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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-gaga public GaGa hierarchical model for high-throughput data analysis 2024-12-18
umis public Tools for processing UMI RNA-tag data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-affyrnadegradation public Analyze and correct probe positional bias in microarray data due to RNA degradation 2024-12-18
bioconductor-biomvcclass public Model-View-Controller (MVC) Classes That Use Biobase 2024-12-18
r-structssi public Performs multiple testing corrections that take specific structure of hypotheses into account. 2024-12-18
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2024-12-18
bioconductor-flowai public Automatic and interactive quality control for flow cytometry data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-mzr public parser for netCDF, mzXML and mzML and mzIdentML files (mass spectrometry data) 2024-12-18
pysam public Pysam is a Python module for reading and manipulating SAM/BAM/VCF/BCF files. It's a lightweight wrapper of the htslib C-API, the same one that powers samtools, bcftools, and tabix. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-matter public Out-of-core statistical computing and signal processing 2024-12-18
bioconductor-mzid public An mzIdentML parser for R 2024-12-18
lastz public LASTZ is a program for aligning DNA sequences, a pairwise aligner. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-protgenerics public Generic infrastructure for Bioconductor mass spectrometry packages 2024-12-18
rnashapes public RNAshape abstraction maps structures to a tree-like domain of shapes, retaining adjacency and nesting of structural features, but disregarding helix lengths. Shape abstraction integrates well with dynamic programming algorithms, and hence it can be applied during structure prediction rather than afterwards. This avoids exponential explosion and can still give us a non-heuristic and complete account of properties of the molecule's folding space. 2024-12-18
pkiss public RNA secondary structure prediction including K-type and kissing hairpin- pseudoknots. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-seqtools public Analysis of nucleotide, sequence and quality content on fastq files 2024-12-18
minimap2 public A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-snpstats public SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods 2024-12-18
cortexpy public A Python API for manipulating (Mc)Cortex de novo assembly graph and link data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-affy public Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays 2024-12-18
bioconductor-multtest public Resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hem public Heterogeneous error model for identification of differentially expressed genes under multiple conditions 2024-12-18
bioconductor-mulcom public Calculates Mulcom test 2024-12-18
bioconductor-iranges public Foundation of integer range manipulation in Bioconductor 2024-12-18
bioconductor-yeastexpdata public Yeast Experimental Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hopach public Hierarchical Ordered Partitioning and Collapsing Hybrid (HOPACH) 2024-12-18
bioconductor-snagee public Signal-to-Noise applied to Gene Expression Experiments 2024-12-18
bioconductor-curatedovariandata public Clinically Annotated Data for the Ovarian Cancer Transcriptome 2024-12-18
bioconductor-qcmetrics public A Framework for Quality Control 2024-12-18
bioconductor-lmdme public Linear Model decomposition for Designed Multivariate Experiments 2024-12-18
bioconductor-multiscan public R package for combining multiple scans 2024-12-18
bioconductor-golubesets public exprSets for golub leukemia data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-cellmapper public Predict genes expressed selectively in specific cell types 2024-12-18
bioconductor-pcamethods public A collection of PCA methods 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ibh public Interaction Based Homogeneity for Evaluating Gene Lists 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ebarrays public Unified Approach for Simultaneous Gene Clustering and Differential Expression Identification 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fabia public FABIA: Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition 2024-12-18
bioconductor-twilight public Estimation of local false discovery rate 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ruvnormalizedata public Gender data for the RUVnormalize package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bioqc public Detect tissue heterogeneity in expression profiles with gene sets 2024-12-18
bioconductor-graphat public Graph Theoretic Association Tests 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rnaseqsamplesizedata public RnaSeqSampleSizeData 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fishalyser public FISHalyseR a package for automated FISH quantification 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rots public Reproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic 2024-12-18
molpopgen-analysis public Programs for the (pre-NGS-era) analysis of population-genetic data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-yeastcc public Spellman et al. (1998) and Pramila/Breeden (2006) yeast cell cycle microarray data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bladderbatch public Bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects 2024-12-18
bioconductor-all public A data package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hypergraph public A package providing hypergraph data structures 2024-12-18
bioconductor-arrmnormalization public Adaptive Robust Regression normalization for Illumina methylation data 2024-12-18

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