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genomicepidemiology / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kma public KMA is mapping a method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. 2025-02-21
cgphylo public CGPhylo - core genome phylogenetics 2024-09-12
nanomgt public NanoMGT - Nanopore Marker Gene Typer 2024-07-10
cgevirus public CGE Virus Pipeline 2024-01-03
cgemetagenomics public CGE metagenomics pipeline 2024-01-03
cgeisolate public CGE isolate pipeline 2024-01-03
cgeutil public CGE isolate pipeline 2024-01-03
kgt_mlst public kgt_mlst test. 2023-11-21
cgecore public cgecore test. 2023-10-30
ccphylo public CCPhylo enables phylogenetic analysis of samples based on overlaps between nucleotide created by e.g. KMA. Input file(s) may be given as non-option arguments succeding all options. 2023-10-03
fqgrep public fqgrep greps sequences files against a file of sequence identifiers given through -f/--file. For practical reasons you might want to add fingerseq to your path, this is usually done with: 2023-10-03
fingerseq public fingerseq extracts basic information about sequence samples, such as the predicted technology, phred scale and whether the sample is paired end. 2023-10-03
kmergenetyper public Kmergenetyper test. 2023-09-18
mlst public The MLST service contains one python script mlst.py which is the script of the lates version of the MLST service. The method enables investigators to determine the ST based on WGS data. 2023-08-08
spatyper public The spaTyper service predicts the Staphylococcus aureus spa type from genome sequences. 2023-07-17
toxfinder public ToxFinder service. 2023-07-13
choleraefinder public The CholeraeFinder service contains one python script choleraefinder.py which is the script of the latest version of the CholeraeFinder service. CholeraeFinder identifies important genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of Vibrio Choleraes, and attempts to describe the specimen. 2023-07-11
cgmlstfinder public Core genome Multi-Locus Sequence Typing cgMLSTFinder runs KMA [1] against a chosen core genome MLST (cgMLST) database and outputs the detected alleles in a matrix file. 2023-07-11
virulencefinder public VirulenceFinder service contains one python script virulencefinder.py which is the script of the latest version of the VirulenceFinder service. VirulenceFinder identifies viruelnce genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria - at the moment only E. coli, Enterococcus, S. aureus and Listeria are available. 2023-07-07

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