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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mztosqlite public Convert proteomics data files into a SQLite database. 2024-06-05
squeakr public An Exact and Approximate k-mer Counting System 2024-06-04
dawg public DNA Assembly with Gaps (Dawg) is an application designed to simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences in continuous time based on the robust general time reversible model with gamma and invariant rate heterogeneity and a novel length-dependent model of gap formation. 2024-06-04
cassiopee public scan an input genomic sequence (dna/rna/protein) and search for a subsequence with exact match or allowing substitutions (Hamming distance) and/or insertion/deletions 2024-06-04
airr public AIRR Community Data Representation Standard reference library for antibody and TCR sequencing data. Citations: AIRR standards <doi:10.5281/zenodo.1185414>. 2024-06-03
vcf2maf public Convert a VCF into a MAF where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms. 2024-05-31
perl-spreadsheet-parseexcel public Read information from an Excel file. 2024-05-31
bioconductor-contibait public Improves Early Build Genome Assemblies using Strand-Seq Data 2024-05-30
bioconductor-exomecopy public Copy number variant detection from exome sequencing read depth 2024-05-28
smallgenomeutilities public A collection of scripts that are useful for dealing with viral RNA NGS data. 2024-05-27
toil public A scalable, efficient, cross-platform and easy-to-use workflow engine in pure Python 2024-05-24
snpeff public Genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox 2024-05-23
bioconductor-maigespack public Functions to handle cDNA microarray data, including several methods of data analysis 2024-05-10
yaggo public Yaggo is a tool to generate command line parsers for C++. Yaggo stands for "Yet Another GenGetOpt" and is inspired by GNU Gengetopt. 2024-05-09
bioconductor-cohcap public CpG Island Analysis Pipeline for Illumina Methylation Array and Targeted BS-Seq Data 2024-05-09
r-workflowscriptscommon public Common functions for making R function wapper scripts. Functions in R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package is used by other packages (e.g. r-seurat-scripts) to add sets of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. 2024-05-07
mockinbird public A fully automatic and reproducible PAR-CLIP analysis pipeline 2024-05-07
pygenometracks public Standalone program and library to plot beautiful genome browser tracks. 2024-05-07
seqlogo public Python port of the R Bioconductor `seqlogo` package 2024-05-03
ddocent public dDocent is an interactive bash wrapper to QC, assemble, map, and call SNPs from all types of RAD data 2024-05-03
recon public No Summary 2024-05-01
hicmatrix public Library to manage Hi-C matrices for HiCExplorer and pyGenomeTracks 2024-04-30
pyensembl public Python interface to ensembl reference genome metadata 2024-04-25
gemini public a lightweight db framework for disease and population genetics. 2024-04-25
shiver public SHIVER - Sequences from HIV Easily Reconstructed 2024-04-24
cdbtools public CDB (Constant DataBase) indexing and retrieval tools for FASTA files 2024-04-24
goleft public goleft is a collection of bioinformatics tools distributed under MIT license in a single static binary 2024-04-22
exonerate public Exonerate - A generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison / alignment 2024-04-21
trackhub public Create and manage UCSC track hubs from Python 2024-04-21
rust-bio-tools public A growing collection of fast and secure command line utilities for dealing with NGS data implemented on top of Rust-Bio. 2024-04-19
vcfanno public annotate a VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files 2024-04-19
xxmotif public No Summary 2024-04-14
gffutils public Work with GFF and GTF files in a flexible database framework 2024-04-13
perl-parallel-loops public Execute loops using parallel forked subprocesses 2024-04-13
ddrage public Simulator for ddRADseq (double digest restriction site associated DNA sequencing) datasets. Generates reads (FASTQ format) that can be analyzed and validated using a ground truth file (YAML). 2024-04-05
pyega3 public EGA python client 2024-04-03
gatk public The full Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) framework, v3 2024-04-03
cgatcore public CGAT : the Computational Genomics Analysis Toolkit 2024-04-02
bcftools-gtc2vcf-plugin public Tools to convert Illumina and Affymetrix array intensity data files into VCF files. 2024-03-29
igvtools public Command line tools for IGV 2024-03-28
msgf_plus public MS-GF+ is a MS/MS database search tool 2024-03-28
r-bcbiornaseq public R package for bcbio RNA-seq analysis. 2024-03-28
anvio-minimal public An interactive analysis and visualization platform for omics data 2024-03-25
rgi public This tool provides a preliminary annotation of your DNA sequence(s) based upon the data available in The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). Hits to genes tagged with Antibiotic Resistance ontology terms will be highlighted. As CARD expands to include more pathogens, genomes, plasmids, and ontology terms this tool will grow increasingly powerful in providing first-pass detection of antibiotic resistance associated genes. See license at CARD website 2024-03-24
mugsy public Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. 2024-03-21
rnachipintegrator public Analyse genes against peak data, and vice versa 2024-03-18
mafft public Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences based on fast Fourier transform 2024-03-14
rdp_classifier public Naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provide taxonomic assignments from domain to genus 2024-03-09
drep public De-replication of microbial genomes assembled from multiple samples 2024-03-01
ont-fast5-api public Oxford Nanopore Technologies fast5 API software 2024-02-28

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