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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
psm-utils public Common utilities for parsing and handling peptide-spectrum matches and search engine results. 2025-03-06
tower-cli public The Tower CLI an interface to Nextflow Tower via the CLI 2025-03-06
gfastats public The swiss army knife for genome assembly 2025-03-06
methbat public A battery of methylation tools for PacBio HiFi reads 2025-03-06
tb-profiler public Profiling tool for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to detect drug resistance and lineage from sequencing data 2025-03-06
enviroampdesigner public Tool for training model and classifying reads from environmental ONT amplicon sequencing. 2025-03-06
autocycler public A tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes. 2025-03-06
vuegen public VueGen automates the creation of reports from bioinformatics outputs, supporting formats like PDF, HTML, DOCX, ODT, PPTX, Reveal.js, Jupyter notebooks, and Streamlit web applications. Users simply provide a directory with output files—such as plots, tables, networks, Markdown text, and HTML files—and VueGen compiles them into a structured report. 2025-03-05
fast2q public A Python3 program that counts sequence occurrences in FASTQ files. 2025-03-05
pigpen public A package to quantify RNA localization using OINC-seq data 2025-03-05
hictk public Blazing fast toolkit to work with .hic and .cool files 2025-03-05
bwa-mem2 public The next version of bwa-mem 2025-03-05
rust-gtars public Performance-critical tools to manipulate, analyze, and process genomic interval data. 2025-03-05
eastr public Tool for emending alignments of spuriously spliced transcript reads. 2025-03-05
snakemake-storage-plugin-sharepoint public Snakemake storage plugin for reading and writing files on Microsoft SharePoint. 2025-03-05
varlociraptor public Flexible, uncertainty-aware variant calling with parameter free filtration via FDR control. 2025-03-05
kmercamel public KmerCamel🐫 - compressing k-mer sets using masked superstrings 2025-03-05
r-tinyarray public Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA) are common bioinformatics public databases. We integrate the regular analysis and charts for expression data, to analyze and display the data concisely and intuitively. 2025-03-05
ebi-eva-common-pyutils public EBI EVA - Common Python Utilities 2025-03-05
argnorm public Normalize antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) abundance tables (e.g., from metagenomics) by using the ARO ontology (developed by CARD). 2025-03-05
bam-readcount public bam-readcount generates metrics at single nucleotide positions. 2025-03-05
quantms-rescoring public PSM rescoring python package with scripts and helpers for the quantms workflow 2025-03-05
simpleaf public A rust framework to make using alevin-fry even simpler. 2025-03-05
reseek public Protein structure alignment and search algorithm. 2025-03-05
sylph-tax public Integrating taxonomic information into the sylph metagenome profiler. 2025-03-05
dnaapler public Reorients assembled microbial sequences 2025-03-05
nextflow public A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines http://nextflow.io 2025-03-04
pyopal public Cython bindings and Python interface to Opal, a SIMD-accelerated pairwise aligner. 2025-03-04
cayman public A command-line profiling tool for profiling CAZyme abundances in metagenomic datasets. 2025-03-04
stranger public Annotate VCF files with STR variants with pathogenicity implications. 2025-03-04
picrust2 public PICRUSt: Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States 2025-03-04
ngscheckmate public Software package for identifying next generation sequencing (NGS) data files from the same individual. 2025-03-04
superintervals public Rapid interval intersections 2025-03-04
piawka public The powerful AWK script to calculate population statistics in VCF files with support for varying ploidy and missing data 2025-03-04
atlas public ATLAS: Analysis Tools for Ancient and Low-depth Samples 2025-03-04
rnalyze public A comprehensive pipeline for RNA-Seq data analysis. 2025-03-04
egap public EGAP pipeline for genome assembly and QC analysis 2025-03-04
amplicontyper public Tool for training model and classifying reads from environmental ONT amplicon sequencing. 2025-03-04
mity public Mity is a bioinformatic analysis pipeline designed to call mitochondrial SNV and INDEL variants from Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. 2025-03-04
taxor public Fast and space-efficient taxonomic classification of long reads 2025-03-04
pfam_scan public pfam_scan.pl is a Perl script calling HMMER v3 to search a FASTA file against a library of Pfam HMMs. 2025-03-04
frogs public FROGS is a workflow designed to metabarcoding sequence analysis 2025-03-04
pyfamsa public Cython bindings and Python interface to FAMSA, an algorithm for ultra-scale multiple sequence alignments. 2025-03-04
phyclone public Accurate Bayesian reconstruction of cancer phylogenies from bulk sequencing. 2025-03-04
pyrodigal public Python bindings to Prodigal, an ORF finder for microbial sequences. 2025-03-04
fgbio-minimal public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2025-03-04
mumemto public Finding maximal unique matches across pangenomes 2025-03-03
panaroo public panaroo - an updated pipeline for pangenome investigation 2025-03-03
planemo public Command-line utilities to assist in building tools for the Galaxy project (http://galaxyproject.org/). 2025-03-03
gofasta public Genomic epidemiology utilities for short genome alignments 2025-03-03

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