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plotly / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
plotly None An interactive JavaScript-based visualization library for Python 2025-01-28
python-kaleido public Static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies 2023-06-16
jupyter-dash public Dash support for the Jupyter notebook interface 2023-06-16
plotly-geo public geo shape files for use with plotly.py 2023-06-16
chart-studio public Utilities for interfacing with plotly's Chart Studio 2023-06-16
dash-html-components public Dash UI HTML component suite 2023-06-16
dash public A Python framework for building reactive web-apps. 2023-06-16
jupyter-server-proxy public Jupyter server extension to supervise and proxy web services 2023-06-16
dash-core-components public Dash UI core component suite 2023-06-16
flask-compress public Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip. 2023-06-16
dash-renderer public Front-end component renderer for dash 2023-06-16
plotly_express public Plotly Express - a high level wrapper for Plotly.py 2023-06-16
simpervisor public Simple async process supervisor 2023-06-16
dash-table public A First-Class Interactive DataTable for Dash 2023-06-16
dash-daq public Control components for Dash 2023-06-16
jupyterlab-dash public A JupyterLab extensions for rendering Plotly Dash apps 2023-06-16
plotlylab public A proof-of-concept JupyterLab distribution integrating Plotly technologies 2023-06-16
plotly-orca public No Summary 2023-06-16
colorlover public Color scales for humans 2023-06-16

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