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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pbmm2 public A minimap2 frontend for PacBio native data formats 2024-12-13
ucsc-ameme public find common patterns in DNA 2024-12-13
lightassembler public Lightweight assembly algorithm designed to be executed on a desktop machine. It uses a pair of cache oblivious Bloom filters, one holding a uniform sample of g-spaced sequenced k-mers and the other holding k-mers classified as likely correct, using a simple statistical test. 2024-12-13
ucsc-chainmergesort public Combine sorted files into larger sorted file 2024-12-13
admixtools public ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et al. 2012) is a software package that supports formal tests of whether admixture occurred, and makes it possible to infer admixture proportions and dates. 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigbedinfo public Show information about a bigBed file. 2024-12-13
gocr public GOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program 2024-12-13
dnp-corrprofile public Profile of correlations between the patterns of dinucleotide frequency on forward and reverse strands 2024-12-13
squizz public Squizz is a sequence/alignment format checker, but it has some conversion capabilities too. 2024-12-13
harvesttools public HarvestTools is a part of the Harvest software suite and provides file conversion between Gingr files and various standard text formats 2024-12-13
lz4-bin public Extremely Fast Compression Application 2024-12-13
spades public SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assembler) is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. 2024-12-13
spaln public Map and align a set of cDNA/EST or protein sequences onto a genome 2024-12-13
macs2 public Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigbedsummary public Extract summary information from a bigBed file. 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslscore public calculate web blat score from psl files 2024-12-13
ncbi-ngs-sdk public NGS is a new, domain-specific API for accessing reads, alignments and pileups produced from Next Generation Sequencing. 2024-12-13
abundancebin public No Summary 2024-12-13
xtandem public No Summary 2024-12-13
fasta3 public The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs 2024-12-13
minimap public Experimental tool to find approximate mapping positions between long sequences 2024-12-13
libdivsufsort public No Summary 2024-12-13
2pg_cartesian public 2pg cartesian is a framework of optimization algorithms for protein structure prediction. 2024-12-13
perl-data-uuid public Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs) 2024-12-13
ucsc-paranodestart public version 12.18 2024-12-13
karect public Read error correction tool based on multiple alignment. 2024-12-13
allegro public A fast linkage and haplotype analysis utility making use of MTBDD to reduce complexity. 2024-12-13
fwdpy11 public Forward-time population genetic simulation in Python. 2024-12-13
digestiflow-cli public Command line client for Digestiflow. 2024-12-13
pgma-simple public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-bedweedoverlapping public Filter out beds that overlap a 'weed.bed' file. 2024-12-13
meryl public No Summary 2024-12-13
ska public SKA (Split Kmer Analysis) 2024-12-13
ucsc-dbsnoop public Produce an overview of a database. 2024-12-13
fmlrc public A long-read error correction tool using the multi-string Burrows Wheeler Transform 2024-12-13
estscan public No Summary 2024-12-13
ucsc-linestora public generate .ra format from lines with pipe-separated fields 2024-12-13
ucsc-stringify public Convert file to C strings. 2024-12-13
vdjer public B Cell Receptor Repertoire Reconstruction from short read mRNA-Seq data 2024-12-13
perl-socket6 public IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators 2024-12-13
ucsc-bigpsltopsl public convert bigPsl file to psl 2024-12-13
w4mclassfilter public Filter Workflow4Metabolomics feature list, optionally imputing NA values. 2024-12-13
diamond public Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner 2024-12-13
ucsc-wigcorrelate public Produce a table that correlates all pairs of wigs. 2024-12-13
perl-perl-unsafe-signals public Allow unsafe handling of signals in selected blocks 2024-12-13
ucsc-hgfindspec public Create hgFindSpec table from trackDb.ra files. 2024-12-13
fqtrim public fqtrim is a versatile stand-alone utility that can be used to trim adapters, poly-A tails, terminal unknown bases (Ns) and low quality 3' regions in reads from high-throughput next-generation sequencing machines. 2024-12-13
ucsc-ratolines public Output .ra file stanzas as single lines, with pipe-separated fields. 2024-12-13
fasta_ushuffle public a wrapper for uShuffle 2024-12-13
art public No Summary 2024-12-13

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