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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-pslxtofa public convert pslx (with sequence) to fasta file 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedcommonregions public Create a bed file (just bed3) that contains the regions common to all inputs. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedweedoverlapping public Filter out beds that overlap a 'weed.bed' file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-chaintoaxt public Convert from chain to axt file 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigbedtobed public Convert from bigBed to ascii bed format. 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadsqltab public Load table into database from SQL and text files. 2024-08-27
ucsc-axtswap public Swap source and query in an axt file 2024-08-27
ucsc-ratolines public Output .ra file stanzas as single lines, with pipe-separated fields. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslselect public select records from a PSL file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-axttomaf public Convert from axt to maf format 2024-08-27
ucsc-autoxml public Generate structures code and parser for XML file from DTD-like spec 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslliftsubrangeblat public lift PSLs from blat subrange alignments 2024-08-27
ucsc-qactoqa public convert from compressed to uncompressed 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigwigcluster public Cluster bigWigs using a hacTree 2024-08-27
ucsc-ticktodate public Convert seconds since 1970 to time and date 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainantirepeat public Get rid of chains that are primarily the results of repeats and degenerate DNA 2024-08-27
ucsc-headrest public Return all *but* the first N lines of a file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslswap public Swap target and query in psls 2024-08-27
ucsc-qacagplift public Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac. 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainmergesort public Combine sorted files into larger sorted file 2024-08-27
ucsc-tolower public Convert upper case to lower case in file. Leave other chars alone 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigmaftomaf public convert bigMaf to maf file 2024-08-27
ucsc-newpythonprog public Make a skeleton for a new python program 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainstitchid public Join chain fragments with the same chain ID into a single 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredtobiggenepred public converts genePred or genePredExt to bigGenePred input (bed format with extra fields) 2024-08-27
ucsc-gff3topsl public convert a GFF3 CIGAR file to a PSL file 2024-08-27
ucsc-chaintopslbasic public Basic conversion chain file to psl format 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslmappostchain public Post genomic pslMap (TransMap) chaining. This takes transcripts that have been mapped via genomic chains adds back in blocks that didn't get include in genomic chains due to complex rearrangements or other issues. 2024-08-27
ucsc-facount public count base statistics and CpGs in FA files. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedsort public Sort a .bed file by chrom,chromStart 2024-08-27
ucsc-fatofastq public Convert fa to fastq format, just faking quality values. 2024-08-27
ucsc-nibsize public print size of nibs 2024-08-27
ucsc-splitfile public Split up a file 2024-08-27
ucsc-fastqstatsandsubsample public Go through a fastq file doing sanity checks and collecting stats 2024-08-27
ucsc-maftopsl public Convert maf to psl format 2024-08-27
ucsc-fatotab public convert fa file to tab separated file 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedgraphpack public Pack together adjacent records representing same value. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslscore public calculate web blat score from psl files 2024-08-27
ucsc-fafrag public Extract a piece of DNA from a .fa file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-linestora public generate .ra format from lines with pipe-separated fields 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslhisto public Collect counts on PSL alignments for making histograms. These then be analyzed with R, textHistogram, etc. 2024-08-27
ucsc-countchars public Count the number of occurrences of a particular char 2024-08-27
ucsc-psldropoverlap public deletes all overlapping self alignments. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafranges public Extract ranges of target (or query) coverage from maf and 2024-08-27
ucsc-fasomerecords public Extract multiple fa records 2024-08-27
ucsc-twobitmask public apply masking to a .2bit file, creating a new .2bit file 2024-08-27
ucsc-lavtoaxt public Convert blastz lav file to an axt file (which includes sequence) 2024-08-27
ucsc-twobittofa public Convert all or part of .2bit file to fasta 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgfakeagp public Create fake AGP file by looking at N's 2024-08-27
ucsc-paranode public version 12.18 2024-08-27

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