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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
atropos public trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads 2024-12-19
bioconductor-makecdfenv public CDF Environment Maker 2024-12-19
bioconductor-panp public Presence-Absence Calls from Negative Strand Matching Probesets 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cardinal public A mass spectrometry imaging toolbox for statistical analysis 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cghregions public Dimension Reduction for Array CGH Data with Minimal Information Loss. 2024-12-19
r-hemdag public a collection of Hierarchical Ensemble Methods (HEMs) for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cormotif public Correlation Motif Fit 2024-12-19
bioconductor-affydata public Affymetrix Data for Demonstration Purpose 2024-12-19
r-mutoss public Designed to ease the application and comparison of multiple hypothesis testing procedures for FWER, gFWER, FDR and FDX. Methods are standardized and usable by the accompanying 'mutossGUI'. 2024-12-19
bioconductor-rain public Rhythmicity Analysis Incorporating Non-parametric Methods 2024-12-19
bioconductor-paircompviz public Multiple comparison test visualization 2024-12-19
python-bioext public A few handy bioinformatics tools not already in BioPython 2024-12-19
bioconductor-biocviews public Categorized views of R package repositories 2024-12-19
bioconductor-stategra public Classes and methods for multi-omics data integration 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cghcall public Calling aberrations for array CGH tumor profiles. 2024-12-19
bioconductor-flowclean public flowClean 2024-12-18
bioconductor-mspurity public Automated Evaluation of Precursor Ion Purity for Mass Spectrometry Based Fragmentation in Metabolomics 2024-12-18
bioconductor-simat public GC-SIM-MS data processing and alaysis tool 2024-12-18
bioconductor-consensusclusterplus public ConsensusClusterPlus 2024-12-18
disco public Multi-threaded Distributed Memory Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) Metagenome Assembler 2024-12-18
bioconductor-vsn public Variance stabilization and calibration for microarray data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-flowbeads public flowBeads: Analysis of flow bead data 2024-12-18
r-tidygenomics public Handle genomic data within data frames just as you would with 'GRanges'. This packages provides method to deal with genomic intervals the "tidy-way" which makes it simpler to integrate in the the general data munging process. The API is inspired by the popular 'bedtools' and the genome_join() method from the 'fuzzyjoin' package. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-dirichletmultinomial public Dirichlet-Multinomial Mixture Model Machine Learning for Microbiome Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-metaseq public Meta-analysis of RNA-Seq count data in multiple studies 2024-12-18
bioconductor-turbonorm public A fast scatterplot smoother suitable for microarray normalization 2024-12-18
bioconductor-ruvnormalize public RUV for normalization of expression array data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-complexheatmap public Make Complex Heatmaps 2024-12-18
bioconductor-derfinderhelper public derfinder helper package 2024-12-18
r-perfmeas public Package that implements different performance measures for classification and ranking tasks. AUC, precision at a given recall, F-score for single and multiple classes are available. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-nucleosim public Generate synthetic nucleosome maps 2024-12-18
prophyle public ProPhyle is an accurate, resource-frugal and deterministic phylogeny-based metagenomic classifier. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-scde public Single Cell Differential Expression 2024-12-18
r-aroma.affymetrix public A cross-platform R framework that facilitates processing of any number of Affymetrix microarray samples regardless of computer system. The only parameter that limits the number of chips that can be processed is the amount of available disk space. The Aroma Framework has successfully been used in studies to process tens of thousands of arrays. This package has actively been used since 2006. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-genetclassifier public Classify diseases and build associated gene networks using gene expression profiles 2024-12-18
bioconductor-orderedlist public Similarities of Ordered Gene Lists 2024-12-18
bioconductor-genomeinfodb public Utilities for manipulating chromosome names, including modifying them to follow a particular naming style 2024-12-18
bioconductor-pvac public PCA-based gene filtering for Affymetrix arrays 2024-12-18
pb-falcon public FALCON/Unzip tool-suite (originally by Jason Chin) 2024-12-18
bioconductor-siggenes public Multiple Testing using SAM and Efron's Empirical Bayes Approaches 2024-12-18
bioconductor-qpcrnorm public Data-driven normalization strategies for high-throughput qPCR data. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-kegggraph public KEGGgraph: A graph approach to KEGG PATHWAY in R and Bioconductor 2024-12-18
bioconductor-geosubmission public Prepares microarray data for submission to GEO 2024-12-18
bioconductor-gaga public GaGa hierarchical model for high-throughput data analysis 2024-12-18
umis public Tools for processing UMI RNA-tag data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-affyrnadegradation public Analyze and correct probe positional bias in microarray data due to RNA degradation 2024-12-18
bioconductor-biomvcclass public Model-View-Controller (MVC) Classes That Use Biobase 2024-12-18
r-structssi public Performs multiple testing corrections that take specific structure of hypotheses into account. 2024-12-18
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2024-12-18
bioconductor-flowai public Automatic and interactive quality control for flow cytometry data 2024-12-18

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