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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-explorase public GUI for exploratory data analysis of systems biology data 2023-06-16
mhcnuggets public MHCnuggets: Neoantigen peptide MHC binding prediction for class I and II 2023-06-16
happer public Minimal Python library for generating haplotype sequences. 2023-06-16
ma public MA - The Modular Aligner 2023-06-16
perl-cg-pipeline public Perl libraries required for CG-Pipeline. 2023-06-16
perl-lyve-set public Perl libraries required for Lyve-SET. 2023-06-16
kipoi-utils public kipoi-utils: utils used in various packages related to kipoi 2023-06-16
kipoi-conda public kipoi-conda: conda/pip related functionality used by Kipoi 2023-06-16
sexdeterrmine public A python script carry out calculate the relative coverage of X and Y chromosomes, and their associated error bars, out of capture data. 2023-06-16
capc-map public Analysis software for Capture-C data 2023-06-16
r-kaos public Sequences encoding by using the chaos game representation. Löchel et al. (2019) <doi:10.1101/575324>. 2023-06-16
scvis public scvis is a python package for dimension reduction of high-dimensional biological data, especially single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. 2023-06-16
jvarkit-bam2wig public Bam to fixedStep Wiggle converter, or BED GRAPH. 2023-06-16
jvarkit-bam2svg public BAM to Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) 2023-06-16
magpurify public Identify and remove incorrectly binned contigs from metagenome-assembled genomes. 2023-06-16
scaden public Cell type deconvolution using single cell data 2023-06-16
deeplift public DeepLIFT (Deep Learning Important FeaTures) 2023-06-16
cesm public The Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a coupled climate model for simulating Earth’s climate system 2023-06-16
pbgcpp public pbgcpp - GenomicConsensus in C++ 2023-06-16
pipelign public A pipeline for automated multiple sequence alignment, particularly of viral sequences. 2023-06-16
kronos public Kronos is a highly flexible Python-based software tool that mainly enables bioinformatics developers, i.e. bioinformaticians who develop workflows for analyzing genomic data, to quickly make a workflow. 2023-06-16
perl-dumbbench public More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking 2023-06-16
perl-archive-tar-wrapper public API wrapper around the 'tar' utility 2023-06-16
perl-test-lectrotest public Easy, automatic, specification-based tests 2023-06-16
amas public Calculate various summary statistics on a multiple sequence alignment 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mapkl public A Hybrid Feature Selection method for gene expression data 2023-06-16
collect-columns public Retrieve a column for each in a set of tables, placing them in a single output table. 2023-06-16
perl-devel-checkos public check what OS we're running on 2023-06-16
perl-moosex-object-pluggable public Make your classes pluggable 2023-06-16
wgs2ncbi public Toolkit for preparing genomes for submission to NCBI 2023-06-16
perl-prefork public Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes 2023-06-16
deepac public Predicting pathogenic potentials of novel DNA with reverse-complement neural networks. 2023-06-16
perl-biosails public Standard(ized) Analysis Information Layers 2023-06-16
perl-number-witherror public Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding 2023-06-16
snp-mutator public Generate mutated sequence files from a reference genome. 2023-06-16
circos-tools public circos-tools provides several utility add-on scripts, such as for bundling links 2023-06-16
braker2 public BRAKER2 is an extension of BRAKER1 2023-06-16
mtsv public MTSv is a suite of metagenomic binning and analysis tools. 2023-06-16
r-genemodel public Using simple input, this package creates plots of gene models. Users can create plots of alternatively spliced gene variants and the positions of mutations and other gene features. 2023-06-16
ismapper public A mapping-based tool for identification of the site and orientation of IS insertions in bacterial genomes. 2023-06-16
eval public Eval is a flexible tool for analyzing the performance of gene-structure prediction programs. 2023-06-16
pybda public Big biological data analytics powered by Apache Spark 2023-06-16
perl-logger-simple public Implementation of the Simran-Log-Log and Simran-Error-Error modules 2023-06-16
irida-uploader public Upload NGS data to IRIDA system 2023-06-16
pepgenome public A java tool to map peptide and peptidoform evideces to ENSEMBL Genome Coordinates 2023-06-16
gapfiller public GapFiller is a seed-and-extend local assembler to fill the gap within paired reads. 2023-06-16
taxsbp public TaxSBP: taxonomic structured bin packing 2023-06-16
gmcloser public GMcloser fills and closes the gaps present in scaffold assemblies, especially those generated by the de novo assembly of whole genomes with next-generation sequencing (NGS) reads. 2023-06-16
phylovega public Interactive Phylogenetic trees in Vega. 2023-06-16
recalladapters public recalladapters - A tool to recall adapters for PacBio data 2023-06-16

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