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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-illuminahumanv2.db public Illumina HumanWG6v2 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv2) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-huo22.db public FHCRC Genomics Shared Resource HuO22 Annotation Data (HuO22) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hugene11stprobeset.db public Affymetrix hugene11 annotation data (chip hugene11stprobeset) 2024-12-26
r-panther public PANTHER database annotations. 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hs6ug171.db public A package containing metadata for Hs6UG171 arrays assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hugene20sttranscriptcluster.db public Affymetrix hugene20 annotation data (chip hugene20sttranscriptcluster) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-variantfiltering public Filtering of coding and non-coding genetic variants 2024-12-26
bioconductor-illuminahumanwgdaslv4.db public Illumina HumanWGDASLv4 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanWGDASLv4) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-phastcons100way.ucsc.hg19 public Store UCSC phastCons conservation scores for the human genome (hg19) calculated from multiple alignments with other 99 vertebrate species. 2024-12-26
bioconductor-subcellbarcode public SubCellBarCode: Integrated workflow for robust mapping and visualizing whole human spatial proteome 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db public Affymetrix hugene10 annotation data (chip hugene10sttranscriptcluster) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-phastcons100way.ucsc.hg38 public Store UCSC phastCons conservation scores for the human genome (hg38) calculated from multiple alignments with other 99 vertebrate species. 2024-12-26
r-jetset public On Affymetrix gene expression microarrays, a single gene may be measured by multiple probe sets. This can present a mild conundrum when attempting to evaluate a gene "signature" that is defined by gene names rather than by specific probe sets. This package provides a one-to-one mapping from gene to "best" probe set for four Affymetrix human gene expression microarrays: hgu95av2, hgu133a, hgu133plus2, and u133x3p. This package also includes the pre-calculated probe set quality scores that were used to define the mapping. 2024-12-26
bioconductor-orfik public Open Reading Frames in Genomics 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hugene11sttranscriptcluster.db public Affymetrix hugene11 annotation data (chip hugene11sttranscriptcluster) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hsagilentdesign026652.db public Agilent Chips that use Agilent design number 026652 annotation data (chip HsAgilentDesign026652) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hs25kresogen.db public RNG_MRC Human Pangenomic 25k Set annotation data (chip hs25kresogen) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-diffutr public diffUTR: Streamlining differential exon and 3' UTR usage 2024-12-26
bioconductor-h20kcod.db public Codelink UniSet Human 20k I Bioarray annotation data (chip h20kcod) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-aspli public Analysis of Alternative Splicing Using RNA-Seq 2024-12-26
bioconductor-pedbarrayv9.db public FHCRC Nelson Lab pedbarrayv9 Annotation Data (pedbarrayv9) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-trackviewer public A R/Bioconductor package with web interface for drawing elegant interactive tracks or lollipop plot to facilitate integrated analysis of multi-omics data 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hgug4845a.db public agilent AMADID 026652 annotation data (chip hgug4845a) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-cocitestats public Different test statistics based on co-citation. 2024-12-26
bioconductor-rnamodr public Detection of post-transcriptional modifications in high throughput sequencing data 2024-12-26
bioconductor-pedbarrayv10.db public FHCRC Nelson Lab pedbarrayv10 Annotation Data (pedbarrayv10) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-tximeta public Transcript Quantification Import with Automatic Metadata 2024-12-26
bioconductor-shdz.db public SHDZ http://genome-www5.stanford.edu/ Annotation Data (SHDZ) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hguqiagenv3.db public Qiagen Qiagen V3.0 oligo set annotation data (chip hguqiagenv3) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-ogre public Calculate, visualize and analyse overlap between genomic regions 2024-12-26
bioconductor-mslp public Predict synthetic lethal partners of tumour mutations 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hthgu133plusb.db public Affymetrix Affymetrix HT_HG-U133_Plus_B Array annotation data (chip hthgu133plusb) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-chimeraviz public Visualization tools for gene fusions 2024-12-26
bioconductor-h10kcod.db public Codelink UniSet Human I Bioarray (~10 000 human genes) annotation data (chip h10kcod) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hgu133a.db public Affymetrix Affymetrix HG-U133A Array annotation data (chip hgu133a) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-clariomshumanhttranscriptcluster.db public Affymetrix clariomshumanht annotation data (chip clariomshumanhttranscriptcluster) 2024-12-26
r-shaman public The shaman package - sampling HiC contact matrices for a-parametric normalization 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hugene21stprobeset.db public Affymetrix hugene21 annotation data (chip hugene21stprobeset) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-tvtb public TVTB: The VCF Tool Box 2024-12-26
bioconductor-partheenmetadata.db public PartheenMetaData http://swegene.onk.lu.se Annotation Data (PartheenMetaData) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-duplexdiscoverer public Analysis of the data from RNA duplex probing experiments 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hgubeta7.db public Unknown annotation data (chip hgubeta7) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hu35ksubb.db public Affymetrix Affymetrix Hu35KsubB Array annotation data (chip hu35ksubb) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-comapr public Crossover analysis and genetic map construction 2024-12-26
bioconductor-illuminahumanv2beadid.db public Illumina HumanWGv2 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv2BeadID) assembled using data from public repositories to be used with data summarized from bead-level data with numeric ArrayAddressIDs as keys. Illumina probes with a No match or Bad quality score were removed prior to annotation. See http://www.compbio.group.cam.ac.uk/Resources/Annotation/index.html and Barbosa-Morais et al (2010) A re-annotation pipeline for Illumina BeadArrays: improving the interpretation of gene expression data. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024-12-26
bioconductor-regutools public regutools: an R package for data extraction from RegulonDB 2024-12-26
bioconductor-hgu133b.db public Affymetrix Affymetrix HG-U133B Array annotation data (chip hgu133b) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-clariomshumantranscriptcluster.db public Affymetrix clariomshuman annotation data (chip clariomshumantranscriptcluster) 2024-12-26
bioconductor-illuminahumanv3.db public Illumina HumanHT12v3 annotation data (chip illuminaHumanv3) assembled using data from public repositories 2024-12-26
bioconductor-allelicimbalance public Investigates Allele Specific Expression 2024-12-26

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