Taxonomy 2024-08-29
kegalign-full public KegAlign: A Scalable GPU-Based Whole Genome Aligner 2024-08-29
cnmf public Consensus NMF for scRNA-Seq data. 2024-08-29
lotus2 public LotuS2 is a lightweight complete 16S/18S/ITS pipeline 2024-08-29
anndata2ri public Convert between AnnData and SingleCellExperiment 2024-08-29
assembly_finder public Snakemake-powered cli pipeline to download genomes with NCBI datasets 2024-08-29
r-cobrar public COnstraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA) of metabolic networks in R 2024-08-29
wisecondorx public WIthin-SamplE COpy Number aberration DetectOR, including sex chromosomes 2024-08-29
pango-collapse public Collapse Pango sublineages up to user defined parent lineages. 2024-08-29
sepp public SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement 2024-08-29
lsabgc public lsaBGC-Pan - refined workflow for pan-BGC-omic evolutionary investigations. 2024-08-28
trimal public A tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment 2024-08-28
ucsc-fatotwobit public Convert DNA from fasta to 2bit format 2024-08-28
ucsc-bigwigsummary public Extract summary information from a bigWig file. 2024-08-28
pygcap public Python package for probe-based gene cluster finding in large microbial genome database. 2024-08-28
spoa public SIMD partial order alignment tool/library 2024-08-28
meme public Motif-based sequence analysis tools. 2024-08-28
methbat public A battery of methylation tools for PacBio HiFi reads 2024-08-28
ucsc-catdir public concatenate files in directory to stdout. 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadoutjoined public load new style (2014) RepeatMasker .out files into database 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedremoveoverlap public Remove overlapping records from a (sorted) bed file. Gets rid of 2024-08-27
ucsc-maffetch public get overlapping records from an MAF using an index table 2024-08-27
ucsc-gff3togenepred public convert a GFF3 file to a genePred file 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslsort public Merge and sort psCluster .psl output files 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedrestricttopositions public Filter bed file, restricting to only ones that match chrom/start/ends specified in restrict.bed file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-netsplit public Split a genome net file into chromosome net files 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainsort public Sort chains. By default sorts by score. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph public Convert from bigWig to bedGraph format. 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredtogtf public Convert genePred table or file to gtf. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslcheck public validate PSL files 2024-08-27
ucsc-dbsnoop public Produce an overview of a database. 2024-08-27
ucsc-paranodestatus public version 12.18 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadout public load RepeatMasker .out files into database 2024-08-27

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