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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-meigor public MEIGOR - MEtaheuristics for bIoinformatics Global Optimization 2024-12-19
bioconductor-qtlizer public Comprehensive QTL annotation of GWAS results 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cordon public Codon Usage Analysis and Prediction of Gene Expressivity 2024-12-19
bioconductor-scoup public Simulate Codons with Darwinian Selection Modelled as an OU Process 2024-12-19
bioconductor-pqsfinder public Identification of potential quadruplex forming sequences 2024-12-19
r-statvisual public Visualization functions in the applications of translational medicine (TM) and biomarker (BM) development to compare groups by statistically visualizing data and/or results of analyses, such as visualizing data by displaying in one figure different groups' histograms, boxplots, densities, scatter plots, error-bar plots, or trajectory plots, by displaying scatter plots of top principal components or dendrograms with data points colored based on group information, or visualizing volcano plots to check the results of whole genome analyses for gene differential expression. 2024-12-19
bioconductor-dnashaper public High-throughput prediction of DNA shape features 2024-12-19
bioconductor-crisprbase public Base functions and classes for CRISPR gRNA design 2024-12-19
bioconductor-lola public Locus overlap analysis for enrichment of genomic ranges 2024-12-19
bioconductor-excluderanges public Genomic coordinates of problematic genomic regions 2024-12-19
bioconductor-bcrank public Predicting binding site consensus from ranked DNA sequences 2024-12-19
bioconductor-heatmaps public Flexible Heatmaps for Functional Genomics and Sequence Features 2024-12-19
bioconductor-decipher public Tools for curating, analyzing, and manipulating biological sequences 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cogeqc public Systematic quality checks on comparative genomics analyses 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cnvmetrics public Copy Number Variant Metrics 2024-12-19
bioconductor-biomartgogenesets public Gene Ontology Gene Sets from BioMart 2024-12-19
bioconductor-elmer.data public Data for the ELMER package 2024-12-19
bioconductor-gatefinder public Projection-based Gating Strategy Optimization for Flow and Mass Cytometry 2024-12-19
bioconductor-annotationfilter public Facilities for Filtering Bioconductor Annotation Resources 2024-12-19
bioconductor-cyanofilter public Phytoplankton Population Identification using Cell Pigmentation and/or Complexity 2024-12-19
bioconductor-pwmenrich public PWM enrichment analysis 2024-12-19
blockclust public Efficient clustering and classification of non-coding RNAs from short read RNA-seq profiles. 2024-12-19
bioconductor-msa public Multiple Sequence Alignment 2024-12-19
bioconductor-rnbeads.hg19 public RnBeads.hg19 2024-12-19
bioconductor-rsweep public Spaced Words Projection (SWeeP) 2024-12-19
bioconductor-keggrest public Client-side REST access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) 2024-12-19
bioconductor-systempiperdata public systemPipeRdata: Workflow templates and sample data 2024-12-19
bioconductor-gtrellis public Genome Level Trellis Layout 2024-12-19
bioconductor-iwtomics public Interval-Wise Testing for Omics Data 2024-12-19
bioconductor-champdata public Data Packages for ChAMP package 2024-12-19
perl-datetime public A date and time object for Perl 2024-12-19
bioconductor-gcrma public Background Adjustment Using Sequence Information 2024-12-19
bioconductor-genomeintervals public Operations on genomic intervals 2024-12-19
bioconductor-genomicdatacommons public NIH / NCI Genomic Data Commons Access 2024-12-19
bioconductor-gdrstyle public A package with style requirements for the gDR suite 2024-12-19
bioconductor-nanostringnctools public NanoString nCounter Tools 2024-12-19
bioconductor-loci2path public Loci2path: regulatory annotation of genomic intervals based on tissue-specific expression QTLs 2024-12-19
bioconductor-tfarm public Transcription Factors Association Rules Miner 2024-12-19
bioconductor-target public Predict Combined Function of Transcription Factors 2024-12-19
bioconductor-brain public Baffling Recursive Algorithm for Isotope distributioN calculations 2024-12-19
fraggenescan public FragGeneScan is an application for finding (fragmented) genes in short reads. 2024-12-19
cooltools public Analysis tools for genomic interaction data stored in .cool format 2024-12-19
pairtools public CLI tools to process mapped Hi-C data. 2024-12-19
r-quilt public Rapid and accurate genotype imputation from low coverage short read, long read, and cell free DNA sequence. 2024-12-19
mgkit public Metagenomics Framework 2024-12-19
tinker public The Tinker molecular modeling software is a complete and general package for molecular mechanics and dynamics, with some special features for biopolymers 2024-12-19
amplicontyper public Tool for training model and classifying reads from environmental ONT amplicon sequencing. 2024-12-19
mirscore public miRScore: A rapid and precise microRNA validation tool 2024-12-19
bioconductor-clustall public ClustAll: Data driven strategy to robustly identify stratification of patients within complex diseases 2024-12-19
bioconductor-bioccheck public Bioconductor-specific package checks 2024-12-19

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