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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-moanin public An R Package for Time Course RNASeq Data Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-omadb public R wrapper for the OMA REST API 2024-12-27
bioconductor-consica public consensus Independent Component Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-adamgui public Activity and Diversity Analysis Module Graphical User Interface 2024-12-27
bioconductor-alabaster.mae public Load and Save MultiAssayExperiments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-celldex public Index of Reference Cell Type Datasets 2024-12-27
bioconductor-alabaster.sce public Load and Save SingleCellExperiment from File 2024-12-27
nanopack public A meta package for several long read processing and analysis tools. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rtnsurvival public Survival analysis using transcriptional networks inferred by the RTN package 2024-12-27
phabox public Virus identification and analysis tool set 2024-12-27
bioconductor-coseq public Co-Expression Analysis of Sequencing Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-isomirs public Analyze isomiRs and miRNAs from small RNA-seq 2024-12-27
r-xcell public Estimate immune cell proportions from gene expression data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-slingshot public Tools for ordering single-cell sequencing 2024-12-27
bioconductor-oppar public Outlier profile and pathway analysis in R 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tscan public Tools for Single-Cell Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cbea public Competitive Balances for Taxonomic Enrichment Analysis in R 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gsva public Gene Set Variation Analysis for Microarray and RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-plsdabatch public PLSDA-batch 2024-12-27
bioconductor-miasim public Microbiome Data Simulation 2024-12-27
bioconductor-treeclimbr public An algorithm to find optimal signal levels in a tree 2024-12-27
bioconductor-microstasis public Microbiota STability ASsessment via Iterative cluStering 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gsean public Gene Set Enrichment Analysis with Networks 2024-12-27
bioconductor-celaref public Single-cell RNAseq cell cluster labelling by reference 2024-12-27
bioconductor-powsc public Simulation, power evaluation, and sample size recommendation for single cell RNA-seq 2024-12-27
bioconductor-opossom public Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome data 2024-12-27
r-scopfunctions public An R package of functions for single cell -omics analysis. 2024-12-27
r-dwls public Deconvolution of bulk mRNA data using single-cell RNAseq to provide cell type specific signatures 2024-12-27
bioconductor-iseehex public iSEE extension for summarising data points in hexagonal bins 2024-12-27
bioconductor-iseepathways public iSEE extension for panels related to pathway analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cnordt public Add-on to CellNOptR: Discretized time treatments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-iseede public iSEE extension for panels related to differential expression analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cnorfuzzy public Addon to CellNOptR: Fuzzy Logic 2024-12-27
bioconductor-spectraltad public SpectralTAD: Hierarchical TAD detection using spectral clustering 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cnorode public ODE add-on to CellNOptR 2024-12-27
bioconductor-multihiccompare public Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mnem public Mixture Nested Effects Models 2024-12-27
bioconductor-netresponse public Functional Network Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tadcompare public TADCompare: Identification and characterization of differential TADs 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cellnoptr public Training of boolean logic models of signalling networks using prior knowledge networks and perturbation data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-hicool public HiCool 2024-12-27
bioconductor-oncosimulr public Forward Genetic Simulation of Cancer Progression with Epistasis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-hicontacts public Analysing cool files in R with HiContacts 2024-12-27
bioconductor-segmentseq public Methods for identifying small RNA loci from high-throughput sequencing data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-streamer public Enabling stream processing of large files 2024-12-27
bioconductor-chipsim public Simulation of ChIP-seq experiments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rbioinf public RBioinf 2024-12-27
r-motifbinner public MotifBinner processes high-throughput sequencing data of an RNA virus population. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-rtreemix public Rtreemix: Mutagenetic trees mixture models. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-nucler public Nucleosome positioning package for R 2024-12-27

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