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psi4 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
psi4 None No Summary 2024-09-28
libint public Libint is E. Valeev's library for the evaluation of molecular integrals of many-body operators over Gaussian functions 2024-02-08
libint2 public E. Valeev and J. Fermann's two-body Gaussian molecular integrals 2024-02-08
qcelemental public QCElemental is a resource module for quantum chemistry containing physical constants and periodic table data from NIST and molecule handlers. 2023-11-02
qcengine public A wrapper for Quantum Chemistry engines that adheres to the MolSSI (molssi.org) QCSchema. 2023-11-02
sphinx-psi-theme public theme for Psi4 Sphinx docs, derived from Cloud 2023-09-27
psi4-dev public Development support for Psi4 2023-07-13
libecpint public A C++ library for the efficient evaluation of integrals over effective core potentials. 2023-06-18
mdsapt public SAPT Calculations for MDAnalysis 2023-06-18
libtensorlight public C++ library for tensor computations 2023-06-16
dftd4 public A generally applicable London dispersion correction 2023-06-16
llvm-openmp public The OpenMP API supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran. 2023-06-16
cirq public Google's python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits 2023-06-16
quimb public No Summary 2023-06-16
miniforte public No Summary 2023-06-16
pybind11-headers public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2023-06-16
fockci public S. Houck's Fock-space CI (RAS-nSF-IP/EA) plugin to Psi4 2023-06-16
optking public A geometry optimizer for quantum chemistry. 2023-06-16
adcc public adcc: Seamlessly connect your program to ADC 2023-06-16
postg public E. Johnson and A. Otero de la Roza's exchange-hold dipole moment (XDM) dispersion correction for DFT 2023-06-16
pycppe public C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding calculations 2023-06-16
cppe public C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding calculations 2023-06-16
dataclasses public An implementation of PEP 557: Data Classes 2023-06-16
pydantic public Data validation and settings management using python type hinting 2023-06-16
openfermionpsi4 public Google's plugin allowing OpenFermion to interface with Psi4 2023-06-16
mp2d public C. Greenwell's dispersion correction for MP2 quantum chemical method 2023-06-16
helpme public A. Simmonett's efficient library for particle mesh Ewald 2023-06-16
psi4-docs public Psi4 HTML documentation 2023-06-16
pylibefp-docs public No Summary 2023-06-16
pygau2grid public D.G.A. Smith's C-based python module for fast computation of a Gaussian and its derivative on a grid 2023-06-16
def public No Summary 2023-06-16
abc public No Summary 2023-06-16
tracker public No Summary 2023-06-16
openfermion public Google's electronic structure package for quantum computers 2023-06-16
gpu_dfcc public E. DePrince's GPU-accelerated coupled-cluster with density fitting plugin to Psi4 2023-06-16
resp public A. Alenaizan's restrained electrostatic potential (RESP) plugin to Psi4 2023-06-16
jsonpickle public Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON. It can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON. Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python. 2023-06-16
hungarian public Hungarian/Munkres algorithm for the linear assignment problem, in Python 2023-06-16
h5py public Read and write HDF5 files from Python 2023-06-16
hdf5 public HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data 2023-06-16
snsmp2 public R. McGibbon's spin-network-scaled MP2 plugin to Psi4 2023-06-16
libxc public M.A.L. Marques's exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory 2023-06-16
pint public Operate and manipulate physical quantities in Python 2023-06-16
psi4-rt public Optional run-time add-ons to Psi4 2023-06-16
pylibefp public L. A. Burns's python bindings to libefp 2023-06-16
gcp public S. Grimme's geometrical counterpoise correction for DFT and Hartree--Fock quantum chemical methods 2023-06-16
deepdiff public Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. 2023-06-16
libefp public I. Kaliman's parallel implementation of the Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method 2023-06-16
pybind11 public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2023-06-16
gau2grid public D.G.A. Smith's C library for fast computation of a Gaussian and its derivative on a grid 2023-06-16

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