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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pyslow5 public slow5lib Python binding 2024-12-15
mgems public mGEMS - sequencing data binning based on probabilistic classification 2024-12-15
kissplice public A local transcriptome assembler for SNPs, indels and AS events 2024-12-15
r-phylomeasures public Given a phylogenetic tree T and an assemblage S of species represented as a subset of tips in T, we want to compute a measure of the diversity of the species in S with respect to T. The current package offers efficient algorithms that can process large phylogenetic data for several such measures. Most importantly, the package includes algorithms for computing efficiently the standardized versions of phylogenetic measures and their p-values, which are essential for null model comparisons. Among other functions, the package provides efficient computation of richness-standardized versions for indices such as the net relatedness index (NRI), nearest taxon index (NTI), phylogenetic diversity index (PDI), and the corresponding indices of two-sample measures. The package also introduces a new single-sample measure, the Core Ancestor Cost (CAC); the package provides functions for computing the value and the standardised index of the CAC and, more than that, there is an extra function available that can compute exactly any statistical moment of the measure. The package supports computations under different null models, including abundance-weighted models. 2024-12-15
ancestry_hmm public Software for local ancestry inference 2024-12-15
bioconductor-biocneighbors public Nearest Neighbor Detection for Bioconductor Packages 2024-12-15
bioconductor-lfa public Logistic Factor Analysis for Categorical Data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-linnorm public Linear model and normality based normalization and transformation method (Linnorm) 2024-12-15
perl-crypt-openssl-rsa public RSA encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries 2024-12-15
bioconductor-veloviz public VeloViz: RNA-velocity informed 2D embeddings for visualizing cell state trajectories 2024-12-15
bioconductor-alevinqc public Generate QC Reports For Alevin Output 2024-12-15
bioconductor-redisparam public Provide a 'redis' back-end for BiocParallel 2024-12-15
bioconductor-oscope public Oscope - A statistical pipeline for identifying oscillatory genes in unsynchronized single cell RNA-seq 2024-12-15
bioconductor-emdomics public Earth Mover's Distance for Differential Analysis of Genomics Data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-scbubbletree public Quantitative visual exploration of scRNA-seq data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-screcover public scRecover for imputation of single-cell RNA-seq data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-alphabeta public Computational inference of epimutation rates and spectra from high-throughput DNA methylation data in plants 2024-12-15
bioconductor-bus public Gene network reconstruction 2024-12-15
bioconductor-pcan public Phenotype Consensus ANalysis (PCAN) 2024-12-15
hmmcopy public C++ based programs for analyzing BAM files and preparing read counts -- used with bioconductor-hmmcopy 2024-12-15
bioconductor-depinfer public Inferring tumor-specific cancer dependencies through integrating ex-vivo drug response assays and drug-protein profiling 2024-12-15
splicemap public Detects splice junctions from RNA-seq data. This method does not depend on any existing annotation of gene structures and is capable of finding novel splice junctions with high sensitivity and specificity. It can handle long reads (50–100 nt) and can exploit paired-read information to improve mapping accuracy. 2024-12-15
tefinder public Programs for transposable element search and annotation in large eukaryotic genome sequence. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-scthi public Indentification of significantly activated ligand-receptor interactions across clusters of cells from single-cell RNA sequencing data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-scshapes public A Statistical Framework for Modeling and Identifying Differential Distributions in Single-cell RNA-sequencing Data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-dcgsa public Distance-correlation based Gene Set Analysis for longitudinal gene expression profiles 2024-12-15
bioconductor-tpp2d public Detection of ligand-protein interactions from 2D thermal profiles (DLPTP) 2024-12-15
vadr public Viral Annotation DefineR - classification and annotation of viral sequences based on RefSeq annotation 2024-12-15
nohuman public Remove human reads from a sequencing run 2024-12-15
bioconductor-decoupler public decoupleR: Ensemble of computational methods to infer biological activities from omics data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-biodb public biodb, a library and a development framework for connecting to chemical and biological databases 2024-12-15
bioconductor-mixomics public Omics Data Integration Project 2024-12-15
phyloacc public Bayesian estimation of substitution rate shifts in non-coding regions 2024-12-15
bioconductor-magrene public Motif Analysis In Gene Regulatory Networks 2024-12-15
bioconductor-brendadb public The BRENDA Enzyme Database 2024-12-15
bioconductor-pengls public Fit Penalised Generalised Least Squares models 2024-12-15
bioconductor-abseqr public Reporting and data analysis functionalities for Rep-Seq datasets of antibody libraries 2024-12-15
metabinkit public Set of programs to perform taxonomic binning. 2024-12-15
repeatscout public De novo identification of repeat families in large genomes. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-scfa public SCFA: Subtyping via Consensus Factor Analysis 2024-12-15
hs-blastn public hs-blastn, a fast and accurate nucleotide-nucleotide sequences aligner. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-cytoglmm public Conditional Differential Analysis for Flow and Mass Cytometry Experiments 2024-12-14
localhgt public Tools for dealing with SAM, BAM and CRAM files 2024-12-14
bioconductor-synlet public Hits Selection for Synthetic Lethal RNAi Screen Data 2024-12-14
perl-par-packer public No Summary 2024-12-14
bioconductor-desingle public DEsingle for detecting three types of differential expression in single-cell RNA-seq data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-compass public Combinatorial Polyfunctionality Analysis of Single Cells 2024-12-14
bioconductor-nparc public Non-parametric analysis of response curves for thermal proteome profiling experiments 2024-12-14
pytrimal public Cython bindings and Python interface to trimAl, a tool for automated alignment trimming. 2024-12-14
psascan public A parallel external memory suffix array construction algorithm 2024-12-14

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