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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-sceasy public A package providing functions to convert between different single-cell data formats. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-scmultiome public Collection of Public Single-Cell Multiome (scATAC + scRNAseq) Datasets 2024-12-25
bioconductor-miaviz public Microbiome Analysis Plotting and Visualization 2024-12-25
bioconductor-alabaster.se public Load and Save SummarizedExperiments from File 2024-12-25
bioconductor-mgnifyr public R interface to EBI MGnify metagenomics resource 2024-12-25
bioconductor-rtnduals public Analysis of co-regulation and inference of 'dual regulons' 2024-12-25
bioconductor-dar public Differential Abundance Analysis by Consensus 2024-12-25
bioconductor-fletcher2013b public Master regulators of FGFR2 signalling and breast cancer risk 2024-12-25
bioconductor-curatedmetagenomicdata public Curated Metagenomic Data of the Human Microbiome 2024-12-25
bioconductor-egad public Extending guilt by association by degree 2024-12-25
bioconductor-gse13015 public GEO accession data GSE13015_GPL6106 as a SummarizedExperiment 2024-12-25
bioconductor-voyager public From geospatial to spatial omics 2024-12-25
bioconductor-gse103322 public GEO accession data GSE103322 as a SingleCellExperiment 2024-12-25
bioconductor-gse62944 public GEO accession data GSE62944 as a SummarizedExperiment 2024-12-25
bioconductor-dyebiasexamples public Example data for the dyebias package, which implements the GASSCO method. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-anota2seq public Generally applicable transcriptome-wide analysis of translational efficiency using anota2seq 2024-12-25
r-mams public R package for Matrix and Analysis Metadata Standards. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-zitools public Analysis of zero-inflated count data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-spaniel public Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-glimma public Interactive visualizations for gene expression analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-anaquin public Statistical analysis of sequins 2024-12-25
r-monocle3 public An analysis toolkit for single-cell RNA-seq. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-ebsea public Exon Based Strategy for Expression Analysis of genes 2024-12-25
bioconductor-mia public Microbiome analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-scgps public A complete analysis of single cell subpopulations, from identifying subpopulations to analysing their relationship (scGPS = single cell Global Predictions of Subpopulation) 2024-12-25
r-ampvis public No Summary 2024-12-25
bioconductor-sccb2 public CB2 improves power of cell detection in droplet-based single-cell RNA sequencing data 2024-12-25
r-lncpipereporter public Automatically Aggregating and Summarizing lncRNA Analysis Results for Interactive Report 2024-12-25
bioconductor-spatialfeatureexperiment public Integrating SpatialExperiment with Simple Features in sf 2024-12-25
bioconductor-vidger public Create rapid visualizations of RNAseq data in R 2024-12-25
r-riborex public Riborex is a R package for identification of differential translation from Ribo-seq data. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-deltacapturec public This Package Discovers Meso-scale Chromatin Remodeling from 3C Data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-desubs public DEsubs: an R package for flexible identification of differentially expressed subpathways using RNA-seq expression experiments 2024-12-25
bioconductor-multirnaflow public An R package for integrated analysis of temporal RNA-seq data with multiple biological conditions 2024-12-25
bioconductor-dropletutils public Utilities for Handling Single-Cell Droplet Data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-pathostat public PathoStat Statistical Microbiome Analysis Package 2024-12-25
bioconductor-delocal public Identifies differentially expressed genes with respect to other local genes 2024-12-25
bioconductor-dewseq public Differential Expressed Windows Based on Negative Binomial Distribution 2024-12-25
bioconductor-netactivity public Compute gene set scores from a deep learning framework 2024-12-25
r-bulkanalyser public Given an expression matrix from a bulk sequencing experiment, pre-processes it and creates a shiny app for interactive data analysis and visualisation. The app contains quality checks, differential expression analysis, volcano and cross plots, enrichment analysis and gene regulatory network inference, and can be customised to contain more panels by the user. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-tcc public TCC: Differential expression analysis for tag count data with robust normalization strategies 2024-12-25
bioconductor-bloodcancermultiomics2017 public "Drug-perturbation-based stratification of blood cancer" by Dietrich S, Oles M, Lu J et al. - experimental data and complete analysis 2024-12-25
bioconductor-hybridexpress public Comparative analysis of RNA-seq data for hybrids and their progenitors 2024-12-25
r-empiricalfdr.deseq2 public Auxiliary functions for the DESeq2 package to simulate read counts according to the null hypothesis (i.e., with empirical sample size factors, per-gene total counts and dispersions, but without effects of predictor variables) and to compute the empirical false discovery rate. 2024-12-25
bioconductor-systempipetools public Tools for data visualization 2024-12-25
r-r4cker public Analysis of 4C-seq (circularized chromosome conformation capture) data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-gg4way public 4way Plots of Differential Expression 2024-12-25
bioconductor-htsfilter public Filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data 2024-12-25
bioconductor-deformats public Differential gene expression data formats converter 2024-12-25
bioconductor-mlseq public Machine Learning Interface for RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-25

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