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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-pd.hg.u95d public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG U95D 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.medgene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MedGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.hg.u95a public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG U95A 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.ovigene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix OviGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-metagxpancreas public Transcriptomic Pancreatic Cancer Datasets 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rjpgene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RJpGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.yeast.2 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Yeast_2 2024-12-22
bioconductor-stager public stageR: stage-wise analysis of high throughput gene expression data in R 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.medicago public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Medicago 2024-12-22
bioconductor-sdams public Differential Abundant/Expression Analysis for Metabolomics, Proteomics and single-cell RNA sequencing Data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mogene.1.1.st.v1 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoGene-1_1-st-v1 2024-12-22
bioconductor-gcrisprtools public Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.equgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix EquGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rg.u34b public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name RG_U34B 2024-12-22
bioconductor-duoclustering2018 public Data, Clustering Results and Visualization Functions From Duò et al (2018) 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.elegene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix EleGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.zebgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix ZebGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.cyngene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix CynGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-rtn public RTN: Reconstruction of Transcriptional regulatory Networks and analysis of regulons 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mirna.3.0 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix miRNA-3_0 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.clariom.s.mouse public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Clariom_S_Mouse 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.feinberg.hg18.me.hx1 public Platform Design Info for NimbleGen feinberg_hg18_me_hx1 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.hg.u133a.2 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG-U133A_2 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.rjpgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix RJpGene-1_1-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.zebrafish public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Zebrafish 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.hg18.60mer.expr public Platform Design Info for NimbleGen hg18_60mer_expr 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.mg.u74a public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name MG_U74A 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pd.ovigene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix OviGene-1_0-st 2024-12-22
bioconductor-oligo public Preprocessing tools for oligonucleotide arrays 2024-12-22
bioconductor-seqsqc public A bioconductor package for sample quality check with next generation sequencing data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-hmp16sdata public 16S rRNA Sequencing Data from the Human Microbiome Project 2024-12-22
bioconductor-grmetrics public Calculate growth-rate inhibition (GR) metrics 2024-12-22
bioconductor-tcgaworkflowdata public Data for TCGA Workflow 2024-12-22
bioconductor-tabulamurisdata public 10x And SmartSeq2 Data From The Tabula Muris Consortium 2024-12-22
bioconductor-micrornaome public SummarizedExperiment for the microRNAome project 2024-12-22
bioconductor-bumhmm public Computational pipeline for computing probability of modification from structure probing experiment data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-sampleclassifierdata public Pre-processed data for use with the sampleClassifier package 2024-12-22
bioconductor-geoquery public Get data from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) 2024-12-22
bioconductor-cellmapperdata public Pre-processed data for use with the CellMapper package 2024-12-22
bioconductor-metagxbreast public Transcriptomic Breast Cancer Datasets 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mwastools public MWASTools: an integrated pipeline to perform metabolome-wide association studies 2024-12-22
bioconductor-scale4c public Scale4C: an R/Bioconductor package for scale-space transformation of 4C-seq data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-podkat public Position-Dependent Kernel Association Test 2024-12-22
bioconductor-diffcyt public Differential discovery in high-dimensional cytometry via high-resolution clustering 2024-12-22
bioconductor-biocsklearn public interface to python sklearn via Rstudio reticulate 2024-12-22
bioconductor-ttmap public Two-Tier Mapper: a clustering tool based on topological data analysis 2024-12-22
bioconductor-pharmacogx public Analysis of Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Data 2024-12-22
bioconductor-zfpkm public A suite of functions to facilitate zFPKM transformations 2024-12-22
bioconductor-sigfeature public sigFeature: Significant feature selection using SVM-RFE & t-statistic 2024-12-22
bioconductor-runibic public runibic: row-based biclustering algorithm for analysis of gene expression data in R 2024-12-22

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