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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-openprimer public Multiplex PCR Primer Design and Analysis 2024-12-20
bioconductor-seqvartools public Tools for variant data 2024-12-20
bioconductor-msa2dist public MSA2dist calculates pairwise distances between all sequences of a DNAStringSet or a AAStringSet using a custom score matrix and conducts codon based analysis 2024-12-20
bioconductor-gdsarray public Representing GDS files as array-like objects 2024-12-20
cpgeneprofiler public Generate a profile of carbapenamase genes from the genome assemblies. 2024-12-20
bioconductor-ggmanh public Visualization Tool for GWAS Result 2024-12-20
bioconductor-summarizedexperiment public A container (S4 class) for matrix-like assays 2024-12-20
bioconductor-assessorf public Assess Gene Predictions Using Proteomics and Evolutionary Conservation 2024-12-20
bioconductor-qsutils public Quasispecies Diversity 2024-12-20
bioconductor-sangerseqr public Tools for Sanger Sequencing Data in R 2024-12-20
bioconductor-clusterseq public Clustering of high-throughput sequencing data by identifying co-expression patterns 2024-12-20
bioconductor-procoil public Prediction of Oligomerization of Coiled Coil Proteins 2024-12-20
bioconductor-pwmenrich.mmusculus.background public M. musculus background for PWMEnrich 2024-12-20
bioconductor-annotationdbi public Manipulation of SQLite-based annotations in Bioconductor 2024-12-20
r-ggmsa public Supports visualizing multiple sequence alignment of DNA and protein sequences using 'ggplot2'. It supports a number of colour schemes, including Chemistry, Clustal, Shapely, Taylor and Zappo. Multiple sequence alignment can easily be combined with other 'ggplot2' plots, such as aligning a phylogenetic tree produced by 'ggtree' with multiple sequence alignment. 2024-12-20
bioconductor-fella public Interpretation and enrichment for metabolomics data 2024-12-20
bioconductor-delayedmatrixstats public Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of 'DelayedMatrix' Objects 2024-12-20
bioconductor-motiftestr public Perform key tests for binding motifs in sequence data 2024-12-20
bioconductor-synextend public Tools for Working With Synteny Objects 2024-12-20
bioconductor-lymphoseq public Analyze high-throughput sequencing of T and B cell receptors 2024-12-20
bioconductor-compounddb public Creating and Using (Chemical) Compound Annotation Databases 2024-12-20
bioconductor-melissa public Bayesian clustering and imputationa of single cell methylomes 2024-12-20
bioconductor-ggmsa public Plot Multiple Sequence Alignment using 'ggplot2' 2024-12-20
bioconductor-cnvgsadata public Data used in the vignette of the cnvGSA package 2024-12-20
bioconductor-odseq public Outlier detection in multiple sequence alignments 2024-12-20
bioconductor-orthogene public Interspecies gene mapping 2024-12-20
bioconductor-pwmenrich.dmelanogaster.background public D. melanogaster background for PWMEnrich 2024-12-20
bioconductor-harshlight public A "corrective make-up" program for microarray chips 2024-12-20
bioconductor-lintind public Lineage tracing by indels 2024-12-20
bioconductor-pwmenrich.hsapiens.background public H. sapiens background for PWMEnrich 2024-12-20
bioconductor-delayeddataframe public Delayed operation on DataFrame using standard DataFrame metaphor 2024-12-20
bioconductor-ggseqalign public Minimal Visualization of Sequence Alignments 2024-12-20
tobias public Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal 2024-12-20
novae public Graph-based foundation model for spatial transcriptomics data 2024-12-20
midsv public Python module to convert SAM to MIDSV format. 2024-12-20
bioconductor-csar public Statistical tools for the analysis of ChIP-seq data 2024-12-20
bioconductor-structstrings public Implementation of the dot bracket annotations with Biostrings 2024-12-20
bioconductor-medme public Modelling Experimental Data from MeDIP Enrichment 2024-12-20
blast public BLAST+ is a new suite of BLAST tools that utilizes the NCBI C++ Toolkit. 2024-12-20
bioconductor-drimseq public Differential transcript usage and tuQTL analyses with Dirichlet-multinomial model in RNA-seq 2024-12-20
bioconductor-reusedata public Reusable and reproducible Data Management 2024-12-20
clair3-illumina public Clair3 with libraries to support variant calling using Illumina short-reads. Version in sync with Clair3. 2024-12-20
bioconductor-sarks public Suffix Array Kernel Smoothing for discovery of correlative sequence motifs and multi-motif domains 2024-12-20
bioconductor-ngsreports public Load FastqQC reports and other NGS related files 2024-12-20
bioconductor-confess public Cell OrderiNg by FluorEScence Signal 2024-12-20
bioconductor-rnbeads.mm9 public RnBeads.mm9 2024-12-20
bioconductor-synmut public SynMut: Designing Synonymously Mutated Sequences with Different Genomic Signatures 2024-12-20
bioconductor-rhinotyper public Rhinovirus genotyping 2024-12-20
bioconductor-metcirc public Navigating mass spectral similarity in high-resolution MS/MS metabolomics data metabolomics data 2024-12-20
bioconductor-sigfuge public SigFuge 2024-12-19

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