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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
rapgreen public Manipulate and annotate phylogenetic trees 2023-10-19
talon public TALON is a Python package for identifying and quantifying known and novel genes/isoforms in long-read transcriptome data sets. TALON is technology-agnostic in that it works from mapped SAM files, allowing data from different sequencing platforms (i.e. PacBio and Oxford Nanopore) to be analyzed side by side. 2023-10-18
redundans public Redundans is a pipeline that assists an assembly of heterozygous/polymorphic genomes. 2023-10-18
metapi public A general metagenomics data mining system focus on robust microbiome research 2023-10-18
hamronization public Tool to convert and summarize AMR gene detection outputs using the hAMRonization specification 2023-10-18
deepdirect public In silico approach to generate mutations for protein complexes towards a specified direction (increase/decrease) in binding affinity. 2023-10-18
t1dgrs2 public Generate a Type 1 Diabetes Genetic Risk Score (T1D GRS) that accounts for interactions between HLA DR-DQ risk haplotypes. 2023-10-18
nii2dcm public nii2dcm: NIfTI to DICOM creation with Python 2023-10-18
cromshell public Command-line interface to the Cromwell workflow manager 2023-10-17
fcsparser public A python package for reading raw fcs files 2023-10-17
snpsift public Toolbox that allows you to filter and manipulate annotated files 2023-10-17
fiji-morpholibj public MorphoLibJ is a collection of mathematical morphology methods and plugins for ImageJ, created at INRA-IJPB Modeling and Digital Imaging lab. 2023-10-16
rabies public RABIES: Rodent Automated Bold Improvement of EPI Sequences. 2023-10-15
corgi public Classifier for ORganelle Genomes Inter alia 2023-10-14
scrnasim-toolz public Tools used by scRNAsim workflow. 2023-10-14
fastagap public Count and remove missing data in fasta-formatted sequence data 2023-10-12
neoloop public Predict neo-loops induced by structural variations 2023-10-12
varfish-annotator-cli public Annotate variants for import into VarFish Server. 2023-10-11
tadlib public A Library to Explore Chromatin Interaction Patterns for Topologically Associating Domains 2023-10-11
seqstr public Lightweight tool to compile simple string input into long genomic sequences 2023-10-11
rrmscorer public RRMScorer (RRM-RNA score predictor) predicts how likely a single RRM is to bind ssRNA 2023-10-10
pythoncyc public A Python interface to Pathway Tools, 2019 update 2023-10-10
phytest public Quality control for phylogenetic pipelines using pytest 2023-10-10
kosudoku public kosudoku: a suite to rapidly create whole genome knockout collections for microorganisms 2023-10-08
asciigenome public Command-line genome browser running from terminal window and solely based on ASCII characters 2023-10-08
scanorama public Panoramic stitching of heterogeneous single-cell transcriptomic data 2023-10-08
noise2read public Turn noise to read 2023-10-07
biocantor public Coordinate Maniuplation and Genome Annotation Data Model 2023-10-07
cascade-config public Cascading configuration from the CLI and config files. 2023-10-06
hafez public A tool for identifying active prophage elements through read mapping 2023-10-04
ksw public Ksw: (interactive) smith-waterman in C 2023-10-04
sem public A nucleosome calling package for nucleosome subtype detection 2023-10-04
actc public PacBio utility to align clr to ccs reads 2023-10-04
svjedi-graph public SVJedi-graph is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data using a variation graph to represent SVs. 2023-10-04
bactopia-sketcher public Methods used by Bactopia for minmer sketching 2023-10-03
ice-cream public ICEcream: Integrative and Conjugative Elements Classification and gRaphical gEne Arrangement Method 2023-10-03
sequip public Perl module for biological sequence analysis and supporting utilities.. 2023-10-03
demultiplexer public python tool to demultiplex illumina reads tagged with the leeselab tagging scheme 2023-10-03
lrtk public This is a unified and versatile ToolKit for analyzing Linked-Read sequencing data. 2023-10-02
galaxyxml public Galaxy XML generation library 2023-10-02
pyjaspar public pyJASPAR: a serverless interface to Biopython to access different versions of JASPAR database 2023-09-27
perl-fastx-reader public FASTX::Reader, Perl module to parse FASTA and FASTQ files 2023-09-26
metaprokka public A fork of Prokka using Prodigal-GV for phage annotation and metagenome/metavirome tweaks 2023-09-26
ribotish public Ribo TIS Hunter (Ribo-TISH) identifies translation activities using ribosome profiling data. 2023-09-25
prokka public Rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes 2023-09-23
go-figure public GO-Figure! offers a simple solution for command-line plotting of informative summary visualisations of lists of GO terms, designed to support exploratory data analyses and multiple dataset comparisons. 2023-09-23
r-metablastr public The metablastr package harnesses the power of BLAST by providing interface functions between it and R. 2023-09-22
aquamis public AQUAMIS is a snakemake pipeline for routine assembly and quality assessment of microbial isolate sequencing experiments. 2023-09-20
nanoget public Functions to extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments. 2023-09-19
cherri public Accurate detection of functional RNA-RNA Interactions sites 2023-09-19

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