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jdblischak / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
tiledbsoma-py public TileDB-SOMA Python API 2024-04-26
libtiledbsoma public TileDB-SOMA C++ library 2024-04-26
r-tiledbsoma public TileDB-SOMA R API 2024-04-24
libtiledb-sql-py public libtiledb-sql-py is a Embedded Python SQL interface for TileDB arrays using the MyTile storage engine 2024-03-22
tiledb public TileDB sparse and dense multi-dimensional array data management 2023-09-14
m2w64-htslib public C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats. 2023-06-18
tiledb-py public Python interface to the TileDB sparse and dense multi-dimensional array storage manager 2023-06-18
r-archr public This package is designed to streamline scATAC analyses in R. 2023-06-18
cross-r-base public R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. 2023-06-18
r-base public R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. 2023-06-18
r-h2gener public A method for partitioning gene-level contributions to complex-trait heritability by allele frequency (or any other binary annotations) 2023-06-18
r-susier public The package implements a simple new way to perform variable selection in multiple regression ($y=Xb+e$), using computationally efficient variational Bayes approach. The methods implemented here are particularly well-suited to settings where some of the X variables are highly correlated, and the true effects are highly sparse (e.g. <20 non-zero effects in the vector $b$), although it is also useful to more general applications. 2023-06-16
r-tinier public Shrink image filesizes with the TinyPNG API <https://tinypng.com>. Works with .png and .jpg/.jpeg files, and can return the new image filepath to enable embedding in other image workflows/functions. 2023-06-16
r-mixsqp public Provides optimization algorithms based on sequential quadratic programming (SQP) for maximum likelihood estimation of the mixture proportions in a finite mixture model where the component densities are known. The algorithms are expected to obtain solutions that are at least as accurate as the state-of-the-art MOSEK interior-point solver (called by function "KWDual" in the 'REBayes' package), and they are expected to arrive at solutions more quickly in large data sets. The algorithms are described in Y. Kim, P. Carbonetto, M. Stephens & M. Anitescu (2012) <arXiv:1806.01412>. 2023-06-16
r-mashr public Empirical Bayes shrinkage of multivariate effects. 2023-06-16
r-coga public Evaluation for density and distribution function of convolution of gamma distributions in R. Two related exact methods and one approximate method are implemented with efficient algorithm and C++ code. A quick guide for choosing correct method and usage of this package is given in package vignette. 2023-06-16
r-rodbc public An ODBC database interface. 2023-06-16
sos-r public SoS Notebook extension for language R 2023-06-16
sos-notebook public Script of Scripts (SoS): an interactive, cross-platform, and cross-language workflow system for reproducible data analysis 2023-06-16
wand public Ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python 2023-06-16
r-dscrutils public Various R functions for interacting with and analyzing the results of a Dynamic Statistical Comparison (DSC) experiment. 2023-06-16
r-seqgendiff public Modifies/generates RNA-seq data for use in simulations. 2023-06-16
sos public Script of Scripts (SoS): an interactive, cross-platform, and cross-language workflow system for reproducible data analysis 2023-06-16
r-vicar public Implements many methods for accounting for unobserved confounding in linear regression. If control genes are available, then the following methods are implementable: a calibrated version of CATE/RUV4 (vruv4), a Bayesian version of RUV (ruvb), a version of RUV that unifies other versions of RUV (ruv3), and a generalized version of RUV (ruvimpute). If control genes are not available, then MOUTHWASH (mouthwash) and BACKWASH (backwash) are excellent procedures to use as long as only one covariate is of interest. 2023-06-16
r-bfa public Provides model fitting for several Bayesian factor models including Gaussian, ordinal probit, mixed and semiparametric Gaussian copula factor models under a range of priors. 2023-06-16
r-cate public Provides several methods for factor analysis in high dimension (both n,p >> 1) and methods to adjust for possible confounders in multiple hypothesis testing. 2023-06-16
r-esabcv public These functions estimate the latent factors of a given matrix, no matter it is high-dimensional or not. It tries to first estimate the number of factors using bi-cross-validation and then estimate the latent factor matrix and the noise variances. For more information about the method, see Art B. Owen and Jingshu Wang 2015 archived article on factor model (http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.03515). 2023-06-16
r-leapp public These functions take a gene expression value matrix, a primary covariate vector, an additional known covariates matrix. A two stage analysis is applied to counter the effects of latent variables on the rankings of hypotheses. The estimation and adjustment of latent effects are proposed by Sun, Zhang and Owen (2011). "leapp" is developed in the context of microarray experiments, but may be used as a general tool for high throughput data sets where dependence may be involved. 2023-06-16
r-genlasso public This package computes the solution path for generalized lasso problems. Important use cases are the fused lasso over an arbitrary graph, and trend fitting of any given polynomial order. Specialized implementations for the latter two subproblems are given to improve stability and speed. 2023-06-16
