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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
unicycler public Hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes 2025-01-27
miniasm public Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step) 2025-01-27
perl-io-interactive public Utilities for interactive I/O 2025-01-27
py2bit public A package for accessing 2bit files using lib2bit 2025-01-26
solvebio public The SolveBio Python client 2025-01-24
gdc-client public GDC Data Transfer Tool 2025-01-24
cat public CAT/BAT: tool for taxonomic classification of contigs and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) 2025-01-24
kma public KMA is a mapping method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. 2025-01-24
rnastructure public RNAstructure is a complete package for RNA and DNA secondary structure prediction and analysis. It includes algorithms for secondary structure prediction, including facility to predict base pairing probabilities. It also can be used to predict bimolecular structures and can predict the equilibrium binding affinity of an oligonucleotide to a structured RNA target. This is useful for siRNA design. It can also predict secondary structures common to two, unaligned sequences, which is much more accurate than single sequence secondary structure prediction. Finally, RNAstructure can take a number of different types of experiment mapping data to constrain or restrain structure prediction. These include chemical mapping, enzymatic mapping, NMR, and SHAPE data. 2025-01-23
parsnp public Parsnp is a command-line-tool for efficient microbial core genome alignment and SNP detection. 2025-01-23
perl-math-bigint public Arbitrary size floating point math package 2025-01-23
openms public OpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for LC-MS data management and analyses 2025-01-23
spaln public Map and align a set of cDNA/EST or protein sequences onto a genome 2025-01-23
khmer public khmer k-mer counting library 2025-01-23
itsxpress public ITSxpress: Software to rapidly trim the Internally Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region from FASTQ files. 2025-01-22
ectyper public ECtyper is a python program for serotyping E. coli genomes 2025-01-22
deeptoolsintervals public A python module creating/accessing GTF-based interval trees with associated meta-data 2025-01-22
perl-socket public networking constants and support functions 2025-01-22
whatshap public Phase genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads (haplotype assembly). 2025-01-22
iced public The python module iced implements the ICE normalization of hic data. 2025-01-22
kleborate public Kleborate: a tool for typing and screening pathogen genome assemblies 2025-01-21
sra-tools public The SRA Toolkit and SDK from NCBI. 2025-01-21
igv public Integrative Genomics Viewer. Fast, efficient, scalable visualization tool for genomics data and annotations. 2025-01-21
nextflow public A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines http://nextflow.io 2025-01-21
deeptools public A set of user-friendly tools for normalization and visualzation of deep-sequencing data 2025-01-20
mmseqs2 public MMseqs2: ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite 2025-01-18
libbigwig public A C library for handling bigWig files 2025-01-17
bioconductor-biostrings public Efficient manipulation of biological strings 2025-01-17
last public LAST finds & aligns related regions of sequences. 2025-01-16
bbmap public BBMap is a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. 2025-01-16
htstream public HTStream is a quality control and processing pipeline for High Throughput Sequencing data. The difference between HTStream and other tools is that HTStream uses a tab delimited fastq format that allows for streaming from application to application. This streaming creates some awesome efficiencies when processing HTS data and makes it fully interoperable with other standard Linux tools. 2025-01-16
sourmash public Compute and compare MinHash signatures for DNA data sets. 2025-01-15
delly public Structural variant discovery by integrated paired-end and split-read analysis 2025-01-15
homer public Software for motif discovery and next generation sequencing analysis 2025-01-15
ncbi-vdb public SRA tools database engine. 2025-01-15
muscle public Multiple sequence and structure alignment with top benchmark scores scalable to thousands of sequences 2025-01-14
pasta public An implementation of the PASTA (Practical Alignment using Sate and TrAnsitivity) algorithm 2025-01-14
perl-bio-phylo public An object-oriented Perl toolkit for analyzing and manipulating phyloinformatic data. 2025-01-14
ensembl-vep public Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor 2025-01-14
abricate public Mass screening of contigs for antibiotic resistance genes 2025-01-14
mirdeep2 public A completely overhauled tool which discovers microRNA genes by analyzing sequenced RNAs 2025-01-14
unitas public unitas is a convenient tool for efficient annotation of small non-coding RNA sequence datasets produced by Next Generation Sequencing. 2025-01-14
ngmlr public ngmlr is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore reads to a reference genome and optimized for structural variation detection 2025-01-14
gffread public GFF/GTF utility providing format conversions, region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction and more. 2025-01-13
perl-graph public a Perl extension for keeping data partially sorted 2025-01-13
perl-experimental public Experimental features made easy 2025-01-09
bioconductor-pcaexplorer public Interactive Visualization of RNA-seq Data Using a Principal Components Approach 2025-01-08
perl-config-general public Generic Config Module 2025-01-08
selene-sdk public Framework for developing sequence-level deep learning networks. 2025-01-07
stacks public Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences. 2025-01-07

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