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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
evidently public Analyze, monitor, and debug machine learning model in production. 2024-11-22
httplib2 public A comprehensive HTTP client library 2024-11-22
uritemplate public Implementation of RFC 6570 URI Templates 2024-11-21
aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer-python public This library generates a signed url to enable authentication with an MSK Cluster. 2024-11-20
lightweight-mmm public Package for Media-Mix-Modelling 2024-11-20
numpyro public Pyro PPL on NumPy 2024-11-19
snowflake public Snowflake Python API 2024-11-18
snowflake.core public Snowflake Python API for Resource Management 2024-11-18
litestar-with-structlog public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with structlog) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-prometheus public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with prometheus) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-jwt public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with jwt) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-jinja public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with jinja) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-full public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with all extras) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-cryptography public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with cryptography) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-attrs public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with attrs) 2024-11-18
litestar-with-annotated-types public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with annotated-types) 2024-11-18
litestar public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework 2024-11-18
litestar-with-brotli public Light-weight and flexible ASGI API Framework (with brotli) 2024-11-18
pdal public Point Data Abstraction Library (PDAL) 2024-11-14
tiledb-py public Python interface to the TileDB sparse and dense multi-dimensional array storage manager 2024-11-14
tiledb public TileDB sparse and dense multi-dimensional array data management 2024-11-14
eth-utils public Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebases. 2024-11-14
fairseq2 public fairseq2 is a sequence modeling toolkit that allows researchers and developers to train custom models for translation, summarization, language modeling, and other content generation tasks. It is also the successor of fairseq. 2024-11-13
eth-hash public eth-hash: The Ethereum hashing function, keccak256, sometimes (erroneously) called sha3 2024-11-13
python-poppler public Python binding to the poppler-cpp library 2024-11-12
eth-typing public eth-typing: Common type annotations for ethereum python packages 2024-11-11
setuptools-markdown public [Deprecated] Use Markdown for your project description 2024-11-11
iterative-telemetry public Common library to send usage telemetry 2024-11-07
kaldi-native-fbank public Kaldi-compatible online fbank feature extractor without external dependencies. 2024-11-06
uuid6 public New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key 2024-11-06
polyfactory public Mock data generation factories 2024-11-05
langchain-snowflake public An integration package connecting Snowflake and LangChain 2024-11-05
immutabledict public A fork of frozendict, an immutable wrapper around dictionaries. 2024-11-04
msgspec-yaml public A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML. 2024-10-31
msgspec-toml public A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML. 2024-10-31
msgspec public A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML. 2024-10-31
fitter public A tool to fit data to many distributions and get the best one(s) 2024-10-30
rich-click public Format click help output nicely with rich 2024-10-30
python-pandoc public The Pandoc Python Library brings Pandoc's document model to Python 2024-10-29
snowflake_legacy public Snowflake legacy 2024-10-28
plumbum public Plumbum: shell combinators library 2024-10-24
trulens-connectors-snowflake public Library to systematically track and evaluate LLM based applications. 2024-10-22
langsmith public Client library to connect to the LangSmith language model tracing and evaluation API. 2024-10-22
pypyodbc public A pure Python Cross Platform ODBC interface module 2024-10-21
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common public OpenTelemetry Protobuf encoding 2024-10-21
trulens-providers-cortex public A TruLens extension package adding Snowflake Cortex support for LLM App evaluation. 2024-10-18
autots public Automated Time Series Forecasting 2024-10-17
snowflake-sqlalchemy public Snowflake SQLAlchemy Dialect 2024-10-17
streamlit-mermaid public A streamlit component, to visualize mermaid 2024-10-17
trulens-feedback public A TruLens extension package implementing feedback functions for LLM App evaluation. 2024-10-16

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