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emela: an improved QED-version of MELA

copied from cf-staging / emela


  • linux-64 v1.0
  • osx-64 v1.0
  • linux-aarch64 v1.0
  • linux-ppc64le v1.0
  • osx-arm64 v1.0

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install conda-forge::emela


eMELA is a library that implements the evolution in pure QED of the unpolarised electron parton distribution functions (PDFs) up to next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) approximation, according to the papers listed on the GitHub repository. eMELA includes the evolution with multiple fermion families and their mass thresholds, and it gives one the possibility of choosing among three different UV-renormalisation schemes (MSBAR: $\overline{\rm MS}$, ALPMZ: $\alpha(mZ)$, ALGMU: $G\mu$) and two different factorisation schemes (MSBAR: $\overline{\rm MS}$, DELTA: $\Delta$).

More in detail, eMELA is an improved QED-version of MELA. It consists of a Fortran code responsible for the numerical evolution of the PDFs, and a C++ wrapper that provides one with the analytical solutions in the asymptotic $z \to 1$ region. Moreover, the possibility is given to the user to output the PDFs as grids compliant with the LHAPDF format, that can be employed at a later stage. Regardless of whether the numerical solution is computed at runtime or read from the grids, eMELA offers the possibility to switch to the analytical solution in the asymptotic region. This must be considered as the default option when using the PDFs for physics simulations.

Note: eMELA supersedes ePDF, that was limited to the evolution with a single lepton in the $\overline{\rm MS}$ renormalisation and factorisation schemes.

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