A flake8 and Pylama plugin that checks the ordering of your imports.
copied from cf-staging / flake8-import-orderconda install conda-forge::flake8-import-order
conda install conda-forge/label/cf201901::flake8-import-order
conda install conda-forge/label/cf202003::flake8-import-order
conda install conda-forge/label/gcc7::flake8-import-order
A flake8 and Pylama plugin that checks the ordering of your imports. In general stdlib comes first, then 3rd party, then local packages, and that each group is individually alphabetized, see Configuration section for details. It will not check anything else about the imports. Merely that they are grouped and ordered correctly. This plugin is under somewhat active development and is heavily influenced by the personal preferences of the developers of cryptography. Expect seemingly random changes and configuration changes as we figure out how it should work.