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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-mafdb.exac.r1.0.hs37d5 public Minor allele frequency data from ExAC release 1.0 for hs37d5 2025-01-04
bioconductor-phastcons7way.ucsc.hg38 public Store UCSC phastCons conservation scores for the human genome (hg38) calculated from multiple alignments with other 6 vertebrate species. 2025-01-04
bioconductor-mafdb.exac.r1.0.nontcga.hs37d5 public Minor allele frequency data from ExAC release 1.0 subset of nonTCGA exomes for hs37d5 2025-01-04
bioconductor-tenxbraindata public Data from the 10X 1.3 Million Brain Cell Study 2025-01-04
bioconductor-interest public Intron-Exon Retention Estimator 2025-01-04
bioconductor-vulcan public VirtUaL ChIP-Seq data Analysis using Networks 2025-01-04
bioconductor-sampleclassifier public Sample Classifier 2025-01-04
bioconductor-diffhic public Differential Analysis of Hi-C Data 2025-01-04
bioconductor-h5vc public Managing alignment tallies using a hdf5 backend 2025-01-04
bioconductor-cemitool public Co-expression Modules identification Tool 2025-01-04
bioconductor-ularcirc public Shiny app for canonical and back splicing analysis (i.e. circular and mRNA analysis) 2025-01-04
bioconductor-psichomics public Graphical Interface for Alternative Splicing Quantification, Analysis and Visualisation 2025-01-04
bioconductor-meshes public MeSH Enrichment and Semantic analyses 2025-01-04
bioconductor-pigengene public Infers biological signatures from gene expression data 2025-01-04
bioconductor-rnaseqsamplesize public RnaSeqSampleSize 2025-01-04
bioconductor-medips public DNA IP-seq data analysis 2025-01-04
bioconductor-gdcrnatools public GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, mRNA, and miRNA data in GDC 2025-01-04
bioconductor-tfea.chip public Analyze Transcription Factor Enrichment 2025-01-04
bioconductor-gostag public A tool to use GO Subtrees to Tag and Annotate Genes within a set 2025-01-04
bioconductor-clusterprofiler public A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data 2025-01-04
bioconductor-mineica public Analysis of an ICA decomposition obtained on genomics data 2025-01-04
bioconductor-chipseeker public ChIPseeker for ChIP peak Annotation, Comparison, and Visualization 2025-01-04
bioconductor-gsreg public Gene Set Regulation (GS-Reg) 2025-01-04
bioconductor-genvisr public Genomic Visualizations in R 2025-01-04
bioconductor-netsam public Network Seriation And Modularization 2025-01-04
bioconductor-reactomepa public Reactome Pathway Analysis 2025-01-04
bioconductor-transcriptogramer public Transcriptional analysis based on transcriptograms 2025-01-04
bioconductor-seqgsea public Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) of RNA-Seq Data: integrating differential expression and splicing 2025-01-04
bioconductor-enrichplot public Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result 2025-01-04
bioconductor-r453plus1toolbox public A package for importing and analyzing data from Roche's Genome Sequencer System 2025-01-04
bioconductor-lungcancerlines public Reads from Two Lung Cancer Cell Lines 2025-01-03
bioconductor-teqc public Quality control for target capture experiments 2025-01-03
bioconductor-intad public Search for correlation between epigenetic signals and gene expression in TADs 2025-01-03
bioconductor-rfpred public Assign rfPred functional prediction scores to a missense variants list 2025-01-03
bioconductor-tracktables public Build IGV tracks and HTML reports 2025-01-03
bioconductor-vegamc public VegaMC: A Package Implementing a Variational Piecewise Smooth Model for Identification of Driver Chromosomal Imbalances in Cancer 2025-01-03
bioconductor-riboseqr public Analysis of sequencing data from ribosome profiling experiments 2025-01-03
bioconductor-gopro public Find the most characteristic gene ontology terms for groups of human genes 2025-01-03
bioconductor-ssviz public A small RNA-seq visualizer and analysis toolkit 2025-01-03
bioconductor-signer public Empirical Bayesian approach to mutational signature discovery 2025-01-03
bioconductor-ramwas public Fast Methylome-Wide Association Study Pipeline for Enrichment Platforms 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cager public Analysis of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) sequencing data for precise mapping of transcription start sites and promoterome mining 2025-01-03
bioconductor-usort public uSORT: A self-refining ordering pipeline for gene selection 2025-01-03
bioconductor-tweedeseq public RNA-seq data analysis using the Poisson-Tweedie family of distributions 2025-01-03
bioconductor-tfutils public TFutils 2025-01-03
bioconductor-martini public GWAS Incorporating Networks 2025-01-03
bioconductor-scan.upc public Single-channel array normalization (SCAN) and Universal exPression Codes (UPC) 2025-01-03
bioconductor-mircomp public Tools to assess and compare miRNA expression estimatation methods 2025-01-03
bioconductor-erma public epigenomic road map adventures 2025-01-03
bioconductor-cagefightr public Analysis of Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) data using Bioconductor 2025-01-03

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