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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
segemehl public Short read mapping with gaps 2024-12-15
micall-lite public A bioinformatic pipeline for mapping of FASTQ data to a set of reference sequences to generate consensus sequences, variant calls and coverage maps. 2024-12-15
breseq public A computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA re-sequencing data. 2024-12-15
pyfamsa public Cython bindings and Python interface to FAMSA, an algorithm for ultra-scale multiple sequence alignments. 2024-12-15
coverm public CoverM aims to be a configurable, easy to use and fast DNA read coverage and relative abundance calculator focused on metagenomics applications 2024-12-15
novobreak public local assembly for breakpoint detection in cancer genomes 2024-12-15
nanopolish public Signal-level algorithms for MinION data. 2024-12-15
gap2seq public Gap2Seq is a tool for filling gaps between contigs in genome assemblies. 2024-12-15
bpp-seq public Bio++ is a set of C++ libraries for Bioinformatics. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-deeppincs public Protein Interactions and Networks with Compounds based on Sequences using Deep Learning 2024-12-15
metabat2 public Metagenome binning 2024-12-15
r-syntactic public Make syntactically valid names out of character vectors. 2024-12-15
longreadsum public Long read sequencing data quality control tool 2024-12-15
r-acidmarkdown public Toolkit for extending the functionality of R Markdown. 2024-12-15
rpbp public Ribosome profiling with Bayesian predictions (Rp-Bp) 2024-12-15
deepchopper public A Genomic Language Model for Chimera Artifact Detection in Nanopore Direct RNA Sequencing. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-rebet public The subREgion-based BurdEn Test (REBET) 2024-12-15
parallel-meta-suite public Parallel-META-Suite is an interactive software package for rapid and comprehensive microbiome analysis. 2024-12-15
oatk public Oatk: an organelle genome assembly toolkit 2024-12-15
sfld public SFLD pre/post-processing 2024-12-15
galah public Galah aims to be a more scalable metagenome assembled genome (MAG) dereplication method. 2024-12-15
abismal public abismal is a fast and memory-efficient mapper for short bisulfite sequencing reads. 2024-12-15
perl-dbd-mysql public A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI) 2024-12-15
perl-class-xsaccessor public Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation 2024-12-15
glimpse-bio public GLIMPSE is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies. 2024-12-15
fqtools public An efficient FASTQ manipulation suite. 2024-12-15
nim-falcon public Nim-based executables used by Falcon assembly workflow 2024-12-15
longgf public A fast tool to detect gene fusion from long-read RNA-seq data. 2024-12-15
verifybamid2 public A robust tool for DNA contamination estimation from sequence reads using ancestry-agnostic method. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-olingui public Graphical user interface for OLIN 2024-12-15
bioconductor-msstatsbig public MSstats Preprocessing for Larger than Memory Data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-simd public Statistical Inferences with MeDIP-seq Data (SIMD) to infer the methylation level for each CpG site 2024-12-15
scallop-lr public Scallop-LR is a reference-based transcriptome assembler for long-reads RNA-seq data 2024-12-15
perl-pod-elemental public work with nestable Pod elements 2024-12-15
metadmg public metaDMG-cpp: fast and efficient method for estimating mutation and damage rates in ancient DNA data 2024-12-15
matam public MATAM is a software dedicated to the fast and accurate targeted assembly of short reads. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-arrayquality public Assessing array quality on spotted arrays 2024-12-15
leviosam2 public Fast and accurate coordinate conversion between assemblies. 2024-12-15
snp-pileup public Compute SNP pileup at reference positions in one or more input bam files. Output is ready for the R package facets 2024-12-15
bioconductor-nnnorm public Spatial and intensity based normalization of cDNA microarray data based on robust neural nets 2024-12-15
gvcf2coverage public Coverage extractor from gVCF files. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-olin public Optimized local intensity-dependent normalisation of two-color microarrays 2024-12-15
bioconductor-stepnorm public Stepwise normalization functions for cDNA microarrays 2024-12-15
scallop public Scallop is a reference-based transcriptome assembler for RNA-seq 2024-12-15
bioconductor-rbm public RBM: a R package for microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis 2024-12-15
tracy public Basecalling, alignment, assembly and deconvolution of Sanger chromatogram trace files 2024-12-15
bioconductor-roseq public Modeling expression ranks for noise-tolerant differential expression analysis of scRNA-Seq data 2024-12-15
bioconductor-erccdashboard public Assess Differential Gene Expression Experiments with ERCC Controls 2024-12-15
popdel public Fast structural deletion calling on population-scale short read paired-end germline WGS data. 2024-12-15
bioconductor-screenr public Package to Perform High Throughput Biological Screening 2024-12-15

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