r-rcppziggurat public The Ziggurat generator for normally distributed random numbers, originally proposed by Marsaglia and Tsang (JSS, 2000), has been improved upon a few times starting with Leong et al (JSS, 2005). This package provides an aggregation in order to compare different implementations. The goal is to provide an 'faster but good enough' alternative for use with R and C++ code. 2023-06-16
r-conicfit public Geometric circle fitting with Levenberg-Marquardt (a, b, R), Levenberg-Marquardt reduced (a, b), Landau, Spath and Chernov-Lesort. Algebraic circle fitting with Taubin, Kasa, Pratt and Fitzgibbon-Pilu-Fisher. Geometric ellipse fitting with ellipse LMG (geometric parameters) and conic LMA (algebraic parameters). Algebraic ellipse fitting with Fitzgibbon-Pilu-Fisher and Taubin. 2023-06-16
r-geigen public Functions to compute generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the generalized Schur decomposition and the generalized Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix pair, using Lapack routines. 2023-06-16
r-skmeans public Algorithms to compute spherical k-means partitions. Features several methods, including a genetic and a fixed-point algorithm and an interface to the CLUTO vcluster program. 2023-06-16
r-corshrink public Performs adaptive shrinkage of correlation and covariance matrices using a mixture model prior over the Fisher z-transformation of the correlations. A separate shrinkage intensity may be specifiedfor each cell of the correlation or the covariance table. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-scde public The scde package implements a set of statistical methods for analyzing single-cell RNA-seq data. scde fits individual error models for single-cell RNA-seq measurements. These models can then be used for assessment of differential expression between groups of cells, as well as other types of analysis. The scde package also contains the pagoda framework which applies pathway and gene set overdispersion analysis to identify and characterize putative cell subpopulations based on transcriptional signatures. The overall approach to the differential expression analysis is detailed in the following publication: "Bayesian approach to single-cell differential expression analysis" (Kharchenko PV, Silberstein L, Scadden DT, Nature Methods, doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2967). The overall approach to subpopulation identification and characterization is detailed in the following pre-print: "Characterizing transcriptional heterogeneity through pathway and gene set overdispersion analysis" (Fan J, Salathia N, Liu R, Kaeser G, Yung Y, Herman J, Kaper F, Fan JB, Zhang K, Chun J, and Kharchenko PV, Nature Methods, doi:10.1038/nmeth.3734). 2023-06-16
r-circular public Circular Statistics, from "Topics in circular Statistics" (2001) S. Rao Jammalamadaka and A. SenGupta, World Scientific. 2023-06-16
r-ccremover public Implements a method for identifying and removing the cell-cycle effect from scRNA-Seq data. The description of the method is in Barron M. and Li J. (2016) <doi 2023-06-16
r-heatmap3 public An improved heatmap package. Completely compatible with the original R function 'heatmap', and provides more powerful and convenient features. 2023-06-16
r-workflowr public workflowr provides helper functions to get started using R Markdown to create a research website. 2023-06-16
r-cellcycler public From gene expression data, filters out the sinusoidal genes and outputs relative times of the cells on the cell cycle. 2023-06-16
r-binhf public Binomial Haar-Fisz transforms for Gaussianization 2023-06-16
r-adlift public Adaptive wavelet lifting transforms for signal denoising using optimal local neighbourhood regression, from Nunes et al. (2006) <doi:10.1007/s11222-006-6560-y>. 2023-06-16
r-gh public Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'. 2023-06-16
r-ini public Parse simple '.ini' configuration files to an structured list. Users can manipulate this resulting list with lapply() functions. This same structured list can be used to write back to file after modifications. 2023-06-16
bismark public Bismark is a program to map bisulfite treated sequencing reads to a genome of interest and perform methylation calls in a single step. The output can be easily imported into a genome viewer, such as SeqMonk, and enables a researcher to analyse the methylation levels of their samples straight away. 2023-06-16
r-beeswarm public The bee swarm plot is a one-dimensional scatter plot like "stripchart", but with closely-packed, non-overlapping points. 2023-06-16
r-ggbeeswarm public Provides two methods of plotting categorical scatter plots such that the arrangement of points within a category reflects the density of data at that region, and avoids over-plotting. 2023-06-16
r-vipor public Generate a violin point plot, a combination of a violin/histogram plot and a scatter plot by offsetting points within a category based on their density using quasirandom noise. 2023-06-16
r-ggsci public A collection of 'ggplot2' color palettes inspired by plots in scientific journals, data visualization libraries, science fiction movies, and TV shows. 2023-06-16
r-cowplot public Some helpful extensions and modifications to the 'ggplot2' package. In particular, this package makes it easy to combine multiple 'ggplot2' plots into one and label them with letters, e.g. A, B, C, etc., as is often required for scientific publications. The package also provides a streamlined and clean theme that is used in the Wilke lab, hence the package name, which stands for Claus O. Wilke's plot package. 2023-06-16

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