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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
uropa public UROPA (Universal RObust Peak Annotator) is a command line based tool, intended for genomic region annotation from e.g. peak calling. It detects the most appropriate annotation by taking parameters such as feature type, anchor, direction and strand into account. Furthermore, it allows filtering for GTF attribute values, e.g. protein_coding. 2023-10-22
knock-knock public toolkit for analyzing CRISPR knock-in experiments 2023-10-20
rapgreen public Manipulate and annotate phylogenetic trees 2023-10-19
talon public TALON is a Python package for identifying and quantifying known and novel genes/isoforms in long-read transcriptome data sets. TALON is technology-agnostic in that it works from mapped SAM files, allowing data from different sequencing platforms (i.e. PacBio and Oxford Nanopore) to be analyzed side by side. 2023-10-18
redundans public Redundans is a pipeline that assists an assembly of heterozygous/polymorphic genomes. 2023-10-18
metapi public A general metagenomics data mining system focus on robust microbiome research 2023-10-18
hamronization public Tool to convert and summarize AMR gene detection outputs using the hAMRonization specification 2023-10-18
deepdirect public In silico approach to generate mutations for protein complexes towards a specified direction (increase/decrease) in binding affinity. 2023-10-18
t1dgrs2 public Generate a Type 1 Diabetes Genetic Risk Score (T1D GRS) that accounts for interactions between HLA DR-DQ risk haplotypes. 2023-10-18
nii2dcm public nii2dcm: NIfTI to DICOM creation with Python 2023-10-18
cromshell public Command-line interface to the Cromwell workflow manager 2023-10-17
fcsparser public A python package for reading raw fcs files 2023-10-17
snpsift public Toolbox that allows you to filter and manipulate annotated files 2023-10-17
fiji-morpholibj public MorphoLibJ is a collection of mathematical morphology methods and plugins for ImageJ, created at INRA-IJPB Modeling and Digital Imaging lab. 2023-10-16
rabies public RABIES: Rodent Automated Bold Improvement of EPI Sequences. 2023-10-15
corgi public Classifier for ORganelle Genomes Inter alia 2023-10-14
scrnasim-toolz public Tools used by scRNAsim workflow. 2023-10-14
fastagap public Count and remove missing data in fasta-formatted sequence data 2023-10-12
neoloop public Predict neo-loops induced by structural variations 2023-10-12
varfish-annotator-cli public Annotate variants for import into VarFish Server. 2023-10-11
tadlib public A Library to Explore Chromatin Interaction Patterns for Topologically Associating Domains 2023-10-11
seqstr public Lightweight tool to compile simple string input into long genomic sequences 2023-10-11
rrmscorer public RRMScorer (RRM-RNA score predictor) predicts how likely a single RRM is to bind ssRNA 2023-10-10
pythoncyc public A Python interface to Pathway Tools, 2019 update 2023-10-10
phytest public Quality control for phylogenetic pipelines using pytest 2023-10-10
kosudoku public kosudoku: a suite to rapidly create whole genome knockout collections for microorganisms 2023-10-08
asciigenome public Command-line genome browser running from terminal window and solely based on ASCII characters 2023-10-08
scanorama public Panoramic stitching of heterogeneous single-cell transcriptomic data 2023-10-08
noise2read public Turn noise to read 2023-10-07
biocantor public Coordinate Maniuplation and Genome Annotation Data Model 2023-10-07
cascade-config public Cascading configuration from the CLI and config files. 2023-10-06
hafez public A tool for identifying active prophage elements through read mapping 2023-10-04
ksw public Ksw: (interactive) smith-waterman in C 2023-10-04
sem public A nucleosome calling package for nucleosome subtype detection 2023-10-04
actc public PacBio utility to align clr to ccs reads 2023-10-04
svjedi-graph public SVJedi-graph is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data using a variation graph to represent SVs. 2023-10-04
bactopia-sketcher public Methods used by Bactopia for minmer sketching 2023-10-03
ice-cream public ICEcream: Integrative and Conjugative Elements Classification and gRaphical gEne Arrangement Method 2023-10-03
sequip public Perl module for biological sequence analysis and supporting utilities.. 2023-10-03
demultiplexer public python tool to demultiplex illumina reads tagged with the leeselab tagging scheme 2023-10-03
lrtk public This is a unified and versatile ToolKit for analyzing Linked-Read sequencing data. 2023-10-02
galaxyxml public Galaxy XML generation library 2023-10-02
pyjaspar public pyJASPAR: a serverless interface to Biopython to access different versions of JASPAR database 2023-09-27
perl-fastx-reader public FASTX::Reader, Perl module to parse FASTA and FASTQ files 2023-09-26
metaprokka public A fork of Prokka using Prodigal-GV for phage annotation and metagenome/metavirome tweaks 2023-09-26
ribotish public Ribo TIS Hunter (Ribo-TISH) identifies translation activities using ribosome profiling data. 2023-09-25
prokka public Rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes 2023-09-23
go-figure public GO-Figure! offers a simple solution for command-line plotting of informative summary visualisations of lists of GO terms, designed to support exploratory data analyses and multiple dataset comparisons. 2023-09-23
r-metablastr public The metablastr package harnesses the power of BLAST by providing interface functions between it and R. 2023-09-22
aquamis public AQUAMIS is a snakemake pipeline for routine assembly and quality assessment of microbial isolate sequencing experiments. 2023-09-20

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