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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-pslsort public Merge and sort psCluster .psl output files 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedrestricttopositions public Filter bed file, restricting to only ones that match chrom/start/ends specified in restrict.bed file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-netsplit public Split a genome net file into chromosome net files 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainsort public Sort chains. By default sorts by score. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigwigtobedgraph public Convert from bigWig to bedGraph format. 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredtogtf public Convert genePred table or file to gtf. 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslcheck public validate PSL files 2024-08-27
ucsc-dbsnoop public Produce an overview of a database. 2024-08-27
ucsc-paranodestatus public version 12.18 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadout public load RepeatMasker .out files into database 2024-08-27
ucsc-hgloadwiggle public Load a wiggle track definition into database 2024-08-27
ucsc-maftoaxt public Convert from maf to axt format 2024-08-27
ucsc-psltobed public transform a psl format file to a bed format file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mktime public convert date string to unix timestamp 2024-08-27
ucsc-parahubstop public version 12.18 2024-08-27
ucsc-expmatrixtobarchartbed public Generate a barChart bed6+5 file from a matrix, meta data, and coordinates. 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafsplitpos public Pick positions to split multiple alignment input files 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafaddirows public add 'i' rows to a maf 2024-08-27
ucsc-websync public download from https server, using files.txt on their end to get the list of files 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslsomerecords public Extract multiple psl records 2024-08-27
ucsc-para public version 12.18 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedgeneparts public Given a bed, spit out promoter, first exon, or all introns. 2024-08-27
ucsc-autosql public create SQL and C code for permanently storing 2024-08-27
ucsc-psltopslx public Convert from psl to pslx format, which includes sequences 2024-08-27
ucsc-addcols public Sum columns in a text file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-genepredtoprot public create protein sequences by translating gene annotations 2024-08-27
ucsc-nettobed public Convert target coverage of net to a bed file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainnet public Make alignment nets out of chains 2024-08-27
ucsc-randomlines public Pick out random lines from file 2024-08-27
ucsc-catuncomment public Concatenate input removing lines that start with '#' 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafmefirst public Move component to top if it is one of the named ones. 2024-08-27
ucsc-farc public Reverse complement a FA file 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainprenet public Remove chains that don't have a chance of being netted 2024-08-27
ucsc-hggcpercent public Calculate GC Percentage in 20kb windows 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslrecalcmatch public Recalculate match,mismatch,repMatch columns in psl file. 2024-08-27
ucsc-htmlcheck public Do a little reading and verification of html file 2024-08-27
ucsc-pslreps public Analyze repeats and generate genome-wide best alignments from a 2024-08-27
ucsc-chainfilter public Filter chain files. Output goes to standard out. 2024-08-27
ucsc-bedtobigbed public Convert bed file to bigBed. (BigBed version: 4) 2024-08-27
ucsc-netsyntenic public Add synteny info to net. 2024-08-27
ucsc-paranodestart public version 12.18 2024-08-27
ucsc-twobitdup public check to see if a twobit file has any identical sequences in it 2024-08-27
ucsc-mafsplit public Split multiple alignment files 2024-08-27
ucsc-gmtime public convert unix timestamp to date string 2024-08-27
ucsc-bigwigcorrelate public Correlate bigWig files, optionally only on target regions. 2024-08-27
ucsc-fasplit public Split an fa file into several files. 2024-08-27
ucsc-xmlcat public Concatenate xml files together, stuffing all records inside a single outer tag. 2024-08-27
ucsc-blat public Standalone BLAT v. 36x2 fast sequence search command line tool 2024-08-27
ucsc-maffilter public Filter out maf files. Output goes to standard out 2024-08-27
ucsc-subchar public Substitute one character for another throughout a file. 2024-08-27

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