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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
msalign2 public Aligns 2 CE-MS or LC-MS datasets using accurate mass information. 2024-12-14
smafa public smafa is a tool for querying and clustering pre-aligned small pre-aligned sequences. 2024-12-14
srprism public SRPRISM - Short Read Alignment Tool 2024-12-14
cloudspades public A module of the SPAdes assembler aimed at genome assembly from linked read technologies (10x, Tellseq, Haplotagging). 2024-12-14
orna public In silico read normalization 2024-12-14
slclust public A utility that performs single-linkage clustering with the option of applying a Jaccard similarity coefficient to break weakly bound clusters into distinct clusters. 2024-12-14
mapseq public Open source metagenomic 16S/18S read classifier enabling comparative metagenomics. 2024-12-14
ushuffle public uShuffle---a useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts 2024-12-14
savvy public Interface to various variant calling formats. 2024-12-14
r-grbase public The 'gRbase' package provides graphical modelling features used by e.g. the packages 'gRain', 'gRim' and 'gRc'. 'gRbase' implements graph algorithms including (i) maximum cardinality search (for marked and unmarked graphs). (ii) moralization, (iii) triangulation, (iv) creation of junction tree. 'gRbase' facilitates array operations, 'gRbase' implements functions for testing for conditional independence. 'gRbase' illustrates how hierarchical log-linear models may be implemented and describes concept of graphical meta data. The facilities of the package are documented in the book by Højsgaard, Edwards and Lauritzen (2012, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2299-0>) and in the paper by Dethlefsen and Højsgaard, (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v014.i17>). Please see 'citation("gRbase")' for citation details. NOTICE 'gRbase' requires that the packages graph, 'Rgraphviz' and 'RBGL' are installed from 'bioconductor'; for installation instructions please refer to the web page given below. 2024-12-14
ucsc-autodtd public Give this a XML document to look at and it will come up with a DTD 2024-12-14
vcf2parquet public Convert a vcf in parquet. 2024-12-14
csblast public Context-specific extension of BLAST that significantly improves sensitivity and alignment quality. 2024-12-14
yacrd public Yet Another Chimeric Read Detector, with long-read mapper result as input. 2024-12-14
dupsifter public A tool for PCR duplicate marking of WGBS (and WGS) data. 2024-12-14
ucsc-fafrag public Extract a piece of DNA from a .fa file. 2024-12-14
circminer public Sensitive and fast computational tool for detecting circular RNAs (circRNAs) from RNA-Seq data. 2024-12-14
ucsc-twobitdup public check to see if a twobit file has any identical sequences in it 2024-12-14
kallisto public Quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. 2024-12-14
pstools public Toolkit for fully phased sequences 2024-12-14
soapec public a correction tool for SOAPdenovo 2024-12-14
kmc public Tools for efficient k-mer counting and filtering of reads based on k-mer content. 2024-12-14
r-seurat-data public Single cell RNA sequencing datasets can be large, consisting of matrices that contain expression data for several thousand features across several thousand cells. This package is designed to easily install, manage, and learn about various single-cell datasets, provided Seurat objects and distributed as independent packages. 2024-12-14
ucsc-qactoqa public convert from compressed to uncompressed 2024-12-14
ropebwt2 public Incremental construction of FM-index for DNA sequences 2024-12-14
enano public ENANO is a FASTQ compression tool especially designed for nanopore sequencing FASTQ files. 2024-12-14
seqfu public DNA sequence utilities 2024-12-14
newick_utils public The Newick Utilities are a suite of Unix shell tools for processing phylogenetic trees. We distribute the package under the BSD License. Functions include re-rooting, extracting subtrees, trimming, pruning, condensing, drawing (ASCII graphics or SVG). 2024-12-14
sgdemux public Tool for demultiplexing sequencing data generated on Singular Genomics' sequencing instruments. 2024-12-14
mapad public An aDNA aware short-read mapper 2024-12-14
skani public skani is a fast and robust tool for calculating ANI between metagenome assembled genomes and contigs. 2024-12-14
mapping-iterative-assembler public Consensus calling or `reference assisted assembly`, chiefly of ancient mitochondria. 2024-12-14
r-intego public An unsupervised gene clustering algorithm based on the integration of external biological knowledge, such as Gene Ontology annotations, into expression data. 2024-12-14
htslib public C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats. 2024-12-14
bbknn public Batch balanced KNN 2024-12-14
ucsc-genepredtoprot public create protein sequences by translating gene annotations 2024-12-14
wgsim public No Summary 2024-12-14
deepchopper-cli public A CLI for Genomic Language Model for Chimera Artifact Detection in Nanopore Direct RNA Sequencing. 2024-12-14
atac public No Summary 2024-12-14
table2asn public table2asn is a command-line program that creates sequence records for submission to GenBank - replaces tbl2asn. 2024-12-14
slow5tools public Toolkit for S/bLOW5 format 2024-12-14
ucsc-bedpileups public Find (exact) overlaps if any in bed input 2024-12-14
cansam public C++ binding for SAM/BAM files 2024-12-14
perl-time-hires public High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers 2024-12-14
bowtie public An ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner 2024-12-14
perl-digest-sha1 public Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm 2024-12-14
ucsc-fatrans public Translate DNA .fa file to peptide 2024-12-14
contrafold public CONditional TRAining for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction 2024-12-14
ucsc-checkagpandfa public takes a .agp file and .fa file and ensures that they are in synch 2024-12-14
perl-unicode-normalize public Unicode Normalization Forms 2024-12-14

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