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NASAaccess software can generate gridded ascii tables of CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate data as well as earth observation remote sensing data (GPM, TRMM, GLDAS) needed to drive various hydrological models (e.g., SWAT, VIC, DHSVM, RHESSys, …etc.). The NASAaccess platform is available as software packages (i.e., conda and R packages) as well as an interactive format web-based environmental modeling application for earth observation data developed with the Tethys Platform.

copied from cf-staging / r-nasaaccess


  • noarch v4.1.0

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install conda-forge::r-nasaaccess


Users need to set up a registration account(s) with Earthdata login as well as authorizing NASA GES DISC data access to generate gridded ascii tables of climate and earth observation remote sensing data. Please refer to https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/information/documents?title=Data%20Access for further details. Creating the '.netrc' file at the user machine Home directory and storing the user NASA GES DISC logging information in it is done automatically to execute the NASAaccess package commands. The GES DISC user registration access logging information will be processed by masking in the terminal on any major OS. Without providing GES DISC user registration access logging information, the user will receive 'You need to provide your Earthdata GES DISC login to proceed…' message.

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