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umccr / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-cpsr public Cancer Predisposition Sequencing Reporter 2025-02-23
r-rnasum public RNAseq-based cancer patient reports 2024-12-17
r-sigrap public Wrappers for somatic mutation signature analysis tools 2024-12-17
r-chord public CHORD is a random forest model that uses the relative counts of somatic mutation contexts to predict homologous recombination deficiency (HRD). The primary contexts used by CHORD are deletions with flanking microhomology and 1-100kb structural duplications. Additionally, 1-100kb structural duplications are used to distinguish BRCA1-type HRD from BRCA2-type HRD. 2024-12-16
r-mutsigextractor public Extracts SNV, indel, DBS, and SV signatures from vcf files. 2024-12-16
r-signature.tools.lib public R package with useful functions for mutational signatures analysis. 2024-12-15
r-nnlm public This is a package for Non-Negative Linear Models (NNLM). It implements fast sequential coordinate descent algorithms for non-negative linear regression and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). It supports mean square error and Kullback-Leibler divergence loss. Many other features are also implemented, including missing value imputation, domain knowledge integration, designable W and H matrices and multiple forms of regularizations. 2024-12-15
r-gpgr public Genomics Platform Group Reporting 2024-11-26
r-rportal public UMCCR data portal R functionality 2024-11-14
r-dracarys public DRAGEN workflow post-processing 2024-10-08
pcgr public None 2024-06-14
r-pcgrr public Personal Cancer Genome ReporteR. Functions, tools and utilities for the generation of clinical cancer genome reports with PCGR. This R package is an integrated part of the Docker/Conda-based PCGR workflow (https://github.com/sigven/pcgr), it should thus not be used as a stand-alone package. 2024-06-10
r-rnasum.data public Reference data for RNAsum 2024-05-16
r-cttsor public cttso-related R functionality 2024-03-25
r-manhattanly public Create interactive manhattan, Q-Q and volcano plots that are usable from the R console, in 'Dash' apps, in the 'RStudio' viewer pane, in 'R Markdown' documents, and in 'Shiny' apps. Hover the mouse pointer over a point to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom. A manhattan plot is a popular graphical method for visualizing results from high-dimensional data analysis such as a (epi)genome wide association study (GWAS or EWAS), in which p-values, Z-scores, test statistics are plotted on a scatter plot against their genomic position. Manhattan plots are used for visualizing potential regions of interest in the genome that are associated with a phenotype. Interactive manhattan plots allow the inspection of specific value (e.g. rs number or gene name) by hovering the mouse over a cell, as well as zooming into a region of the genome (e.g. a chromosome) by dragging a rectangle around the relevant area. This work is based on the 'qqman' package and the 'plotly.js' engine. It produces similar manhattan and Q-Q plots as the 'manhattan' and 'qq' functions in the 'qqman' package, with the advantage of including extra annotation information and interactive web-based visualizations directly from R. Once uploaded to a 'plotly' account, 'plotly' graphs (and the data behind them) can be viewed and modified in a web browser. 2023-11-16
r-woofr public Helper R Functions for woof (https://github.com/pdiakumis/woof). 2023-09-25
vcfanno public annotate a VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files 2023-09-14
oviraptor public Oncoviral integration in cancer whole genome data 2023-09-04
multiqc public Create aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across many samples and tools 2023-08-14
vcf2maf public Convert a VCF into a MAF where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms 2023-06-18
lndir public No Summary 2023-06-18
compar public No Summary 2023-06-18
umccr_refdata public UMCCR reference data API 2023-06-18
pyvcf public Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python 2023-06-18
woof public Compare genomic data from two sources 2023-06-18
r-activedriverwgs public A method for finding an enrichment of cancer simple somatic mutations (SNVs and Indels) in functional elements across the human genome. 'ActiveDriverWGS' detects coding and noncoding driver elements using whole genome sequencing data. The method is part of the following publication: Candidate Cancer Driver Mutations in Distal Regulatory Elements and Long-Range Chromatin Interaction Networks. Molecular Cell (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2019.12.027>. 2023-06-16
fqtools public An efficient FASTQ manipulation suite. 2023-06-16
woof-nf public No Summary 2023-06-16
tsvtools public Utilities for operating with tab-separated files: viewing, filtering, reordering 2023-06-16
ngs_utils public Python utilities for bioinformatics tools and pipelines 2023-06-16
r-pebbles public Contains cancer genomics datasets for running tests and examples in the rock R package (https://github.com/pdiakumis/rock). 2023-06-16
versionpy public Small utility to track and bump the version of your python tool 2023-06-16
r-rock public Contains visualisation functions for bioinformatics work at UMCCR. 2023-06-16
tsvfmt public Tab-separated file viewer for command line 2023-06-16
reference_data public Versioning of reference data used in UMCCR pipelines, and python API to access it 2023-06-16
bed_annotation public Genome capture target coverage evaluation tool 2023-06-16
vcf_stuff public Evaluating, filtering, comparing, and visualising variant calls 2023-06-16
r-mailr public Interface to Apache Commons Email to send emails from R. 2023-06-16
r-h2o public R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models, Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (AutoML). 2023-06-16
r-googlesheets public Interact with Google Sheets from R. 2023-06-16
r-dndscv public This package contains functions for studying selection on coding sequences using a Poisson implementation of dN/dS. A Poisson model of dN/dS facilitates the study of selection beyond traditional codon models, including complex context-dependent mutation effects and selection on nonsense and splice site mutations. This model is best suited for resequencing studies, with very low density of mutations per base pair. The model was initially developed for cancer genome sequencing studies, and specific functions are provided to perform driver gene discovery using the dNdScv method on human cancer genomic data. The first beta version of this package only supports analyses of human data. Future versions of the package will support analyses on any species using a general FASTA input format. 2023-06-16
r-beepr public The main function of this package is beep(), with the purpose to make it easy to play notification sounds on whatever platform you are on. It is intended to be useful, for example, if you are running a long analysis in the background and want to know when it is ready. 2023-06-16
r-lares public R library for better/faster analytics, visualization, data mining, and machine learning tasks. With a wide variety of family functions, such as Machine Learning, Data Wrangling, Exploratory, and Scrapper, lares helps the analyst or data scientist to get quick and robust results, without the need of repetitive coding or extensive programming skills. 2023-06-16

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