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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
snowflake.demos public A library to scaffold a Snowflake Notebooks demo 2025-03-07
marko public A markdown parser with high extensibility. 2025-03-07
simpleeval public A simple, safe single expression evaluator library. 2025-03-07
stringcase public Convert string cases between camel case, pascal case, snake case etc. 2025-03-07
tink public A multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse. 2025-03-05
tf-keras public Deep learning for humans. 2025-03-05
postgis public PostGIS adds geometry, geography, raster and other types to the PostgreSQL database. 2025-03-05
perpetual public A self-generalizing gradient boosting machine which doesn't need hyperparameter optimization 2025-03-03
google-cloud-kms public Google Cloud Kms API client library 2025-03-03
u8darts-torch public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2025-02-28
u8darts-notorch public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2025-02-28
u8darts-all public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2025-02-28
u8darts public A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series. 2025-02-28
skrub public Prepping tables for machine learning 2025-02-28
snowflake public Snowflake Python API 2025-02-25
snowflake.core public Snowflake Python API for Resource Management 2025-02-25
dataframe_image public Embed pandas DataFrames as images in pdf and markdown files when converting from Jupyter Notebooks 2025-02-24
playwright-python public Python version of the Playwright testing and automation library. 2025-02-24
playwright public Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. 2025-02-24
smote-variants public Variants of the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning 2025-02-24
pyee public A port of node.js's EventEmitter to python. 2025-02-24
cssutils public A CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python 2025-02-24
statsforecast public Time series forecasting suite using statistical models 2025-02-21
avro public Avro is a serialization and RPC framework. 2025-02-21
nfoursid public Implementation of N4SID, Kalman filtering and state-space models 2025-02-21
fasttext public fastText - Library for efficient text classification and representation learning 2025-02-21
mockseries public Easy and intuitive generation of synthetic timeseries. 2025-02-21
atpublic public A very simple decorator and function which populates a module's __all__ and optionally the module globals. 2025-02-19
sentence-transformers public Sentence Embeddings using BERT / RoBERTa / XLNet 2025-02-14
weasyprint public The Awesome Document Factory 2025-02-11
weave public Weave: a C++ compiler for Python. 2025-02-10
tslearn public A machine learning toolkit dedicated to time-series data 2025-02-07
wandb public A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API. 2025-02-07
metric-learn public Python implementations of metric learning algorithms 2025-02-07
pydeck-carto public Pydeck wrapper for use with CARTO 2025-02-05
scrubadub_address public Use the Stanford NER model to clean personally identifiable information from dirty dirty text. 2025-02-05
scrubadub_spacy public Use Spacy NER models to clean personally identifiable information from dirty dirty text. 2025-02-05
carto-auth public Python library to authenticate with CARTO 2025-02-05
scrubadub public Clean personally identifiable information from dirty dirty text. 2025-02-05
pyap public Pyap is an MIT Licensed text processing library, written in Python, for detecting and parsing addresses. Currently it supports USA, Canadian and British addresses. 2025-02-05
postal public Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization 2025-02-05
python-stdnum public A Python module to parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats. 2025-01-31
pydyf public A low-level PDF generator. 2025-01-31
cssselect2 public cssselect2 is a straightforward implementation of CSS4 Selectors for markup documents 2025-01-31
scikit-misc public Miscellaneous tools for data analysis and scientific computing. 2025-01-31
zopfli public Zopfli module for python 2025-01-30
unstructured-pdf public A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks. 2025-01-28
unstructured-ppt public A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks. 2025-01-28
unstructured public A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks. 2025-01-28
ortools-python public Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package 2025-01-28

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