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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
biobb_common public Biobb_common is the base package required to use the biobb packages. 2024-10-11
tbtamr public A tool implementing TB-Profiler for reporting of genomic DST for M. tuberculosis in a CPHL 2024-10-11
earlgrey public Earl Grey: A fully automated TE curation and annotation pipeline 2024-10-11
ena-webin-cli public Data submissions to ENA can be made using the Webin command line submission interface (Webin-CLI). 2024-10-11
sizemeup public A simple tool to determine the genome size of an organism 2024-10-11
vamos public VNTR annotation using efficient motif selection 2024-10-11
pypints public Peak Identifier for Nascent Transcripts Starts (PINTS) 2024-10-11
vvv2_display public Creates png image file with all [vardict] variants proportions alongside genome/assembly with annotations from [vadr]. 2024-10-10
pyfaidx public pyfaidx: efficient pythonic random access to fasta subsequences 2024-10-10
querynator public Python package to query cancer variant databases 2024-10-10
nanosim public NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator for Nanopore sequencing data. 2024-10-10
pantax public Strain-level taxonomic classification of metagenomic data using pangenome graphs 2024-10-10
picard public Java tools for working with NGS data in the BAM format 2024-10-10
picard-slim public Java tools for working with NGS data in the BAM format. 2024-10-10
kmc public Tools for efficient k-mer counting and filtering of reads based on k-mer content. 2024-10-09
sipros public Tools for stable isotopic mass spectrometry-based metaproteomics 2024-10-09
kmercamel public KmerCamel🐫 - compressing k-mer sets using masked superstrings 2024-10-09
sequali public Fast sequencing quality metrics 2024-10-09
orthologer public Establish orthology among fasta files. 2024-10-09
patchify public A library that helps you split image into small, overlappable patches, and merge patches back into the original image. 2024-10-09
delly public Structural variant discovery by integrated paired-end and split-read analysis 2024-10-09
tefinder public Programs for transposable element search and annotation in large eukaryotic genome sequence. 2024-10-09
woltka public versatile meta-omic data classifier 2024-10-09
scitrack public SciTrack provides basic logging capabilities to track scientific computations. 2024-10-08
get_mnv public Tool to identify Multi-Nucleotide Variants (MNVs) in genomic sequences. 2024-10-08
pyhmmer public Cython bindings and Python interface to HMMER3. 2024-10-08
pgscatalog.match public Tools for matching variants in PGS scoring files and target variant information files. 2024-10-08
snakemake-executor-plugin-kubernetes public A snakemake executor plugin for submission of jobs to Kubernetes 2024-10-08
civicpy public CIViC variant knowledgebase analysis toolkit. 2024-10-08
pepnovo public No Summary 2024-10-08
ngs-tools public Reusable tools for working with next-generation sequencing (NGS) data 2024-10-08
mgikit public mgikit is a collection of tools used to demultiplex fastq files and generate demultiplexing and quality reports. 2024-10-08
viroconstrictor public ViroConstrictor is a flexible pipeline for analysis of targeted viral sequencing data 2024-10-08
orthanq public Uncertainty aware HLA typing and general haplotype quantification 2024-10-08
phylodm public Efficient calculation of phylogenetic distance matrices. 2024-10-08
mutamr public Stripped down tool for generation of annotated vcf from paired-end reads in a CPHL. 2024-10-08
breseq public A computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA re-sequencing data. 2024-10-07
vitap public Viral Taxonomic Assignment Pipeline 2024-10-07
r-cobrar public COnstraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA) of metabolic networks in R 2024-10-07
pgscatalog.calc public Libraries and applications for working with calculated polygenic scores 2024-10-07
vclean public vClean: Assessing the contamination of viral genomes 2024-10-07
parebrick public A bioinf tool for finding genome rearrangements in bacterial genomes. 2024-10-07
mini3di public A NumPy port of the foldseek code for encoding protein structures to 3di. 2024-10-07
heliano public HELIANO: A fast and accurate tool for detection of Helitron-like elements 2024-10-07
fastaptamer public A Bioinformatic Toolkit for High-Throughput Sequence Analysis of Combinatorial Selections 2024-10-07
pydustmasker public Python library for identification and masking of low-complexity regions in nucleotide sequences. 2024-10-07
snakemake-storage-plugin-gcs public A Snakemake storage plugin for Google Cloud Storage 2024-10-07
mbgc public A tool for compressing collection of genomes in FASTA format 2024-10-07
pyliftover public Pure-python implementation of UCSC ``liftOver`` genome coordinate conversion. 2024-10-07
galaxy_sequence_utils public Sequence Utilities from the Galaxy project 2024-10-07

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