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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
medpy public Medical image processing in Python 2023-06-16
metaquantome public Quantitative metaproteomics analysis of taxonomy and function. 2023-06-16
metawrap public MetaWRAP is a pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis 2023-06-16
r-tigger public Infers the V genotype of an individual from immunoglobulin (Ig) repertoire sequencing data (AIRR-Seq, Rep-Seq). Includes detection of any novel alleles. This information is then used to correct existing V allele calls from among the sample sequences. Citations: Gadala-Maria, et al (2015) <doi:10.1073/pnas.1417683112>. 2023-06-16
kipoi_veff public kipoi_veff: variant effect prediction plugin for Kipoi 2023-06-16
r-nam public Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM) panels, experimental and random panels. The method is described by Xavier et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv448>. It includes tools for genome-wide associations of multiple populations, marker quality control, population genetics analysis, genome-wide prediction, solving mixed models and finding variance components through likelihood and Bayesian methods. 2023-06-16
python-sortedcontainers public sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extensions 2023-06-16
r-corbi public Provides a bundle of basic and fundamental bioinformatics tools, such as network querying and alignment, subnetwork extraction and search, network biomarker identification. 2023-06-16
bioexcel_seqqc public Sequence Quality Control pipeline/modules 2023-06-16
r-sads public Maximum likelihood tools to fit and compare models of species abundance distributions and of species rank-abundance distributions. 2023-06-16
avro-cwl public Avro is a serialization and RPC framework. This package is a fork of regular avro made by the CWL team in order to fix some issues (https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool/issues/524) 2023-06-16
mhcnames public Python library for MHC nomenclature parsing 2023-06-16
r-guilds public A collection of sampling formulas for the unified neutral model of biogeography and biodiversity. Alongside the sampling formulas, it includes methods to perform maximum likelihood optimization of the sampling formulas, methods to generate data given the neutral model, and methods to estimate the expected species abundance distribution. Sampling formulas included in the GUILDS package are the Etienne Sampling Formula (Etienne 2005), the guild sampling formula, where guilds are assumed to differ in dispersal ability (Janzen et al. 2015), and the guilds sampling formula conditioned on guild size (Janzen et al. 2015). 2023-06-16
nimnexus public command-line tools for processing ChIP-nexus data 2023-06-16
r-ebimetagenomics public Functions for querying the EBI Metagenomics Portal <https://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/>. The current main focus is on taxa abundance data, but the intention is that this package should evolve into a general purpose package for working with EBI Metagenomics data using R. 2023-06-16
grid public Growth Rate Index (GRiD) measures bacterial growth rate from reference genomes (including draft quality genomes) and metagenomic bins at ultra-low sequencing coverage (> 0.2x). 2023-06-16
r-mvr public This is a non-parametric method for joint adaptive mean-variance regularization and variance stabilization of high-dimensional data. It is suited for handling difficult problems posed by high-dimensional multivariate datasets (p >> n paradigm). Among those are that the variance is often a function of the mean, variable-specific estimators of variances are not reliable, and tests statistics have low powers due to a lack of degrees of freedom. Key features include: (i) Normalization and/or variance stabilization of the data, (ii) Computation of mean-variance-regularized t-statistics (F-statistics to follow), (iii) Generation of diverse diagnostic plots, (iv) Computationally efficient implementation using C/C++ interfacing and an option for parallel computing to enjoy a faster and easier experience in the R environment. 2023-06-16
r-airr public Schema definitions and read, write and validation tools for data formatted in accordance with the AIRR Data Representation schemas defined by the AIRR Community <http://docs.airr-community.org>. 2023-06-16
diamond_add_taxonomy public Utility to work with NCBI taxonomy database including tool to annotate DIAMOND results with taxonomy lineage 2023-06-16
qcat public Qcat is Python command-line tool for demultiplexing Oxford Nanopore reads from FASTQ files. 2023-06-16
transit public TRANSIT 2023-06-16
perl-clone-choose public Choose appropriate clone utility 2023-06-16
bioconductor-metavizr public R Interface to the metaviz web app for interactive metagenomics data analysis and visualization 2023-06-16
cgat-daisy public A system to design and execute benchmarks 2023-06-16
biobb_md public Deprecated Package: biobb_md is no longer maintained and has been superseded by the biobb_gromacs package. Biobb_md is the Biobb module collection to perform molecular dynamics simulations. 2023-06-16
kipoi public Kipoi: model zoo for genomics 2023-06-16
