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olcbioinformatics / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
azure_batch public AzureBatch is a Python-based suite of tools designed for the creation of pools, jobs and tasks in an Azure batch account 2024-06-13
azure_storage public CFIA OLC Azure storage scripts 2024-06-13
allelefinder public Allele Tools 2024-05-16
cowsnphr public Single Nucleotide Variant Calling Pipeline 2023-12-04
skesa public Strategic Kmer Extension for Scrupulous Assemblies 2023-06-18
quast public Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies 2023-06-18
amr_summary public AMR Summary: a pipeline to identify AMR resistance genes located on plasmids by combining ResFinder and MOB-recon 2023-06-18
confindr public Detect intra- and inter-species bacterial contamination in NGS reads 2023-06-16
seqsero2 public Salmonella serotype prediction from genome sequencing data 2023-06-16
sistr_cmd public Salmonella In Silico Typing Resource (SISTR) commandline tool for serovar prediction. This version has requirements pinned to be compatible with the CFIA COWBAT pipeline. Please use the bioconda version. 2023-06-16
sigseekr public No Summary 2023-06-16
mob_suite public This package MOB-suite: software tools for clustering, reconstruction and typing of plasmids from draft assemblies. The MOB-suite is designed to be a modular set of tools for the typing and reconstruction of plasmid sequences from WGS assemblies. 2023-06-16
virus_typer public Perform virus typing on Norovirus genogroups I and II, as well as Hepatitis A 2023-06-16
vsnp public vSNP - bacterial validation SNP analysis tool 2023-06-16
genomeqaml public CFIA OLC Genome Quality Assessment with Machine Learning 2023-06-16
cowbat public CFIA OLC Workflow for Bacterial Assembly and Typing 2023-06-16
validator_helper public Package to help validate that CSVs outputted by your pipelines match up with what you think they should. 2023-06-16
in_silico_pcr public Perform in silico PCR analyses on FASTA- and/or FASTQ-formatted files 2023-06-16
genewrappers public Python wrappers for bioinformatic tools 2023-06-16
genemethods public Common methods for object oriented gene target finding software 2023-06-16
olctools public Python package for commonly used tools at OLC 2023-06-16
geneseekr public Object oriented gene target finding software 2023-06-16
sipprverse public Object oriented raw read typing software 2023-06-16

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