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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
treetime public Maximum-Likelihood dating and ancestral inference for phylogenetic trees 2024-07-07
snakemake public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2024-07-06
snakemake-minimal public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2024-07-06
manta public Structural variant and indel caller for mapped sequencing data 2024-07-05
ribotaper public RiboTaper is a new analysis pipeline for Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq) experiments, which exploits the triplet periodicity of ribosomal footprints to call translated regions. 2024-07-05
iqtree public Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood. 2024-07-04
sambamba public Tools for working with SAM/BAM data 2024-07-04
metasnv public SNV calling software 2024-07-04
ucsc-cell-browser public A browser for single-cell data, main site at http://cells.ucsc.edu. UCSC Cellbrowser, an interactive browser for single cell data. Includes importers and basic pipelines for text files, Seurat, Scanpy and Cellranger. All Javascript - does not require a server backend. 2024-07-04
survivor public Toolset for SV simulation, comparison and filtering 2024-07-03
star public An RNA-seq read aligner. 2024-07-03
taxonkit public A Cross-platform and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit 2024-07-03
trimal public A tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment 2024-07-03
bwakit public A self-consistent installation-free package of scripts and precompiled binaries, providing an end-to-end solution to read mapping 2024-07-02
r-biodb public An R package for connecting to chemical and biological databases. 2024-07-02
slclust public A utility that performs single-linkage clustering with the option of applying a Jaccard similarity coefficient to break weakly bound clusters into distinct clusters. 2024-07-02
chewbbaca public A complete suite for gene-by-gene schema creation and strain identification. 2024-07-02
extract_fullseq public extract_fullseq is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets 2024-07-01
squizz public Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. 2024-07-01
expansionhunter public A tool for estimating repeat sizes 2024-07-01
sourmash public Compute and compare MinHash signatures for DNA data sets. 2024-06-30
nonpareil public Estimate average coverage and create curves for metagenomic datasets 2024-06-28
hicexplorer public Set of programs to process, analyze and visualize Hi-C and capture Hi-C data 2024-06-28
merfishtools public MERFISHtools implement a Bayesian framework for accurately predicting gene or transcript expression from MERFISH data. On top, differential expression analysis can be performed for two or multiple conditions, including credible intervals for fold change and coefficient of variation, and controlling the expected false discovery rate. 2024-06-28
sonicparanoid public SonicParanoid: fast, accurate, and comprehensive orthology inference with machine learning and language models 2024-06-28
bmfilter public bmfilter is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets 2024-06-28
cgpbigwig public BigWig manpulation tools using libBigWig and htslib 2024-06-28
snp-dists public Convert a FASTA alignment to SNP distance matrix 2024-06-28
bmtool public bmtool is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets 2024-06-28
pairtools public CLI tools to process mapped Hi-C data 2024-06-28
ngs-disambiguate public Disambiguation algorithm for reads aligned to human and mouse genomes using Tophat or BWA mem 2024-06-28
srprism public SRPRISM - Short Read Alignment Tool 2024-06-28
gappa public Genesis Applications for Phylogenetic Placement Analysis 2024-06-28
perl-graph public a Perl extension for keeping data partially sorted 2024-06-28
plink2 public Whole genome association analysis toolset 2024-06-28
ngs-bits public Short-read sequencing tools 2024-06-27
picard public Java tools for working with NGS data in the BAM format 2024-06-27
wiggletools public The WiggleTools package allows genomewide data files to be manipulated as numerical functions, equipped with all the standard functional analysis operators (sum, product, product by a scalar, comparators), and derived statistics (mean, median, variance, stddev, t-test, Wilcoxon's rank sum test, etc). 2024-06-27
delly public Structural variant discovery by integrated paired-end and split-read analysis 2024-06-27
gdc-client public GDC Data Transfer Tool 2024-06-27
idba public IDBA-UD is a iterative De Bruijn Graph De Novo Assembler for Short Reads Sequencing data with Highly Uneven Sequencing Depth. 2024-06-26
cansam public C++ binding for SAM/BAM files 2024-06-26
checkm-genome public Assess the quality of microbial genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, and metagenomes. 2024-06-26
rnaquast public rnaQUAST is a tool for evaluating RNA-Seq assemblies using reference genome and gene database. In addition, rnaQUAST is also capable of estimating gene database coverage by raw reads and de novo quality assessment using third-party software. 2024-06-25
idr public The IDR (Irreproducible Discovery Rate) framework is a unified approach to measure the reproducibility of findings identified from replicate experiments and provide highly stable thresholds based on reproducibility. 2024-06-25
snap-aligner public Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program -- a fast and accurate read aligner for high-throughput sequencing data 2024-06-25
tandem-genotypes public Find tandem repeat length changes, from "long" DNA reads aligned to a genome 2024-06-25
kaptive public Reports information about surface polysaccharide loci for Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex and Acinetobacter baumannii genome assemblies. 2024-06-25
mason public Mason is a collection of tools for the simulation of biological sequences. 2024-06-24
abyss public Assembly By Short Sequences - a de novo, parallel, paired-end short read sequence assembler 2024-06-24

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