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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-sigsquared public Gene signature generation for functionally validated signaling pathways 2024-12-16
bioconductor-masigpro public Significant Gene Expression Profile Differences in Time Course Gene Expression Data 2024-12-16
bioconductor-qusage public qusage: Quantitative Set Analysis for Gene Expression 2024-12-16
emvc-2 public An efficient SNV variant caller based on the expectation maximization algorithm. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-acme public Algorithms for Calculating Microarray Enrichment (ACME) 2024-12-16
bioconductor-dyebias public The GASSCO method for correcting for slide-dependent gene-specific dye bias 2024-12-16
r-cdseq public Estimate cell-type-specific gene expression profiles and sample-specific cell-type proportions simultaneously using bulk sequencing data. Kang et al. (2019) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007510>. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-cma public Synthesis of microarray-based classification 2024-12-16
bioconductor-readqpcr public Read qPCR data 2024-12-16
bioconductor-help public Tools for HELP data analysis 2024-12-16
contatester public Compute the Allelic Balance of a sample from a VCF file. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-anf public Affinity Network Fusion for Complex Patient Clustering 2024-12-16
bioconductor-clusterstab public Compute cluster stability scores for microarray data 2024-12-16
perl-sanger-cgp-vcf public a set of common perl utilities for generating consistent Vcf headers 2024-12-16
bioconductor-dfp public Gene Selection 2024-12-16
bioconductor-rtca public Open-source toolkit to analyse data from xCELLigence System (RTCA) 2024-12-16
bioconductor-cogena public co-expressed gene-set enrichment analysis 2024-12-16
bioconductor-ddct public The ddCt Algorithm for the Analysis of Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) 2024-12-16
srahunter public srahunter is a tool for processing SRA accession numbers. 2024-12-16
perl-bio-easel public Perl modules and scripts for interfacing with Sean Eddy's C easel sequence analysis library using Perl's Inline. 2024-12-16
locityper public Targeted genotyper for complex polymorphic loci from short and long read WGS. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-undo public Unsupervised Deconvolution of Tumor-Stromal Mixed Expressions 2024-12-16
bioconductor-biobroom public Turn Bioconductor objects into tidy data frames 2024-12-16
perl-inline-c public C Language Support for Inline 2024-12-16
perl-sub-attribute public Reliable subroutine attribute handlers 2024-12-16
bioconductor-piano public Platform for integrative analysis of omics data 2024-12-16
perl-escape-houdini public Perl API to Houdini, a zero-dependency C web escaping library 2024-12-16
perl-config-autoconf public A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl. 2024-12-16
bioconductor-timecourse public Statistical Analysis for Developmental Microarray Time Course Data 2024-12-16
methyldackel public A (mostly) universal methylation extractor for BS-seq experiments. Formerly named PileOMeth. 2024-12-16
libsequence public A C++ class library for evolutionary genetics. 2024-12-16
meme public Motif-based sequence analysis tools. 2024-12-16
pycluster public Clustering module for Python 2024-12-16
pindel public Pindel can detect breakpoints of large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications and other structural variants at single-based resolution from next-gen sequence data 2024-12-16
bioconductor-rnaseqcovarimpute public Impute Covariate Data in RNA Sequencing Studies 2024-12-16
bioconductor-cytolib public C++ infrastructure for representing and interacting with the gated cytometry data 2024-12-16
perl-sanger-cgp-allelecount public Support code for NGS copy number algorithm 2024-12-16
perl-datetime-locale public Localization support for DateTime.pm 2024-12-16
msisensor-pro public Microsatellite Instability (MSI) detection using high-throughput sequencing data. 2024-12-16
alfred public BAM alignment statistics, feature counting and feature annotation 2024-12-16
trnascan-se public tRNA detection in large-scale genomic sequences 2024-12-16
phispy public Prophage finder using multiple metrics 2024-12-16
rsem public RSEM is a software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. 2024-12-16
bamcmp public Tools for deconvolving host and graft reads using full-length alignments and their scores. 2024-12-16
dna-nn public Model and predict short DNA sequence features with neural networks. 2024-12-16
pasa public PASA, acronym for Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments (and pronounced 'pass-uh'), is a eukaryotic genome annotation tool that exploits spliced alignments of expressed transcript sequences to automatically model gene structures, and to maintain gene structure annotation consistent with the most recently available experimental sequence data. PASA also identifies and classifies all splicing variations supported by the transcript alignments. 2024-12-16
nextpolish2 public Repeat-aware polishing genomes assembled using HiFi long reads. 2024-12-16
namfinder public Finds Non-overlapping Approximate Matches (NAMs) between query and reference sequences using strobemers 2024-12-16
seshat public Tools for programmatically annotating VCFs with the Seshat TP53 database. 2024-12-16
sentieon public Accelerated performance bioinformatics tools for mapping and variant calling 2024-12-16

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