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Easy-to-use powerfull finite element library based on Polyfem

copied from cf-staging / polyfempy


Info: This package contains files in non-standard labels.
  • win-64 v0.5.2
  • linux-64 v0.5.2
  • osx-64 v0.5.2

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install conda-forge::polyfempy
conda install conda-forge/label/cf202003::polyfempy


PolyFEM is a simple C++ and Python finite element library. We provide a wide set of common PDEs including:
- Laplace - Helmholtz - Linear Elasticity - Saint-Venant Elasticity - Neo-Hookean Elasticity - Stokes

PolyFEM simplicity lies on the interface: just pick a problem, select some boundary condition, and solve. No need to construct complicated function spaces, or learn a new scripting language: everything is set-up trough a the Setting python class. For instance, PolyFEM seamlessly integrates quad/hexes and tri/tets of order up to 4, and integrate state-of-the-art techniques such as the adaptive p-refinement. The library is actively used in our research so expect frequent updates, fixes, and new features!

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