prince public PRINCE estimates Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR) copy number from raw next generation sequencing (NGS) data. 2023-06-16
wgfast public The whole genome focused array SNP typing (WG-FAST) pipeline 2023-06-16
bioconductor-ippd public Isotopic peak pattern deconvolution for Protein Mass Spectrometry by template matching 2023-06-16
r-shazam public Provides a computational framework for analyzing mutations in immunoglobulin (Ig) sequences. Includes methods for Bayesian estimation of antigen-driven selection pressure, mutational load quantification, building of somatic hypermutation (SHM) models, and model-dependent distance calculations. Also includes empirically derived models of SHM for both mice and humans. Citations: Gupta and Vander Heiden, et al (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv359>, Yaari, et al (2012) <doi:10.1093/nar/gks457>, Yaari, et al (2013) <doi:10.3389/fimmu.2013.00358>, Cui, et al (2016) <doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1502263>. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-pathprint public Pathway fingerprinting for analysis of gene expression arrays 2023-06-16
bioconductor-chipxpress public ChIPXpress: enhanced transcription factor target gene identification from ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip data using publicly available gene expression profiles 2023-06-16
sbpipe public SBpipe is a collection of pipelines for systems modelling of biological networks. It allows mathematical modellers to automatically repeat the tasks of model simulation and parameter estimation, and extract robustness information from these repeat sequences in a solid and consistent manner, facilitating model development and analysis. SBpipe can run models implemented in COPASI, Python or coded in any other programming language using Python as a wrapper module. Pipelines can run on multicore computers, Sun Grid Engine (SGE), Load Sharing Facility (LSF) clusters, or via Snakemake. 2023-06-16
fgmp public FGMP: assessing fungal genome completeness and gene content. 2023-06-16
gneiss public Compositional data analysis tools and visualizations 2023-06-16
bioconductor-rariant public Identification and Assessment of Single Nucleotide Variants through Shifts in Non-Consensus Base Call Frequencies 2023-06-16
sompy public Numpy based SOM Library. 2023-06-16
perl-number-range public Perl extension defining ranges of numbers and testing if a number is found in the range 2023-06-16
pydemult public Streamed and parallel demultiplexing of fastq files in python 2023-06-16
bioconductor-networkbma public Regression-based network inference using Bayesian Model Averaging 2023-06-16
bioconductor-impulsede public Detection of DE genes in time series data using impulse models 2023-06-16
hulk public Histosketching Using Little Kmers 2023-06-16
r-bedr public Genomic regions processing using open-source command line tools such as 'BEDTools', 'BEDOPS' and 'Tabix'. These tools offer scalable and efficient utilities to perform genome arithmetic e.g indexing, formatting and merging. bedr API enhances access to these tools as well as offers additional utilities for genomic regions processing. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-deds public Differential Expression via Distance Summary for Microarray Data 2023-06-16
bioconductor-phenodist public PhenoDist is designed for measuring phenotypic distance in image-based high-throughput screening, in order to identify strong phenotypes and to group treatments into functional clusters. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-methyanalysis public DNA methylation data analysis and visualization 2023-06-16
r-traminer public Toolbox for the manipulation, description and rendering of sequences, and more generally the mining of sequence data in the field of social sciences. Although the toolbox is primarily intended for analyzing state or event sequences that describe life courses such as family formation histories or professional careers, its features also apply to many other kinds of categorical sequence data. It accepts many different sequence representations as input and provides tools for converting sequences from one format to another. It offers several functions for describing and rendering sequences, for computing distances between sequences with different metrics (among which optimal matching), original dissimilarity-based analysis tools, and simple functions for extracting the most frequent subsequences and identifying the most discriminating ones among them. A user's guide can be found on the TraMineR web page. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-swimr public SwimR: A Suite of Analytical Tools for Quantification of C. elegans Swimming Behavior 2023-06-16
bioconductor-spotsegmentation public Microarray Spot Segmentation and Gridding for Blocks of Microarray Spots 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mqtl.nmr public mQTL.NMR provides a complete mQTL analysis pipeline for 1H NMR data. Distinctive features include normalisation using most-used approaches, peak alignment using RSPA approach, dimensionality reduction using SRV and binning approaches, and mQTL analysis for animal and human cohorts. 2023-06-16

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