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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
parnas public Representative taxon sampling from phylogenetic trees 2024-12-04
gambit public Tool for rapid taxonomic identification of microbial pathogens 2024-12-04
trust4 public TCR and BCR assembly from bulk or single-cell RNA-seq data 2024-12-04
mashmap public A fast approximate aligner for long DNA sequences. 2024-12-04
alignlib-lite public Simple wrapper around alignlib C++ library for sequence alignment 2024-12-04
ntedit public Ultrafast, lightweight, scalable genome assembly polishing, and SNV detection & annotation 2024-12-03
ntroot public Ancestry inference from genomic data 2024-12-03
apscale public Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data. 2024-12-03
liftover public A Python package for converting point coordinates between genome assemblies, inspired by pyliftover. 2024-12-03
sneakernet-qc public A QC pipeline for raw reads 2024-12-03
cell2cell public Inferring cell-cell interactions from transcriptomes with cell2cell 2024-12-03
cadd-scripts public CADD scripts release for offline scoring 2024-12-03
rotate public Simple program to rotate a circular sequence to start at a given position or string. 2024-12-03
versionix public Get version of any tools. 2024-12-03
fastplong public Ultra-fast preprocessing and quality control for long-read sequencing data. 2024-12-03
quota_anchor public Strand and WGD aware syntenic gene identification 2024-12-03
seqscreen public SeqScreen was created to sensitively assign taxonomic classifications, functional annotations, and Functions of Sequences of Concern (FunSoCs) to single, short DNA sequences or open reading frames. 2024-12-02
fastp public A ultra-fast FASTQ preprocessor with full features (QC/adapters/trimming/filtering/splitting...) 2024-12-02
phanotate public Phanotate gene caller for phages 2024-12-02
strainge public Strain Genome Explorer: a tool suite for tracking and characterizing low-abundance strains. 2024-12-02
gubbins public Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences using Gubbins. 2024-12-02
unassigner public Type strain identification for 16S reads 2024-12-02
graphaligner public Sequence to graph aligner for long reads 2024-12-02
baitfisher public No Summary 2024-12-02
hictkpy public Python bindings for hictk: read and write .cool and .hic files directly from Python 2024-12-01
ropebwt3 public Constructs the FM-index of a large DNA sequence set and searches for matches against the FM-index. 2024-12-01
palantir public Palantir for modeling continuous cell state and cell fate choices in single cell data 2024-12-01
yacht public YACHT is a mathematically rigorous hypothesis test for the presence or absence of organisms in a metagenomic sample, based on average nucleotide identity (ANI). 2024-11-29
perl-test-utf8 public handy utf8 tests 2024-11-29
jalview public Jalview is a free program for multiple sequence alignment editing, visualisation, analysis and figure generation. 2024-11-29
virsorter public VirSorter2 -- A multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA virus genomes 2024-11-29
pytximport public pytximport - gene count estimation from transcript-level quantification 2024-11-29
pegas public PeGAS is a Snakemake pipeline for genome analysis 2024-11-29
brawn public A tool for handling repetitive insertions into sequence alignments. 2024-11-28
hicexplorer public Set of programs to process, analyze and visualize Hi-C and capture Hi-C data 2024-11-28
strelka public Strelka calls somatic and germline small variants from mapped sequencing reads 2024-11-28
repeatmodeler public RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. 2024-11-28
vclust public Fast and accurate tool for calculating ANI and clustering virus genomes and metagenomes. 2024-11-27
crisprme public CRISPRme, tool package for CRISPR experiments assessment and analysis. 2024-11-27
clusty public Clusty is a tool for large-scale data clustering. 2024-11-27
kmer-db public Kmer-db is a fast and memory-efficient tool for estimating evolutionary distances. 2024-11-27
lz-ani public Fast and accurate tool for calculating Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) among virus and bacteria genomes 2024-11-27
spatialleiden public Implementation of multiplex Leiden for analysis of spatial omics data. 2024-11-27
cojac public Command-line tools to analyse co-occurrence of mutations on amplicons. 2024-11-27
arvados-python-client public Python API for Arvados 2024-11-26
genera public Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra 2024-11-25
agc public Assembled Genomes Compressor (AGC) is a tool designed to compress collections of de-novo assembled genomes. It can be used for various types of datasets: short genomes (viruses) as well as long (humans). 2024-11-25
cobs public Compact Bit-Sliced Signature Index (for Genomic k-Mer Data or q-Grams) 2024-11-25
omamer public OMAmer - tree-driven and alignment-free protein assignment to sub-families 2024-11-25
biobb_vs public Biobb_vs is the Biobb module collection to perform virtual screening studies. 2024-11-25

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