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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-hivcdnavantwout03 public T cell line infections with HIV-1 LAI (BRU) 2024-12-17
bioconductor-jaspar2016 public Data package for JASPAR 2016 2024-12-17
bioconductor-breastcancerupp public Gene expression dataset published by Miller et al. [2005] (UPP). 2024-12-17
bioconductor-egseadata public Gene set collections for the EGSEA package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-lymphoseqdb public This package provides annotation databases that support the package LymphoSeq. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-blimatestingdata public Data for testing of the package blima. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-maqcexpression4plex public Sample Expression Data - MAQC / HG18 - NimbleGen 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hapmap500ksty public Sample data - Hapmap 500K STY Affymetrix 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ratchrloc public Annotation data file for ratCHRLOC assembled using data from public data repositories 2024-12-17
bioconductor-copyhelper public Helper files for CopywriteR 2024-12-17
bioconductor-seq2pathway.data public data set for R package seq2pathway 2024-12-17
bioconductor-tinesath1cdf public tinesath1cdf 2024-12-17
bioconductor-affyhgu133plus2expr public Affyhgu133Plus2Expr (GPL570) Expression Data Package 2024-12-17
mhcflurry public MHC Binding Predictor 2024-12-17
bioconductor-serumstimulation public serumStimulation is a data package which is used by examples in package pcaGoPromoter 2024-12-17
bioconductor-encodexplorerdata public A compilation of ENCODE metadata 2024-12-17
bioconductor-grndata public Synthetic Expression Data for Gene Regulatory Network Inference 2024-12-17
bioconductor-clumsiddata public Data for the CluMSID package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mouse430a2frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.19.3 and hgu133ahsentrezgcdf version 19.0.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mosaicsexample public Example data for the mosaics package, which implements MOSAiCS and MOSAiCS-HMM, a statistical framework to analyze one-sample or two-sample ChIP-seq data for transcription factor binding and histone modification 2024-12-17
bioconductor-humanomni5quadv1bcrlmm public Package with metadata for genotyping Illumina Omni5 Quad arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-suitor public Selecting the number of mutational signatures through cross-validation 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hgu133a2frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.19.3 and hgu133ahsentrezgcdf version 19.0.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-asicsdata public Example of 1D NMR spectra data for ASICS package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-jaspar2022 public Data package for JASPAR database (version 2022) 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hapmap370k public Example HapMap data from Illumina 370k BeadChips 2024-12-17
bioconductor-illuminadatatestfiles public Illumina microarray files (IDAT) for testing 2024-12-17
bioconductor-rmassbankdata public Test dataset for RMassBank 2024-12-17
bioconductor-timerquant public Timer Quantification 2024-12-17
bioconductor-gagedata public Auxillary data for gage package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hgu133afrmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.19.3 and hgu133ahsentrezgcdf version 19.0.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-vulcandata public VirtUaL ChIP-Seq data Analysis using Networks, dummy dataset 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hugene.1.0.st.v1frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.13.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-gpumagic public An openCL compiler with the capacity to compile R functions and run the code on GPU 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mogene.1.0.st.v1frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.13.0. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-targetscoredata public TargetScoreData 2024-12-17
bioconductor-huex.1.0.st.v2frmavecs public This package was created by frmaTools version 1.9.2. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mircompdata public Data used in the miRcomp package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-genomewidesnp6crlmm public Package with metadata for fast genotyping Affymetrix GenomeWideSnp_6 arrays using the 'crlmm' package. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-ritandata public This package contains reference annotation and network data sets 2024-12-17
bioconductor-chipexoqualexample public Example data for the ChIPexoQual package, which implements a quality control pipeline for ChIP-exo data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-targetsearchdata public Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-kodata public LINCS Knock-Out Data Package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hapmapsnp6 public Sample data - Hapmap SNP 6.0 Affymetrix 2024-12-17
bioconductor-pasillabamsubset public Subset of BAM files from "Pasilla" experiment 2024-12-17
bioconductor-nanotubes public Mouse nanotube CAGE data 2024-12-17
bioconductor-genomewidesnp5crlmm public Package with metadata for fast genotyping Affymetrix GenomeWideSnp_5 arrays using the 'crlmm' package. Annotation build is hg19. 2024-12-17
bioconductor-sharedobject public Sharing R objects across multiple R processes without memory duplication 2024-12-17
bioconductor-mmdiffbamsubset public Example ChIP-Seq data for the MMDiff package 2024-12-17
bioconductor-hellorangesdata public Data for the HelloRanges tutorial vignette 2024-12-17

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