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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-msstatstmt public Protein Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling 2023-12-05
bioconductor-gosummaries public Word cloud summaries of GO enrichment analysis 2023-12-04
bioconductor-lpeadj public A correction of the local pooled error (LPE) method to replace the asymptotic variance adjustment with an unbiased adjustment based on sample size. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-moda public MODA: MOdule Differential Analysis for weighted gene co-expression network 2023-12-04
bioconductor-ebseqhmm public Bayesian analysis for identifying gene or isoform expression changes in ordered RNA-seq experiments 2023-12-04
bioconductor-correp public Multivariate Correlation Estimator and Statistical Inference Procedures. 2023-12-04
bioconductor-smap public A Segmental Maximum A Posteriori Approach to Array-CGH Copy Number Profiling 2023-12-03
bioconductor-squadd public Add-on of the SQUAD Software 2023-12-03
bioconductor-rdgidb public R Wrapper for DGIdb 2023-12-03
bioconductor-suprahex public supraHex: a supra-hexagonal map for analysing tabular omics data 2023-12-03
bioconductor-bhc public Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering 2023-12-03
bioconductor-typeinfo public Optional Type Specification Prototype 2023-12-03
bioconductor-nanostringqcpro public Quality metrics and data processing methods for NanoString mRNA gene expression data 2023-07-19
bioconductor-chromswitch public An R package to detect chromatin state switches from epigenomic data 2023-07-18
bioconductor-cancersubtypes public Cancer subtypes identification, validation and visualization based on multiple genomic data sets 2023-07-18
bioconductor-eegc public Engineering Evaluation by Gene Categorization (eegc) 2023-07-18
bioconductor-kissde public Retrieves Condition-Specific Variants in RNA-Seq Data 2023-07-18
bioconductor-crisprseekplus public crisprseekplus 2023-07-18
r-xgr public The central goal of XGR by Fang et al. (2016) <doi:10.1186/s13073-016-0384-y> is to provide a data interpretation system necessary to do "big data" science. It is designed to make a user-defined gene or SNP list (or genomic regions) more interpretable by comprehensively utilising ontology annotations and interaction networks to reveal relationships and enhance opportunities for biological discovery. XGR is unique in supporting a broad range of ontologies (including knowledge of biological and molecular functions, pathways, diseases and phenotypes - in both human and mouse) and different types of networks (including functional, physical and pathway interactions). There are two core functionalities of XGR. The first is to provide basic infrastructures for easy access to built-in ontologies and networks. The second is to support data interpretations via 1) enrichment analysis using either built-in or custom ontologies, 2) similarity analysis for calculating semantic similarity between genes (or SNPs) based on their ontology annotation profiles, 3) network analysis for identification of gene networks given a query list of (significant) genes, SNPs or genomic regions, and 4) annotation analysis for interpreting genomic regions using co-localised functional genomic annotations (such as open chromatin, epigenetic marks, TF binding sites and genomic segments) and using nearby gene annotations (by ontologies). Together with its web app, XGR aims to provide a user-friendly tool for exploring genomic relations at the gene, SNP and genomic region level. 2023-07-17
r-sigtree public Provides tools to identify and visualize branches in a phylogenetic tree that are significantly responsive to some intervention, taking as primary inputs a phylogenetic tree (of class phylo) and a data frame (or matrix) of corresponding tip (OTU) labels and p-values. 2023-07-17
bioconductor-chic public Quality Control Pipeline for ChIP-Seq Data 2023-07-17
r-metalonda public Identify time intervals of differentially abundant metagenomics features in longitudinal studies. 2023-07-17
bioconductor-refplus public A function set for the Extrapolation Strategy (RMA+) and Extrapolation Averaging (RMA++) methods. 2023-07-17
bioconductor-metab public Metab: An R Package for a High-Throughput Analysis of Metabolomics Data Generated by GC-MS. 2023-07-17
bioconductor-dmrforpairs public DMRforPairs: identifying Differentially Methylated Regions between unique samples using array based methylation profiles 2023-07-16
bioconductor-foldgo public Package for Fold-specific GO Terms Recognition 2023-07-16
bioconductor-sispa public SISPA: Method for Sample Integrated Set Profile Analysis 2023-07-15
bioconductor-metagene public A package to produce metagene plots 2023-07-15
r-dnet public The focus of the dnet by Fang and Gough (2014) <doi:10.1186/s13073-014-0064-8> is to make sense of omics data (such as gene expression and mutations) from different angles including: integration with molecular networks, enrichments using ontologies, and relevance to gene evolutionary ages. Integration is achieved to identify a gene subnetwork from the whole gene network whose nodes/genes are labelled with informative data (such as the significant levels of differential expression or survival risks). To help make sense of identified gene networks, enrichment analysis is also supported using a wide variety of pre-compiled ontologies and phylostratific gene age information in major organisms including: human, mouse, rat, chicken, C.elegans, fruit fly, zebrafish and arabidopsis. Add-on functionalities are supports for calculating semantic similarity between ontology terms (and between genes) and for calculating network affinity based on random walk; both can be done via high-performance parallel computing. 2023-07-15
bioconductor-genbankr public Parsing GenBank files into semantically useful objects 2023-07-14
bioconductor-compartmap public Higher-order chromatin domain inference in single cells from scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq 2023-07-14
bioconductor-alpine public alpine 2023-07-14
bioconductor-alpinedata public Data for the alpine package vignette 2023-07-13
r-fgwas public GWAS tools for longitudinal genetic traits based on fGWAS statistical model. 2023-07-13
bioconductor-bgmix public Bayesian models for differential gene expression 2023-07-12
r-samr public Significance Analysis of Microarrays 2023-07-12
bioconductor-fcbf public Fast Correlation Based Filter for Feature Selection 2023-07-11
bioconductor-multiomicsviz public Plot the effect of one omics data on other omics data along the chromosome 2023-07-11
bioconductor-mirmine public Data package with miRNA-seq datasets from miRmine database as RangedSummarizedExperiment 2023-07-11
bioconductor-neighbornet public Neighbor_net analysis 2023-07-11
bioconductor-sscore public S-Score Algorithm for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Microarrays 2023-07-11
bioconductor-farms public FARMS - Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization 2023-07-10
bioconductor-logitt public logit-t Package 2023-07-10
bioconductor-tweedeseqcountdata public RNA-seq count data employed in the vignette of the tweeDEseq package 2023-07-10
bioconductor-stroma4 public Assign Properties to TNBC Patients 2023-07-10
bioconductor-mimosa public Mixture Models for Single-Cell Assays 2023-07-10
bioconductor-migsadata public MIGSA vignette data 2023-07-07
bioconductor-cssp public ChIP-Seq Statistical Power 2023-07-07
bioconductor-sepira public Systems EPigenomics Inference of Regulatory Activity 2023-07-07
bioconductor-clonality public Clonality testing 2023-07-07

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