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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-pslmap public map PSLs alignments to new targets using alignments of 2024-08-27
ucsc-sqltoxml public dump out all or part of a relational database to XML, guided 2024-08-27
ucsc-subcolumn public Substitute one column in a tab-separated file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadmaf public Load a maf file index into the database 2024-08-27
ucsc-chromgraphfrombin public Convert chromGraph binary to ascii format. 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredtobed public Convert from genePred to bed format. Does not yet handle genePredExt 2024-08-27
ucsc-ixixx public Create indices for simple line-oriented file of format 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedclip public Remove lines from bed file that refer to off-chromosome locations. 2024-08-27
ucsc-ldhggene public load database with gene predictions from a gff file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafspecieslist public Scan maf and output all species used in it. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafcoverage public Analyse coverage by maf files - chromosome by 2024-08-27
ucsc-parasol public Parasol is the name given to the overall system for managing jobs on a computer cluster and to this specific command. This command is intended primarily for system administrators. The 'para' command is the primary command for users. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mrnatogene public convert PSL alignments of mRNAs to gene annotations 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafgene public output protein alignments using maf and genePred 2024-08-27
ucsc-netfilter public Filter out parts of net. What passes 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadnet public Load a generic net file into database 2024-08-27
ucsc-toupper public Convert lower case to upper case in file. Leave other chars alone 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredcheck public validate genePred files or tables 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredfilter public filter a genePred file 2024-08-27
ucsc-beditemoverlapcount public count number of times a base is overlapped by the 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslmrnacover public Make histogram of coverage percentage of mRNA in psl. 2024-08-27
minimap2 public A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. 2024-08-27
lambda public Lambda is a local aligner optimized for many query sequences and searches in protein space 2024-08-26
perl-parallel-forkmanager public A simple parallel processing fork manager 2024-08-26
adapterremoval public The AdapterRemoval v2 tool for merging and clipping reads. 2024-08-25
hmmer public Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models 2024-08-24
gxformat2 public Galaxy Workflow Format 2 Descriptions 2024-08-23
bpipe public Bpipe - a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines 2024-08-23
art public No Summary 2024-08-22
pyseer public Sequence Element Enrichment Analysis (SEER), python implementation 2024-08-22
whatshap public phase genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads (haplotype assembly) 2024-08-21
python-hyphy-python public HyPhy package interface library 2024-08-21
cyvcf2 public A cython wrapper around htslib built for fast parsing of Variant Call Format (VCF) files 2024-08-21
bowtie2 public A fast and sensitive gapped read aligner. 2024-08-21
r-sigqc public Provides gene signature quality control metrics in publication ready plots. Namely, enables the visualization of properties such as expression, variability, correlation, and comparison of methods of standardisation and scoring metrics. 2024-08-19
pipits public PIPITS: An automated pipeline for analyses of fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from the Illumina sequencing platform 2024-08-19
htsbox public HTSbox is a fork of early HTSlib. It is a collection of small experimental tools manipulating HTS-related files. 2024-08-16
pasta public An implementation of the PASTA (Practical Alignment using Sate and TrAnsitivity) algorithm 2024-08-15
unicycler public Hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes 2024-08-14
dsk public DSK is a k-mer counter for reads or genomes. 2024-08-14
discosnp public reference-free small variant caller for short read sequencing data 2024-08-14
lastz public LASTZ is a program for aligning DNA sequences, a pairwise aligner. 2024-08-13
spades public SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assembler) is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. 2024-08-13
rapidnj public RapidNJ is an algorithmic engineered implementation of canonical neighbour-joining. It uses an efficient search heuristic to speed-up the core computations of the neighbour-joining method that enables RapidNJ to outperform other state-of-the-art neighbour-joining implementations. 2024-08-12
pkiss public RNA secondary structure prediction including K-type and kissing hairpin- pseudoknots. 2024-08-11
treetime public Maximum-Likelihood dating and ancestral inference for phylogenetic trees 2024-08-11
pyani public pyani provides a package and script for calculation of genome-scale average nucleotide identity. 2024-08-09
nanoplot public Plotting suite for long read sequencing data and alignments 2024-08-09
comet-ms public Comet is a command line tool that does MS/MS database search. 2024-08-09
fastme public a comprehensive, accurate and fast distance-based phylogeny inference program. 2024-08-09

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