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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-rlassocox public A reweighted Lasso-Cox by integrating gene interaction information 2024-12-14
bioconductor-lbe public Estimation of the false discovery rate 2024-12-14
bioconductor-msstatslobd public Assay characterization: estimation of limit of blanc(LoB) and limit of detection(LOD) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-snpediar public Query data from SNPedia 2024-12-14
bioconductor-lpe public Methods for analyzing microarray data using Local Pooled Error (LPE) method 2024-12-14
fastani public FastANI is developed for fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI). 2024-12-14
bioconductor-hubmapr public Interface to 'HuBMAP' 2024-12-14
bioconductor-ccrepe public ccrepe_and_nc.score 2024-12-14
bioconductor-graper public Adaptive penalization in high-dimensional regression and classification with external covariates using variational Bayes 2024-12-14
bioconductor-matrixgenerics public S4 Generic Summary Statistic Functions that Operate on Matrix-Like Objects 2024-12-14
bioconductor-dart public Denoising Algorithm based on Relevance network Topology 2024-12-14
bioconductor-alabaster.schemas public Schemas for the Alabaster Framework 2024-12-14
bioconductor-logicfs public Identification of SNP Interactions 2024-12-14
bioconductor-gewist public Gene Environment Wide Interaction Search Threshold 2024-12-14
bioconductor-genomes public Genome sequencing project metadata 2024-12-14
bioconductor-slqpcr public Functions for analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data at SIRS-Lab GmbH 2024-12-14
bioconductor-verso public Viral Evolution ReconStructiOn (VERSO) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-clustersignificance public The ClusterSignificance package provides tools to assess if class clusters in dimensionality reduced data representations have a separation different from permuted data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rtcga public The Cancer Genome Atlas Data Integration 2024-12-14
bioconductor-gigsea public Genotype Imputed Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-hiergwas public Asessing statistical significance in predictive GWA studies 2024-12-14
bioconductor-heatplus public Heatmaps with row and/or column covariates and colored clusters 2024-12-14
bioconductor-xmapbridge public Export plotting files to the xmapBridge for visualisation in X:Map 2024-12-14
bioconductor-venndetail public A package for visualization and extract details 2024-12-14
bioconductor-proteinprofiles public Protein Profiling 2024-12-14
bioconductor-icens public NPMLE for Censored and Truncated Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-ibbig public Iterative Binary Biclustering of Genesets 2024-12-14
bioconductor-sseq public Shrinkage estimation of dispersion in Negative Binomial models for RNA-seq experiments with small sample size 2024-12-14
bioconductor-planet public Placental DNA methylation analysis tools 2024-12-14
ucsc-psltobigpsl public converts psl to bigPsl input (bed format with extra fields) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-iseq public Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of ChIP-seq Data Through Hidden Ising Models 2024-12-14
bioconductor-tximport public Import and summarize transcript-level estimates for transcript- and gene-level analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-dks public The double Kolmogorov-Smirnov package for evaluating multiple testing procedures. 2024-12-14
bioconductor-les public Identifying Differential Effects in Tiling Microarray Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-seqlogo public Sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments 2024-12-14
bioconductor-affxparser public Affymetrix File Parsing SDK 2024-12-14
bioconductor-fgnet public Functional Gene Networks derived from biological enrichment analyses 2024-12-14
bioconductor-seahtrue public Seahtrue revives XF data for structured data analysis 2024-12-14
bioconductor-massarray public Analytical Tools for MassArray Data 2024-12-14
vt public A tool set for short variant discovery in genetic sequence data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-biocroxytest public Handle Long Tests in Bioconductor Packages 2024-12-14
bioconductor-fci public f-divergence Cutoff Index for Differential Expression Analysis in Transcriptomics and Proteomics 2024-12-14
bioconductor-omixer public Omixer: multivariate and reproducible sample randomization to proactively counter batch effects in omics studies 2024-12-14
bioconductor-pgca public PGCA: An Algorithm to Link Protein Groups Created from MS/MS Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-biobtreer public Using biobtree tool from R 2024-12-14
bioconductor-quaternaryprod public Computes the Quaternary Dot Product Scoring Statistic for Signed and Unsigned Causal Graphs 2024-12-14
bioconductor-cellscape public Explores single cell copy number profiles in the context of a single cell tree 2024-12-14
bioconductor-flowplots public flowPlots: analysis plots and data class for gated flow cytometry data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-anvilbase public Generic functions for interacting with the AnVIL ecosystem 2024-12-14
bioconductor-epidish public Epigenetic Dissection of Intra-Sample-Heterogeneity 2024-12-14

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